Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 816 Tomorrow will be beautiful, many people will die tonight! (Second update)

"Remember, I will help you tomorrow, but from tomorrow on, the conditions I agreed to Ye Fengyun have been fulfilled. From now on, we will not owe each other anything!" Lin Nan said.

"I see!"

Ye Qi nodded deeply!

"I'm back to Jiangnan! This clone is left to protect you. As long as you don't leave this yard, I guarantee that you will be safe and sound!"

Lin Nan stood up and pointed slightly. In another place in the yard, a 'Lin Nan' who looked exactly like him appeared!

He is a majestic emperor. He cannot be here to protect Ye Qi all night. Leaving a clone behind is enough to give Ye Fengyun face!

"This is……"

Ye Qi's pupils shrank slightly, but quickly calmed down again!

Ever since I saw the monk's methods, I am not so shocked by these!

"Farewell to Mr. Lin!"

After seeing Lin Nan's body away from the yard, Ye Qi curiously looked at Lin Nan's clone!

"It's so amazing. Is this a clone? Why does it look like a real person?"

Ye Qi showed a curious expression and stretched out a hand, ready to touch Lin Nan's face!

"what are you doing?"

Lin Nan's clone said solemnly.


Ye Qi exclaimed, took a dozen steps back, and looked at Lin Nan's clone in surprise: "You...how can you speak?"

"The clone is connected to my consciousness! My body is not here, but a ray of consciousness is always covering this place!" Lin Nan's clone said coldly.

"Uh, okay!"

Ye Qi looked embarrassed and ran back to her room as if running away!

At this time, somewhere in the dark corner of the Ye family!

A middle-aged man, with his back to everyone, said in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

"We have checked it out. There are only two people in the yard. One is Ye Qi and a young man. There are only two people in total! But the young man is quite handsome. Ye Qi said a few words to him Then enter the house!" Someone explained in a low voice.

"Only two people? And a young man?"

The middle-aged man's tone was full of endless doubts, and he sneered and said, "Haha! How long has it been since then, and you still have a pretty boy?"

"Master! What should I do? Ye Qi said that he has the old man's will. If it is true, wouldn't tomorrow be detrimental to you?"

someone asked in a low voice.

"Tomorrow? Haha! What if she doesn't survive tomorrow?" the middle-aged man said with a sinister smile!

This night, Yanjing is destined to be unable to calm down!

In a luxurious villa somewhere, a rich man worth hundreds of billions answered the phone!

"What? Okay! Okay! Got it, I will definitely arrive tomorrow. Hey, don't worry. If you become the head of the family, the benefits to me will only be greater, and I will go all out to help you!"

At the same time, the phone rang in the office of the chairman of another large multinational company!

"Tomorrow? Okay! No problem!"

After hanging up the phone, the chairman of the multinational company loudly said: "Xiao Li, all schedules and meetings tomorrow are cancelled!"

The same scene happened everywhere in Yanjing, without exception, everyone was preparing for tomorrow!

Tomorrow is wonderful, many people will die tonight!

Ten o'clock at night.

On weekdays, the Ye family is still brightly lit at this point, but today it is actually dark and not a single light is on!

The huge villa area is so dark that you can't even see your fingers!


Five black shadows came quickly, breaking through the sound barrier in an instant, erupting with a loud noise in the air, and landed in front of a small villa!

"This is it!"

One of the black figures spoke, his voice was low, rich and powerful, with a murderous intent in his tone!

"There are two people in the yard, a man and a woman, and they actually let five of us martial arts masters take action? Are some great talents underused?" Another person sneered.

"Who knows, maybe the other party is on the safe side. After all, this is the Ye family of Yanjing. For the sake of the superior position of the head of the family, it is not strange to do anything!" A dark figure in the crowd shook his head.

"Okay! No need to say any more, let's fight quickly. As long as we kill these two people, we can retire with success!"

The leader raised his hand and stopped everyone from talking!


Five black shadows moved at the same time. They took one step forward, and with the blessing of their inner energy, their whole bodies seemed to have springs installed under their feet, and they instantly climbed up the seven or eight meter high courtyard wall!


No one looked around, but they saw a man sitting in front of the stone table in the courtyard, with his back to everyone, as motionless as a wooden sculpture!

"You turned your back to us?"

A martial arts master sneered!


Two of the martial arts masters were the first to move. Like spring swallows skimming over the water, they swooped towards Lin Nan's clone below!

Just when the two were about to attack Lin Nan's clone, Lin Nan's clone moved, looked back and slapped it out!


There was a muffled sound, and the two martial arts masters turned into a pool of blood mist and exploded!

And this time.

The three martial arts masters standing on the courtyard wall happened to see Lin Nan's clone's face clearly. Their pupils shrank suddenly and their whole bodies trembled!

"It's him--!"

"God-killer, Lin Nan!"


These three martial arts masters were so frightened that they had seen Lin Nan's photos on the forum in the underground world!

And Lin Nan's performance has long frightened the warriors all over the earth. Even the strong men in the high-level martial arts world can be killed easily, let alone a few of their little martial arts masters!

These three martial arts masters showed faster speeds than when they came, and rushed in the opposite direction. They were all frightened!

But how could they escape?




In the calm night sky, several loud noises erupted over the Ye family's villa area, and everyone was alarmed!

"what happened?"

Ye Qi sat up from the bed in surprise and came to the yard!

"There is a killer, and I have already killed him!"

Lin Nan's clone replied calmly, and as if nothing happened, returned to the stone table and sat down slowly!

at the same time.

In a certain room in the Ye family!

"Damn it! How could there be such a big commotion? Didn't there be a total of five masters taking action? How many martial arts masters can't even handle a woman?" A middle-aged man sat behind the screen and said angrily.

"Master! Let me go out and take a look!"

A servant quickly answered.

"Go back quickly!"

The middle-aged man's deep voice continued to sound!

The servant hurriedly ran out, and within a few minutes, he ran back and said in a trembling voice: "Master! Those five masters were all killed!"


The middle-aged man behind the screen stood up from his chair with a loud sound and took a deep breath!


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