Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 826 You are the dog! I am a dragon! (Third update)

"Who is speaking?"

Sikong Xingchen, Gai Yunxiao, and Ji Jiutian were all shocked at the same time!

They were surprised to find that the terrifying power they surged towards Leng Yan was like a tsunami, overwhelming!


After this sound appeared, it suddenly melted away without a trace like ice and snow!


Leng Yan breathed a sigh of relief. The moment the three Taixuan Sect elders appeared just now, she thought she was dead!

Unexpectedly, Lin Nan came back and helped her resolve all the pressure!

"Lin Nan?"

Ji Jiutian looked solemn and looked up in the direction of the source of the sound!

And this time.

Lin Nan had already arrived at the scene, appeared at the door of the hall, and walked in slowly. Following Lin Nan, Lin Canghai also walked into the hall!

"You must be Lin Nan! I have seen your image!"

After seeing Lin Nan, Ji Jiutian, Gai Yunxiao, and Sikong Xingchen all looked at him with focused eyes, like torches, as if they were going to melt Lin Nan alive!

Lin Nan ignored the looks of the three people and asked funnyly:

"Tell me, who gave you the courage to put pressure on my disciples in my territory?"

"Is it because you think you have lived too long, or is it that Tai Xuanzong behind you gave you the courage?"

"City Lord Lin, what do you mean by this?"

Situ Xingchen's face suddenly darkened, and the brilliance in his eagle-like eyes soared!

"Everyone in the world says that City Lord Lin is very crazy. When we meet him today, he is indeed well-deserved!" Gai Yunxiao also said with a half-smile.

"Okay! Brother Situ, Brother Gai!"

Seeing that the tone of Situ Xingchen and Gai Yunxiao was full of gunpowder, Ji Jiutian quickly stood up and stopped them!


Situ Xingchen and Gai Yunxiao snorted coldly and tilted their heads to the side!

"City Master Lin, we don't have any ill intentions. Taixuanzong attaches great importance to you. We have not seen a genius like you in Dongzhou for many years!"

Ji Jiutian said with a smile, trying his best to maintain a kind demeanor!

"So, I, the sect leader of Taixuanzong, hope that you can join Taixuanzong and swear on your inner demons that you will be loyal to Taixuanzong from now on without any second thoughts. We can guarantee that the previous grudges between City Master Lin and Taixuanzong will be wiped out! And! If you are willing, or you like to be the city lord, we can give you ten cities, or even a hundred cities!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Jiutian smiled and waited quietly for Lin Nan's answer!

In his opinion, absolutely no one can refuse Taixuan's solicitation!

In Dongzhou, Taixuanzong's power is almost like an emperor, and everyone can only surrender!

"Are you done?"

Lin Nan stood with his hands behind his back and looked at Ji Jiutian calmly!

Seeing Lin Nan's attitude, Ji Jiutian frowned!

Just about to speak.

"You old fools, you actually want me to work for you, it's just a daydream!"

A crisp voice came, and it sounded like a little loli!

"Yes, daydreaming!"

Another little loli's voice came, a little timid and not as confident as the first one, but you could tell that it was two different people talking!

"Who is speaking?"

Gai Yunxiao suddenly turned his head and looked in a certain direction!

"Damn it! You actually called us old fools?"

Situ Xingchen couldn't help but cursed!

As the supreme elder of Taixuan Sect, no matter where he is, as long as others know his identity, Situ Xingchen will be treated like an emperor!

I didn’t expect that here, I would be called an old fool?

Lin Nan was a little surprised and ignored the two people's reactions. Then a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he looked in a certain direction lovingly!

"Momo, Linger, come out!"


An arrogant snort came out, and Lin Momo and Ling'er slowly walked out. Next to them, there was Ergouzi, who was sticking out his big tongue, and his tail was about to reach the sky!

"Who are they?"

Ji Jiutian asked in a deep voice, looking very unkind!

Even if the other party was two little girls and a big yellow dog, murderous intent bloomed in his heart. In Ji Jiutian's heart, all living beings were ants. Even a child who insulted him would still die!

After feeling Ji Jiutian's murderous intention, the smile on Lin Nan's face condensed:

"You want to kill them?"

"Hmph! Two little kids, ignorant of what is good and bad, actually uttered arrogant words. Isn't this looking for death?"

Ji Jiutian didn't seem to see Lin Nan's deathly look, and sneered again and again!

"They are dead today, I told you! God can't even come down to earth to save them!"

He took one step forward and attacked Lin Momo and Ling'er directly!


Lin Nan sneered, and just as he was about to take action, Lin Momo's voice came to his ears!

"Big dog, bite him! You bullied Sister Lengyan at first, but now you dare to contradict me, daddy, hum! Bite him to death, bite him to death!"

Lin Momo waved her little fist!

"Bite him to death, bite him to death!"

Like a follower, Ling'er said in a coquettish voice beside her!


Lin Nan was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing. The two little girls were so cute that he forgot to take action!

"Haha, it's just a dog, what can I do to you?"

Ji Jiutian sneered. In his opinion, even if this big yellow dog became a spirit, it would not be his opponent at all!


Ji Jiutian shouted low, stepped forward very quickly, stretched out a big dry hand, and with an earth-shattering momentum, he slapped Er Gouzi on the head!

"Damn it, you're the dog! I'm the dragon!"

Ergouzi grinned and kicked his four legs on the ground, turning into a stream of golden light and attacking Ji Jiutian!


Ji Jiutian slapped his palm down, as if hitting a piece of gold and iron, and a burst of metal trembling sound broke out!

At the same time, when Ji Jiutian's arm touched Er Gouzi's head, the whole arm was wasted, and exploded with a bang, turning into a rain of blood!

"How is it possible! A dog's body is so strong?"

Ji Jiutian was shocked. He never thought that with his own strength, he would suffer a loss from a dog?

"I told you, I'm not a dog! I'm a dragon. Is there something wrong with your ears, old man?"

Ergouzi grinned and uttered human words!

"Big dog, don't let him go, keep beating him until he has teeth all over the floor!"

Lin Momo stood in the distance, stood on tiptoes and shouted.

"Hit him until he has teeth all over the floor! Come on, big dog!"

Ling'er also waved her little fist!

After receiving the order from the two little lolita, Er Gouzi stood in the void and roared:

"Ouch! Woof woof woof——!"

Then it turned into a golden afterimage and continued to rush towards Ji Jiutian!

Seeing this scene, Ji Jiutian's face changed wildly and he shouted angrily:

"And you said you're not a dog?"

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