Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2076 Beating the Demigod Celestial Emperor

"Eh...you can still laugh? When you speak, your voice is hoarse, like an old man with a throat problem, but his laughter is not stupid at all, but has a youthful and energetic feeling."

Ling'er's big, watery eyes widened, and the little girl was very surprised. It was true as she said, that was what she thought in her heart.

"Where are you human monks from?"

The heroic spirit smiled again, as if he had a good sense of Ling'er, and then asked this question.

"Nine Heavens and Ten Earths."

Lin Momo responded briefly, still retreating, not really relaxing because the other party didn't seem to have any ill intentions.

"Well...Master has been there before, but it was only then that the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were condensed. The most powerful monks were just Chaos Gods, at the level of the Saint Ancestor. The acquired creatures had not yet touched the threshold of becoming immortals. , the whole big world is still protected by the Avenue of Chaos, but I didn’t expect that it is now so powerful that it can send you three juniors here through the land where the demigods are entrenched!”

The heroic spirit spoke again, and this time his voice seemed no longer so hoarse, but there was an unspeakable emotion in his words.

"Who are you?"

Lin Momo stopped, no longer retreating, and looked directly at the heroic spirit.

It's not that the little girl is not afraid anymore, she just knows that Lin Nan must have arrived and is nearby, and will take action at any time. After all, this heroic spirit is not simple no matter how you look at it, and it is definitely not something that she, Ling'er and Xu Lang can deal with.

At the same time, it was also because I was aroused by the heroic spirit’s words and wanted to know more about it in detail.

"I! I am a human monk who used to be in the big world outside. My master is the one who opened up this small world..."

The heroic spirit said slowly that he was not in a hurry, and he could also see that the two little sisters and Xu Lang were not in a hurry.

He would not take action against the three of them. From the moment the three of them entered the ruins and he saw them, he had no intention of killing them.

At the same time, he also knew that this small world could not support monks like Xu Lang, let alone the two little sisters, so he knew from the beginning that the three of them came from other big worlds. He was sure that Hongwei knew the identities of the three people, otherwise she wouldn't have run away immediately after finding out that he had seen the three of them.

To him, the human race is better than the demigod race after all. He can trust little girls like the two little sisters. As for the existence behind the two little sisters, there is no doubt that they can bring two seven or eight-year-old little girls together. If the girl is trained like this, she will definitely not be an indiscriminate person, nor can she kill innocent people without any reason. The real strong people in this world are like this, such as his master.

He didn't kill Hongwei because a proud woman like Hongwei must be lighting her natal lamp in the demigod's ancestral hall. With his strength, even if he mobilized a large array, he could not completely kill Hongwei. It's possible, so it's better not to take action to prevent Hongwei from revealing the news about this place, thus attracting a large group of powerful demigods and even the demigod Celestial Emperor.

He didn't know how powerful the existence behind the two little sisters was, but after hearing the two little sisters say that they came from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, he was very glad that he did not take action against Hongwei.

Because he knows what kind of big world Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is. It is an outrageously powerful world. He can 100% control the existence of the spirit of the sky elsewhere. After going to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, at the level of the Supreme Emperor, he is afraid that They can only be ranked in the middle and lower reaches.

The more powerful a world is, the more powerful the Heavenly Spirit will be. Although the Heavenly Emperor status achieved after being able to control the Heavenly Spirit is absolutely astonishing, the same Heavenly Emperor is stronger than other Heavenly Emperors, but the difficulty of conquering the Heavenly Spirit will be the same. Increase by qualitative change.

In the big world outside, if there were not three Heavenly Spirits, only two or one, even without his master, they would have been surrendered by the local monks long ago. How could they be killed by the demigods and pick the fruits? It has also reduced the local human race to the current situation, and only this little spark remains in this small world!

Because of this, he felt that the existence that brought the two little sisters and Xu Lang, although powerful, was not the Emperor of Heaven. Perhaps it was an existence at the same level as his master, but because the spirit of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was too powerful, he could not Achieve the status of Heavenly Emperor.

But even if he was his master, when he faced the demigod Celestial Emperor, although he was not helpless, he only managed to hold on for a few days before he had to escape and suffered extremely serious injuries. Finally, he opened up this path. After sitting in a small world, the troops dispersed.

Therefore, he was glad that he did not take action against Hongwei and prevented the powerful demigods from surrounding him and harming the little sisters and others as well as the descendants of his own clan in vain.

"Granny, the demigods are really abominable. The reason why we are here is because the demigods are plotting against the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. My father came here to warn their Emperor of Heaven, and by the way, he asked us to come over and experience it."

After listening to what the heroic spirit said, Ling'er, who had already been filled with anger, finally couldn't bear it any longer. The little girl who had never uttered a curse word cursed like this for the first time, but after speaking, the little girl's voice became softer.

This is because the little girl suddenly remembered that she had just said that Hongwei was a playboy. Now that she was talking, she felt inexplicably that she was also a playboy!


The heroic spirit was stunned.

He was not surprised that the demigods had the idea to attack Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but he did not expect that the little sisters and others did not come here secretly.

Looking at Ling'er's posture, he could tell that the father the little girl mentioned was indeed here to beat the demigod emperor. The little girl must have witnessed her father meeting with the demigod strongman, so she could say this with such indignation. The remarks.

But he was confused. In a big world like Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it is very likely that the Emperor of Heaven will never emerge. The demigods' idea of ​​​​taking the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was just to give it a try. In fact, they were not sure that they could control the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The spirit of earth, heaven and sky.

But now... to beat the demigod Celestial Emperor, no matter what, it must be the Celestial Emperor. Otherwise, wouldn't his death be in vain?

But the two little sisters and Xu Lang are now unscathed. They don't even take the demigods seriously. They seem to have a dispute with Hongwei. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't make people think that they are low-level monks who went to the big world of hostile tribes. What it should look like later.

"Huh? My father is here."

The heroic spirit was still dazed, Ling'er was still yelling indignantly, and Xu Lang was also lowering his head and thinking. Only Lin Momo, who had been calming down her emotions, sensed Lin Nan's approaching aura.

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