Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 825: Who gave you the courage to bully my disciples? (Second update)

Three days later.

Lin Nan's family, together with Golden Saint, set out to return to the high martial arts world, Huang Maple City!

Just after returning to the City Lord's Mansion in Huang Maple City, Lin Canghai came up to him directly and walked in a hurry:

"Master, you are back!"

"what happened?"

Lin Nan raised his eyebrows. He had never seen Lin Canghai show such an expression before!

"Tai Xuan Sect sent people here! Seeing that you were not around, they stayed directly in the City Lord's Mansion. These days, these people seem to regard Huang Maple City as their own home. They shout and drink to everyone in the City Lord's Mansion. I He Lengyan is not strong enough, so he can swallow his anger for the time being and wait for you to come back!"

Lin Canghai explained.

He has been so frustrated these days!

"People from Taixuanzong? Are you coming to my city lord's mansion?"

Lin Nan's eyes narrowed!

"Yes, they claim to be the Supreme Elder of Taixuan Sect. They have no ill intentions towards our Huang Maple City, but they have something to say to you!" Lin Canghai nodded and continued:

"However, after they knew you were gone, they did not leave. Instead, they stayed in the city lord's mansion. Leng Yan stayed with them, fearing they would cause trouble!"

Lin Nan nodded after hearing this and said to Lin Momo beside him:

"Mo'er, you and Ergouzi go play!"

"Lin Canghai, let's go take a look!"

"As you command!"

Lin Canghai nodded solemnly, and then led the way towards the Supreme Elder of Taixuan Sect!

After Lin Nan left.

Lin Momo and Ling'er hid aside and murmured quietly!

"Someone is here to make me unhappy again!"

Lin Momo pouted!

"Then what should we do?"

Ling'er asked cutely.

Sometimes this little loli is very sensible, but sometimes she looks silly and naive, always following behind Lin Momo, like a follower!

"Hmph! Find the right moment and zoom in on the dog to bite them!"

Lin Momo smiled evilly, like a little witch!

At this time, Lin Canghai led the way, and Lin Nan and the two of them went straight to the largest courtyard in the city lord's mansion!

When the previous city lord of Huang Maple City was in office, this was where the city lord lived!

Later, when Lin Nan took over Huang Maple City, Liu Ruqing felt that this place was too grandiose, so she and Lin Nan did not live here. Unexpectedly, when the Supreme Elder of Taixuan Sect arrived, he actually occupied the magpie's nest and lived here!

In the hall.

Leng Yan stood there, with three old men sitting on the Grand Master's chair directly in front of her. They didn't give out any breath, just like three ordinary old men!


As long as Leng Yan closes her eyes, she won't feel anyone in front of her!

These three supreme elders of Taixuan Sect are so terrifying that they are almost integrated with the heaven and earth. Even if they stand behind you, you can't feel their presence at all!

This kind of cultivation is very terrifying!

"This girl is pretty good. She has been following us for several days and she doesn't even show the slightest hint of timidity! If anyone else had learned our identities, they would have been so scared that they fell down!"

The old man sitting in the center of the three people smiled faintly!

His name is Ji Jiutian, and the younger generation in Dongzhou may not know him!

But if time goes forward five thousand years, the same outstanding person will shock everyone and become famous all over the world!

Back then, in Ji Jiutian's time, he was once in the top ten of the East Continent's Prodigy List and fought against the Holy Son of Taixuanzong. Later, he was defeated and joined Taixuanzong and became a member of Taixuanzong!

Now, the Holy Son of Taixuan Sect has become the leader of Taixuan Sect, and Ji Jiutian has become the supreme elder of Taixuan Sect!

"As expected of Lin Nan's disciple. With Lin Nan's strength, he can kill Feng Juexian, Ling Changsheng, Peacock Goddess and others in succession. He is indeed proud enough!"

"It's no big deal if his disciples are a little more arrogant!"

Another old man nodded slightly.

His name is Sikong Xingchen, he is also the Supreme Elder of Taixuan Sect, and his strength is slightly lower than Ji Jiutian!

"But little baby, you need to know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!"

An old man with a sallow complexion said, his name is Gai Yunxiao, he doesn't speak much, but his expression is very serious. He is also one of the famous figures of Taixuan Sect and ranks as the supreme elder!

"Lin Nan is very powerful, and our Taixuan Sect has also developed a love for talents. Killing a candidate saint son and three elders? It's not a big deal!"

Ji Jiutian said slowly!

There was a hint of preaching in his tone, as if he was superior and Leng Yan was just an ant below!

"As long as Lin Nan is willing to surrender to the name of our Taixuan Sect from now on and swear a soul oath, it will not be a big deal if he is the next leader of Taixuan Sect in the future! Anyway, we old immortals are not willing to It’s no fun being that bullshit sect leader! You young people are great!”

Leng Yan's heart was filled with disdain, and a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corner of her mouth!

‘As my teacher, as my teacher’s disciple, will I respect you, a mere Supreme Elder of Taixuan Sect? ’

The pride in Leng Yan's heart was noticed by the three of them, and their faces sank at the same time!

"Are you disdainful of my words?"

Ji Jiutian narrowed his eyes, and a glimmer of light bloomed in his cloudy old eyes!

Like a steel needle, it stabbed towards Leng Yan!

"Three seniors, for the sake of you being seniors, I will say one more thing, and this is the only one. To me, Taixuanzong is a giant, but it won't be long before I will surpass you and surpass Taixuanzong! "

Leng Yan's eyes were full of pride and fearlessness!


Sikong Xingchen's face suddenly darkened!


Gai Yunxiao sneered!

"Do you know what kind of existence Taixuanzong is? Every ten thousand years in Taixuanzong, someone ascends to the immortal world. How dare you say that you surpass Taixuanzong?"

Ji Jiutian even sneered again and again. In her opinion, Leng Yan was hopeless!

at the same time.

A terrifying pressure rushed towards Leng Yan, pressing down on her!


Leng Yan snorted softly, as if he was in ten thousand meters of sea water, and his body was about to burst alive from this terrifying pressure!

"Sure enough, the kind of teacher you teach is the kind of disciple you teach!"

Gai Yunxiao said in a deep voice!

"Hmph, Lin Nan is so arrogant, and his disciples are indeed the same!"

Situ Xingchen shook his head!

"Take back what you said, kneel down and apologize, and destroy your entire cultivation. I will spare your life!"

Ji Jiutian ordered, his tone not allowing anyone to refute it!

Hear the words of the three supreme elders of Taixuan Sect!

"I am the only one who still takes your Taixuanzong seriously, but it won't be long before even I won't take your Taixuanzong seriously!"

Leng Yan has no intention of backing down!

Instead, she took a step forward and said proudly: "Because, to my teacher, your Taixuanzong is nothing but trash!"

"What did you say?"

Sikong Xingchen's face changed drastically, and he looked at Leng Yan with horror!

"court death!"

Gai Yunxiao shouted, and a terrifying sound wave was crushed forward!

"Kneel down!"

Ji Jiutian shouted, and he stood up with a loud sound, stretched out a big dry hand, and pressed down on Leng Yan's shoulder!


A cold voice came:

"It's interesting. In my territory, you bully my disciples. Who gave you the courage?"

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