Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2075 I won’t hurt you

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"How can this be!"

Hongwei was stunned and murmured to herself.

Compared to the young monks watching from a distance, Hongwei's heart was really turned upside down.

Since she started practicing Taoism, she has known that she is the most talented woman of the generation of demigods. Only in another big world controlled by demigods can the talent of a man who has been selected by the Emperor of Heaven and has entered the level of Immortal Saint. Comparable to her.

Now, she was defeated by a heroic spirit!

Moreover, the realm of this heroic spirit in life is the same as hers. No matter how much a heroic spirit cultivates, as long as it does not break through the realm, it will never be more powerful than it was in life. Under the same realm, the self in life can easily After turning into a heroic spirit, he erased himself.

In this way, facing a heroic spirit of the same level, as the most amazing and talented woman in the great world outside, she was unable to easily defeat him. If it weren't for the fact that her magical attack had become stronger because of her anger, , even half a point weaker than the opponent. This blow is really too big for Hongwei!

Hongwei felt that today was a very bad day. She met a pair of little sisters whose talents were ridiculously higher than hers, and now she met a heroic spirit who was in the same realm and was not weaker than her!

"You are strong."

Just when Hongwei was lost in thought, the heroic spirit said this, his voice still hoarse.

"What do you mean?"

Hongwei looked at the heroic spirit with a cold expression, thinking that he was humiliating her.

"It has been too long, too long. I could have entered a higher realm, but... my body is dead and I liberated it by myself. Therefore, there is no possibility of reshaping the body, so I have not made a breakthrough. Now I, I have recovered 90% of my previous combat power. Master said that when he was in my realm, he was equal to me and no one was stronger than anyone else. So... you are not much weaker than my master, you are an extremely powerful existence. If you don’t take the wrong path in the future, you may not be able to achieve the status of Heavenly Emperor.”

The heroic spirit said.

When he said this, he seemed to be reminiscing, and there seemed to be a bit of bitterness on his face.


Hongwei couldn't help but frown.

She didn't think that the heroic spirit was comforting her, and there was no need for the other party to comfort her.

At the same time, this ruins was left by that heroic spirit, so it must have various restrictions. If that heroic spirit mobilized the restrictions or killing array, she could easily be killed here.

Therefore, Hongwei couldn't figure out why the heroic spirit suddenly became melancholy and why he said such words to her.

"Master's inheritance cannot be taken away by demigod monks. If you try to take it away by force, you will only feel that your body will die and your soul will disappear. Even if you allow your demigod emperor to come, the inheritance left by master will also be destroyed." After feeling the breath of the Emperor of Heaven, it will dissipate on its own, dust will return to dust, dust will return to dust, and it will no longer appear in the human world!"

The heroic spirit continued.

Hongwei was silent. She believed these words. It would be unreasonable for a human race supreme emperor who was admired by the Mingtai Imperial City to not have these means.

"Here is what I have learned in my life. It can at least make your foundation more stable until you reach the stage of Saint Ancestor Realm. It will also be of great reference significance for what path you should take in the future. If you If you are willing to promise me to keep this small world and protect my people in this small world, I will give you the inheritance I left behind."

The heroic spirit said slowly.

Hongwei was stunned, not expecting that the heroic spirit would say these words, but after thinking for a moment, she nodded directly.

She knew that the heroic spirit was not purely kind-hearted, nor did Shi Laozi appreciate her. It was purely because he wanted her to protect the human race living in this small world. Otherwise, I am afraid that he would have already been killed when she entered this ruins. Turn around and kill her.

It is precisely because of this that Hongwei did not refuse, nor did she dare to refuse. She had not lived enough, and she had never thought that she would fall. When she had a choice, she would naturally not care about those who had been killed before. That heroic spirit lost face, not to mention that she gained nothing after agreeing, at least she got what the heroic spirit had learned in his life.

Although she can no longer touch the inheritance of the supreme emperor of the human race, as a disciple of the supreme emperor, that heroic spirit must have learned the methods and magical powers of that emperor, at least enough for her to use now.


Suddenly, just when the heroic spirit was about to make Hongwei swear an oath, the heroic spirit's eyes instantly looked at the entrance to the ruins and froze.

Over there, Hongwei was stunned. She didn't realize why the heroic spirit was acting like this for a while, but she instantly realized that the little sisters and others must have entered the ruins. The heroic spirit must also have noticed that the two little sisters were gifted. , and he is also a human monk.


In an instant, Hongwei ignored everything else and used all her strength to throw a bunch of top-grade immortal treasures at the heroic spirit, then turned around and ran away.

In an instant, Hongwei saw the little sister and others. Fortunately, the little sister and others did not stop her. The heroic spirit did not know whether it did not react or had no intention of dealing with her, allowing her to leave this place unimpeded. remains.

"Hey...sister, what happened to that playboy Hongwei? Why is it that she seems to be running for her life, and nothing unusual happened!"

Ling'er glanced at the exit and couldn't help but be confused.

"I don't know, but you have to be careful. Someone as arrogant as Hongwei ran away so gracelessly. There must be something unusual about this ruins. Don't be careless!"

Lin Momo said.

"OK, all right."

Linger nodded in response.

But before everyone could continue their journey, they saw a phantom walking over.

At first glance, everyone was stunned for a moment, then came to their senses and recognized that it was a heroic spirit!

"Hey? Sister, this is a heroic spirit in the Immortal King Realm. Could it be that this guy scared Hongwei away?"

Linger shouted.

"Don't be careless. If he can scare Hongwei away, it won't be easy. I'm afraid we won't be able to stop him if we work together."

Lin Momo looked solemn and warned Ling'er while waving to everyone to move back.

"You don't need to worry, and there's no need to go out. I won't hurt you."

The heroic spirit spoke.


Lin Momo was stunned for a moment, but she didn't take it seriously. She immediately told everyone to turn around and run away, while she and Ling'er were ready to take action at any time.

Xu Lang did not leave, but stood together with the two sisters, also ready to use his magical powers.

"Your magic weapon can be taken out. It will not be crushed by the power of the law after taking out the magic weapon like the demigod monk just now."

That heroic spirit laughed.

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