Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2078 It’s not a wasted trip

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"No...no more!"

Princess Hongwei still had countless doubts in her heart, but she did not dare to ask Lin Nan any more. After all, Lin Nan was not her elder, nor was he even a demigod monk.

According to her own personality, or the consistent style of the demigods, she would not say anything to people who have no connection or need. In her opinion, the same must be true for existences like Lin Nan, at least. She didn't want to take risks. If she offended Lin Nan, a being who didn't know how powerful he was, she would be the only one who would suffer in the end.

And over there, from the outside, Lin Nan stood quietly where he was, but in fact, he was refining that small world into an imperial weapon at the ultimate level of the Great Emperor.

Because this small world has existed for too long, although due to restrictions at the beginning, you could only become an immortal in a specific area. After becoming an immortal, you could only live in a specific area and could no longer go to other areas of the small world. Later, the small world gradually dried up, and the area where immortals were transformed into ordinary areas. The monks who became immortals at that time also lost their souls.

In the early days of this small world, there must have been Mahayana monks everywhere. Now there are no more than ten Mahayana monks in the entire small world. It can be seen that if this continues, this small world will not be able to survive in a few hundred million years. Practice until you finally collapse.

After about half a cup of tea, Lin Nan had refined that small world into the ultimate imperial weapon that reached the level of a great emperor. From then on, in this small world, he could not only become an immortal, but also cultivate up to the quasi-emperor level. As for life, How far the human monks inside will go depends on their own destiny, and Lin Nan will not interfere too much.

"Are you... leaving?"

Seeing Lin Nan making a waving gesture, she put something away. However, Princess Hongwei knew that Lin Nan was about to leave, but she didn't know if Lin Nan would kill her before leaving, so she couldn't help but ask. One sentence.

"Go and take a walk in the imperial palace of your big world."

Putting the little world away, Lin Nan said calmly after hearing Princess Hongwei's question.


Princess Hongwei was stunned. She did not expect Lin Nan to answer like this. She also believed that Lin Nan was not lying.

But if a human monk is correct, he does come from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. He is not a local human monk in the small world as she thought in the small world.

The more this happened, the more puzzled she became. She couldn't figure out why the monks from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths could come and go freely in this big world. They could even block the five quasi-emperors including Emperor Tiantong and her aunt, the great emperor. After being blocked by the most powerful ones in the later period, many great emperors and emperors of the demigod clan have not yet arrived here.

You know, half a month has passed since the first day she met Lin Nan. After the five Tiantong Emperors and her aunt Hongmi were blocked half a month ago, there is no reason for this half month. No action for months.

As for the other possibility, it is absolutely impossible, because even if Lin Nan kills Emperor Tiantong and her aunt, the demigods will not do nothing, and will even become more crazy. I am afraid that even the people of other big worlds will not do anything. Many great emperors and several heavenly emperors have already come to kill them, and it will definitely not be as quiet as it is now.

But now that nothing happened, Lin Nan just gave up without saying anything, and actually went to the place where the Emperor of Heaven lived. This was really outrageous, especially when it was clear that Lin Nan was not joking. Princess Hongwei's mood was extremely complicated and she could not express her current mood in words.


Before Princess Hongwei came back to her senses, she only heard Lin Nan say the word "go", and then she felt that she was wrapped in a Tao Yun. She felt a flash of white light or black light in front of her eyes, and looked at it again When the scene came to light, she was no longer in the ruins.

Looking down from a high altitude, there are endless palaces below. Even though Princess Hongwei is no longer as suppressed as she was in the small world, her eyesight can already see five to six thousand miles away, and she still has not seen the end of the palace complex. This area The palace seems to have no end, it is majestic and majestic, giving people a sense of shock that shakes the soul.

"You...how did you do it?"

Princess Hongwei was completely shocked.

If she said that before, she just knew that Lin Nan was stronger than her and did not want to anger Lin Nan and end up dead.

So, now she was really shocked from her heart.

To get here from that ruin, her aunt had to fly for a stick of incense. Even a supreme emperor at the pinnacle level of the emperor would need at least a hundred fingertips to reach here. However, Lin Nan arrived in an instant, and even Carry her.

The most terrifying thing was that the location where Lin Nan appeared with her was actually on the edge of the origin zone of the center of the world. There was an extremely powerful killing array here. Anyone under the Emperor who entered this place would die without a burial place. There was never an exception.

But Lin Nan was standing safe and sound in the sky. Even she, a young monk in the Immortal King Realm, was well protected by Lin Nan and was not affected in the slightest.

All this made Princess Hongwei feel unreal, with an indescribable weird feeling. This shouldn't be true, because it was too terrifying. The Emperor of Heaven had never appeared in the great world of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Although spiritual cultivation He is a Heavenly Emperor, but he was accomplished after taking control of the great world of the prehistoric world. He did not control the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. There is a big difference.

But now Lin Nan actually possesses the strength of the Emperor of Heaven, which makes Princess Hongwei fall into shock and confusion!

"What do you think?"

Lin Nan did not respond to Princess Hongwei, but calmly overlooked the most magnificent palace. When a woman flew from the palace, he calmly asked this sentence.

"I can only guarantee that the world under my jurisdiction will not interfere again, but I cannot guarantee the other worlds. After all, I am only the Emperor of this world, not the general leader of the demigods, and I am not the strongest. I can't Even if I convince the others, I don’t have the strength to suppress them.”

The woman who flew over was the Heavenly Emperor Ming Lu. Her expression was a little solemn. After saying these words, she pulled Princess Hongwei away from Lin Nan and sent Princess Hongwei to the palace below.

"That's fine. It's not a wasted trip. Just go back and cut off the teleportation array."

Lin Nan said.

"How many days?"

Emperor Ming Tian nodded slightly and then asked.

"I've given you half a month. It seems I don't need to give you any more this time. If the space tunnel is not isolated within three days, just wait for me to come over."

Lin Nan said calmly.

After saying this, Lin Nan had no intention of staying any longer, turned around and returned to the sky.

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