Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2069 Could it be an immortal? !

Instantly, all the monks were shocked.

what's the situation?

They are just two young brats, how can they actually make the leader of the alliance say these words?

They subconsciously thought that the alliance leader was in a bad mood, so he said this to them. It was not because those two brats were really strong enough to compete with the alliance leader, but reason told them that the alliance leader who had never joked with them was Seriously, those two little brats who in their eyes have not yet been weaned and can be killed with one slap, really have the strength to compete with their leader!

They feel that this world is a little crazy. The leader of the alliance can make them kneel down without taking any action, just by overflowing with coercion. With just a random finger, he can crush a strong man in the late stage of divine transformation to death. Now two people suddenly jump out. It’s so fucking unbelievable that this little thing who is still young can suddenly compete with the leader of the alliance!

In contrast to the monks under Hongwei's command, it was naturally the monks of the Danxia Sect. The headmaster of the Danxia Sect and the elders were also confused at the beginning, but they smiled after coming back to their senses.

As long as the two little sisters are not weaker than Hongwei, then the Danxia Sect no longer has to worry about being liquidated!

"My queen mother is very beautiful when she is angry, and she is extremely domineering. After all, she can make my father carefully comfort me. You are just a tigress, ferocious, not as cute as a tiger."

Ling'er looked at Princess Hongwei seriously, and then gave this comment.

Only little guys like the two sisters can find a tigress in a rage cute.

"Little girl, if I don't beat you and cry today, this princess will take your surname!"

Princess Hongwei said angrily.

"No, it would be great if my father had two lovely and well-behaved daughters like me and my sister. He doesn't need an old woman like you who is not cute at all and is not his biological daughter as his daughter."

Linger shook his head.


Princess Hongwei was completely pissed off.

She could see that the two little sisters were really only seven or eight years old, but no matter how young they were, Lin Nan, as a being at the Tao Ancestor level, would never be younger than her. Ling'er actually dared to say that she She is an old woman, she is really disgusting!

"Don't believe it. My father and mother are not yet over forty years old. Tell me, what are you if you are not an old woman? It is absolutely impossible for an old woman like you to take advantage of my father, let alone even think about it. You can take advantage of it."

Ling'er raised her small hand, extending only her index finger, shaking her finger while shaking her head, and said with Shui Ling's eyes half closed.

"watch out!"

Princess Hongwei could no longer suppress her anger. She had been respected by others since she was a child, and she had never scolded anyone, and no one had ever dared to speak sarcastically to her.

Even if she is a prodigy, even if she is extremely intelligent, how could she possibly scold Ling'er, a little guy who often meets weird people and often hurts each other.


Princess Hongwei directly used her magical power without any sloppiness.

"Crack! Crack!"

Although the combat power was suppressed and the power of the magical power was not as powerful as it was in the outside world, when the magical power was activated, the void collapsed and the space collapsed in the area where the magical power passed!

Where this small world was opened, although the Supreme Emperor had laid down laws to suppress all outside monks, he could not do everything in the end anyway. The power of the Immortal Dao was enough to disrupt this small world, causing mountains, rivers, and even rivers and lakes to collapse. All shifted.

Now, if Princess Hongwei hadn't only targeted the two little sisters and refused to waste any of her power, hundreds of thousands of miles around would have collapsed because of this magical power.

"Oh my god! The alliance leader is so powerful. Although the power of the magical attack is restrained and not spread out, it still makes my hair stand on end, my legs are weak, and my mind goes blank. I am afraid that a ray of energy will overflow and kill me. Kill, I think...even the strong men in the Tribulation Stage and the Mahayana Stage cannot have such combat power!"

"This... really doesn't look like a magical power that a powerful person in the Mahayana stage can unleash. You see... that strange Qi Yun... is really like the legendary... Immortal... Immortal Dao Qi Yun!"

"Oh my God! Lord...Alliance Leader, could she...could she be an immortal?!"

The monks who were watching were dumbfounded when they saw Princess Hongwei exerting her magical power with all her strength.

All this was so dreamy. They knew that Princess Hongwei was very strong, but they didn't expect that when Princess Hongwei used her magical power with all her strength, they could actually see the legendary immortal energy. No matter how they looked at it, it looked like I'm dreaming!

Lin Momo and Ling'er instantly moved forward and simultaneously displayed the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm.

"Crack! Crack!"

The two large golden hand seals also shattered the void, shattered the space, and went straight towards the magical attack triggered by Princess Hongling.


In an instant, the three attacks collided together, just like before on the Divine Pond. After canceling each other out for nearly half a cup of tea, the three attacks disappeared together.

The broken void and collapsed space finally calmed down after a long time.

The two little sisters did not take action again, but just stared at Princess Hongwei for a moment.

Princess Hongwei did not take action again, and also stared at the two little sisters for a moment.

They were evenly matched and could not tell the winner even if they kept fighting. Princess Hongwei felt that she was about to enter the Immortal Realm, but she was not in a hurry because she knew that the two little sisters could also fight with her. , pragmatically lay the foundation for the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, and then enter the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm. By then, it seems that she still cannot beat the two little sisters.

Xu Lang had a headache. He knew that the two little sisters and Princess Hongwei were in a confrontation. Although he was given space to explore the ruins, he still couldn't rest assured.

Not because of anything else, but because he was training with the two little sisters. If he couldn't help the little sisters when they met their opponents, it would simply be a hindrance.

Since entering the ruins of the outside world, he has hardly done anything. The two little sisters have been leading him to escape. Now when he encounters Princess Hongwei again, he can still only stare at it, which makes him feel very uncomfortable. .

You must know that before meeting Lin Nan's family, no matter where he was, he was the absolute pride of heaven. When he was training with others, he was definitely the one who played at home. But now he has changed. This kind of reversal of gap is really too big. Bigger.

"Huh? If I don't go through the tribulation directly here, even though the combat power will still be very different, at least I can be of some help!"

Xu Lang suddenly thought that he had already reached the time to overcome the tribulation. The recent sermons had made his foundation more solid. It was time to overcome the tribulation!

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