Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 815 Who are you? (First update)

at this time.

A faint voice reached everyone's ears!

"Fourth Uncle, I don't want to hear what you say!"

Everyone in the Ye family was shocked. They all turned around and looked towards the entrance of the hall. They saw a woman dressed up and walking slowly and leisurely!

She exuded a special aura, confidence, and pride all over her body. When her eyes swept across the Ye family, there was also a hint of looking down on them!

"It's you!"

"Why are you back!"

"Ye Qi, you're not dead!"

Everyone in the Ye family had different expressions, but without exception, they all focused their attention!

Ye Qi walked slowly along and greeted everyone in the Ye family in the hall!

"Second uncle, third uncle, and fourth uncle, your health is quite good!"

After hearing this, the expressions of Ye Haocheng, Ye Qiliang, and Ye Hanhai kept changing!


Ye Haocheng nodded slightly, with a solemn expression!

The corners of Ye Qiliang's eyes twitched slightly, and after snorting coldly, he said nothing!

Ye Hanhai was the only one whose expression changed abnormally. A light layer of sweat broke out on his forehead before he forced out a smile and said, "Ye Qi, you... why are you back?"

"This is my home, of course I'm coming back!" Ye Qi said with a grin!

‘Damn it! Didn't those people say that he entered the Tianmen and went to the high martial arts world? Why are you back! ’ Ye Hanhai cursed secretly in his heart!

Ye Qi ignored Ye Haocheng, Ye Qiliang, and Ye Hanhai, and instead focused on the juniors of the Ye family!

One of them turned out to be Ye Yunfei!

This person is also the most capable young man in the entire Ye family, except Ye Qi himself!

"Yunfei, are you back from abroad? My cousin hasn't seen you yet. How are you living abroad? You haven't returned to China for more than ten years. After my grandfather passed away, coming back can be regarded as filial piety!" Ye Qi said with a smile, like a Like a queen!

"Thank you for your concern, cousin. I'm doing well abroad!" Ye Yunfei nodded gently, neither humble nor arrogant!

"Oh, since it's good, why come back?"

Ye Qi still had a calm smile on her pretty face!

"What do you mean?"

Ye Yunfei's face darkened!

"Ye Qi, what's wrong? As long as you are grandpa's granddaughter, isn't Yunfei his grandson?"

A woman asked coldly!

She was wearing a Chanel suit and carrying a brand-name bag in her hand. She had an indifferent expression and looked fifty-six times similar to Ye Qi, but there was an extra mean look between her eyebrows!

Her name is Ye Lin, and she is also Ye Fengyun's granddaughter, but she is not as favored as Ye Qi, and she does not have a high say in Yanjing's circle!

"Of course, you are all grandpa's sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters! But if you want to divide the family property, without the documents signed by grandpa in my hand, you can't get a dime!" Ye Qi smiled. , said lightly.


Hearing this, everyone's pupils in the entire hall shrank suddenly!

"Ye Qi, where is the document? Take it out quickly!"

Ye Qiliang said loudly and excitedly.

"Third uncle, what are you in a hurry for? Do you want to be the head of the house?" Ye Qi grinned!

Her question completely stopped Ye Qiliang. His old face was full of embarrassment. He coughed twice and explained: "Ahem! Don't I care about the Ye family? You know, the Ye family is such a big family, the country You can’t live without a king for a day, and the Ye family can’t live without a head for a day. My father has passed away for more than a month, and all the businesses under the Ye family’s name have been disrupted!”

"Moreover, the four major families outside are all eyeing the status of our Ye family!"

"In addition, those second-rate and third-rate small families are almost riding on our Ye family's head. Who outside doesn't know that they are all under the orders of the four major families?"

"Hurry up and hand over the documents left by the old man, so that we can choose a head of the family! Repel those little ones and give the Ye family a peaceful future!"

Ye Qiliang's words attracted bursts of applause from everyone in the Ye family!

"Tsk tsk! Third uncle really cares about our Ye family!"

Ye Qi also nodded and praised with a smile!

"Hmph! That's natural. I can't let such a big family built by my father to decline like this!" Ye Qiliang snorted softly!

"Oh, then who sent people to chase me? They chased me all the way from Yanjing to the Kunlun Mountains. I still remember that those who chased me said they were following your order, Third Uncle!" Ye Qi He whispered oh softly and spoke unhurriedly.

At first, she was chased all the way from Yanjing to Kunlun Mountain. When she was desperate, she rushed into the Tianmen teleportation array and entered the high martial arts world!

As soon as he was teleported to the formation, he was selected by the people of Biyumen and joined Biyumen!


"Have you ever been hunted?"

"Ye Qi, what on earth is going on?"

The expressions of everyone in the Ye family are all different, including shock, surprise, horror, horror, gloom, and indifference. I don't know if these people are pretending or if they really have this expression!

Faced with everyone's questioning, Ye Qi felt very funny!

When grandpa was alive, at least half of these people were fawning over her!

Ever since Ye Fengyun died, almost everyone among these people wanted her to die too!

Rather than saying that these people are family members, it is better to say that they are enemies!

"I only give you one day!"

Ye Qi looked around and said coldly: "Tomorrow! Before noon tomorrow, you will bring all the means you can, the forces you can mobilize, and the chips you can bring here. We are in this hall, Choose the next head of the Ye family!"

"Ye Qi, who are you? Why do you say it will be tomorrow?"

Ye Hanhai said disdainfully.

"Haha! Fourth uncle, I have grandpa's will in my hand. The will says that whoever has the greatest ability will be the next head of the Ye family! Tomorrow I will make the will public. You can try whatever means you have. Come out!" Ye Qi chuckled, ignored everyone in the hall, turned around and walked out of the hall!

Hearing these words, Ye Hanhai's eyes flickered, he pushed away the woman in his arms and hurriedly left the hall!

Ye Haocheng, Ye Qiliang, Ye Yunfei, Ye Lin and others also left in a hurry. Judging from their expressions, they were probably going to prepare!

After all, the time left for them is only one short night!

Ye Qi held her head high and walked vigorously back to her small yard. She didn't know how many pairs of eyes were watching Ye Qi along the way!

Ye Qi seemed to have not seen it and walked into his own small yard!

After entering the yard, Ye Qi closed the door, and a young man was sitting in front of the stone table, waiting quietly!

After Ye Qi saw this person, he bowed slightly and walked over!

"Mr. Lin!"

"It seems that your Ye family is fighting to the death for the position of the head of the family!" Lin Nan said lightly.

"If I had the strength of Mr. Lin to deal with all the terrifying forces that can destroy everything and suppress them directly, there would be no need for these strategies!"

Ye Qi gave a helpless smile!

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