Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2077 What do you want to do!

Ling'er immediately stopped shouting, and Xu Lang stopped thinking. The three of them turned back together, no longer worried that the heroic spirit would suddenly attack.

Lin Nan walked in, his steps were slow but very fast.

A being like Lin Nan can cross the heavens in one step. If he is willing, he can go to the place he wants in one step, unless he knows nothing about the place he wants to go, and he does not know the specific unknown. In the chaotic universe Unable to determine the foothold and direction, this will lead to a situation where you can't find a place or go.


The heroic spirit was stunned for a while after seeing Lin Nan. He came to his senses only when Lin Nan was nearby and saluted Lin Nan.

"It is really not easy for existences like you and your master to appear in the big world outside. Hongwei was the demi-god who had occupied that big world for endless years, and then they gathered their aura and gave birth to such a beautiful girl of the sky. Compared with you and your master back then, you are still far behind."

Lin Nan said calmly, but felt a little emotional in his heart.

In the chaotic universe, there are countless powerful people within the tribe. The human race has the lowest starting point, but the probability of someone with amazing talent and beauty appearing is very high. This is an intriguing and difficult thing to understand, even if he has now become Even the fourth-class Heavenly Emperor could not understand why.

It's as if he doesn't know why he is a human race, why he is different, his cultivation qualifications surpass those of the past, present and future. He is truly so defiant that he has already attained the status of Heavenly Emperor without surrendering to the Spirit of Heaven, and his growth rate is extremely fast. Now, He has yet to truly meet the Emperor of Heaven who can compete with him.

He knows the origins of other ethnic groups and what kind of ethnic group the human race is, but he does not know why he is so defiant. This also means that he does not fully understand the human race. It is like a mortal who does not know how the world came to be. Just like why the world was created, there are too many unknowns in this world. Even at Lin Nan's level, there are still things that he doesn't know.

"The junior wants to ask the senior to protect the clan."

The heroic spirit did not talk to Lin Nan about himself and his master. He seemed unwilling to communicate these things, which is understandable. After all, everything has passed, and the past is like smoke. No matter how amazing and talented he was back then, he is now They have no effect at all, and they have no meaning after all. The only thing he can do now is to ask Lin Nan to protect the people in this small world, and there is nothing else.


Lin Nan nodded slightly.

The heroic spirit bowed deeply to Lin Nan and did not get up for a long time. Only when Lin Nan told him not to do so did he stand up straight again.

Lin Nan left the ruins without saying anything else.

He didn't care about the inheritance of that heroic spirit, and the two little sisters and Xu Lang didn't need it. When he left, he had asked the heroic spirit to find an inheritance among the local human monks. As for the two little sisters and Xu Lang, they could compete for the supreme emperor. inheritance.

It has been half a month in this small world. Lin Nan didn't want to wait any longer, so he decided to let the two sisters and Xu Lang continue to experience in the small world. At the same time, they also went to search for the inheritance of the Supreme Emperor. He needed left.

Of course, he takes his little world with him when he leaves.


Hongwei's mood was very complicated, she was both scared and happy. What she was scared about was that she almost died at the hands of that heroic spirit, but what was pleasantly surprised was that she actually saw the exit.

In the past half month, she had looked for an exit more than once, but all in vain. She didn't expect that she had just run out of the ruins, from the shadow of the heroic spirit, and found the exit from this small world. This really made her happy. Extremely.

"Little girl, you seem to be happy too early."

Suddenly, an extremely plain voice came into Princess Hongwei's ears. At this moment, Princess Hongwei jumped like a frightened rabbit and turned around to look behind her.

Looking at the young man dressed in black and walking very slowly but very fast, Princess Hongwei felt extremely heartbroken. She had already seen the exit and was about to leave this small world. She unexpectedly met those two little girls. Father, she felt that God was deliberately playing tricks on her!

"What...what do you want to do?!"

Princess Hongwei no longer has the arrogance she once had. Now she has clearly understood the environment she is in. This is not the outside world, and there are no strong people following her. Even though she is extremely talented and talented, However, her realm was still too low after all. She had just been scared away by a heroic spirit of the same realm. It could be said that she had to run because of the ruins formation.

So, facing Lin Nan now, she couldn't find any reason to convince herself that she could give birth to little monsters like the two little sisters and teach the two little monsters to be so unbelievable. If Lin Nan's own Her talent is not very good, let alone Princess Hongwei herself, even if an existence at the emperor level told her, she would not believe it at all.

Lin Nan was very powerful, which she already knew outside. The reason why she dared to provoke the two little sisters was because at that time she felt that Lin Nan was at most a quasi-emperor, or even just a Dao Ancestor Realm existence. There were five quasi-emperor level beings, and Hong Mi, the aunt of the late emperor, was also on the way, so she felt confident, but it was different now. When she faced Lin Nan alone, she felt that those low-level monks were under the influence of Lin Nan. What a feeling it was when facing her!

"If you don't want to leave, I will leave you here, and don't even think about leaving again in the future."

Lin Nan didn't pay much attention to Princess Hongwei. He walked into the exit and walked to the outside world. At the same time, he said this sentence without hesitation.


Princess Hongwei was stunned and came to her senses. When she saw that Lin Nan had disappeared at the exit, he had obviously gone out, and the exit was slowly disappearing. She immediately did not dare to stay any longer and ran out quickly.

She is nearly invincible in this small world. That heroic spirit should be the most powerful existence in the small world itself, and that heroic spirit cannot leave the ruins. No one can do anything to get her except the two little sisters, but she She is not happy to stay here, the outside world belongs to her.

"Did you open that exit just now?"

After walking out of the exit and seeing the ruins of the outside world, Princess Hongwei couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. However, when she saw Lin Nan standing in front of her, she couldn't help but become nervous again. She tried to calm down before asking this question.

"That's right. Do you have any more questions? If so, ask them all at once."

Lin Nan nodded, looked at Princess Hongwei, and asked calmly.

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