Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 827 Lin Momo protects his shortcomings! (Fourth update)

Ji Jiutian's expression changed drastically, and the hand he just exploded grew instantly!

For a monk, as long as there is breath and a drop of blood, he can be reborn. A broken arm is nothing!

"Get out of here!"

"Jie Tianzhi——!"

Seeing the Ergouzi attack, Ji Jiutian shouted loudly and clicked his fingers!

This is Ji Jiutian's famous stunt - the Heaven-cutting Finger!

It is said that when Ji Jiutian was at his peak, he used this technique to cut off the entire sky. His power was astonishing and he was said to be invincible among his peers!


A bright ray of light shot out from Ji Jiutian's fingertips, turned into a strong murderous intention, and slashed towards Er Gouzi's body!


Er Gouzi's physical body can crush even the stars. Even if ten quasi-emperors join forces to attack Er Gouzi, they can't destroy his physical body. Er Gouzi doesn't take it seriously even if he just cuts off the sky finger!

Prepare to resist with your physical body!

"Hmph! You are looking for death, and you are actually preparing to use your body to resist my Heaven-cutting Finger? Just wait to be chopped into powder!"

Ji Jiutian sneered again and again, and the killing intent in his eyes surged uncontrollably!

Given his status, he was actually humiliated by a dog. If he hadn't killed the dog in front of him, Ji Jiutian thought his life had been in vain!

A scene that horrified Ji Jiutian appeared!

Ergouzi flew over quickly, and even though Jie Tianzhi slashed at him, he was unable to hurt even a hair on his body!

The golden hair all over the body is still pleated and shining, and every hair is carrying the light of divinity. Even the lines are so clear without any fluctuations!


"Impossible! This is impossible!"

Seeing that his attack was ineffective against Ergouzi, Ji Jiutian's expression changed drastically. He aroused the proud Jie Tianzhi, but he was unable to do anything to a beast?

And this time.

Ergouzi had already come closer, stretched out a front paw, and slapped Ji Jiutian's old face!


Ji Jiutian flew backwards, unable to withstand Ergouzi's blow!

This was the result of Er Gouzi's mercy. Otherwise, with just one slap, Ji Jiutian would have died suddenly on the spot!

"My little master said, I'll beat you until you've got teeth all over the floor, I'm going to beat you until you've got teeth all over the floor!"

The Ergouzi monster laughed. He was extremely fast and rode on Ji Jiutian with a completely crushing momentum!

at the same time.

Er Gouzi's tail fell on Ji Jiutian's face like a slap!




Ji Jiutian had no power to fight back and was completely stunned. His old face was completely deformed and all the teeth in his mouth fell out!

"I'll let you talk nonsense! I'll let you show off!"

"Can't you see that I'm a dragon? Dog eyes look down upon people!"

"See if I don't break your teeth!"

Ergouzi stepped on Ji Jiutian's chest, cursed, and at the same time stretched out his paws and stepped on Ji Jiutian's forehead and cheeks!


When Situ Xingchen and Gai Yunxiao saw this scene, they were so shocked that they were almost speechless!

It's just a dog, even if it's a spirit, how can it bully Ji Jiutian like this?

You must know that Ji Jiutian has already broken through the realm of Martial Lord and is ranked as the realm of Martial King. The number of Martial Kings within the entire East Continent within tens of millions of miles will not exceed one hundred!


A strong Martial King was trampled and bullied by a dog like this?

"It's too much to bully someone, it's too much to bully someone! It's just a dog, it's just a dog, and it humiliates me like this!"

Ji Jiu was trembling all over.

In addition to being severely injured, the trauma in his heart may be even greater. With his strength and identity, he was actually humiliated like this by a dog?

"Brother Situ and Brother Gai still don't want to help?"

Ji Jiutian looked up to the sky and shouted!

"You still dare to scream?"

When Er Gouzi saw this, he sneered, sat directly on Ji Jiutian's mouth, and moved his butt hard!


Ji Jiutian's eyes were so wet that he was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in!

"Brother Situ and Brother Gai, if you help me and kill this beast, I will offer you 100 million spiritual stones after returning to Taixuan Sect!"

Ji Jiutian yelled!

Since his mouth was blocked, his words were transmitted with magical power, and they exploded in the sky above the city lord's mansion like muffled thunder!


"One hundred million spirit stones!"

Situ Xingchen and Gai Yunxiao reacted immediately!

Even for them, 100 million spiritual stones is a lot, and it can almost allow them to practice for ten years without any worries!

This shows how great the temptation of 100 million spiritual stones is!

"Do it!"

Situ Xingchen and Gai Yunxiao looked at each other and felt that they could take action!


The two people moved instantly, and behind them, a shocking momentum burst out, like two stars, piercing the atmosphere and pressing down!

"Big dog beware!"

Lin Momo and Ling'er reminded loudly!

The cheeks of the two little lolita were rosy. Leng Yan walked over, held them in his arms, and watched the battle from a distance!

"mua! Sister Lengyan, these old villains dare to bully you, I will ask the big dog to help you and teach them a lesson!"

Lin Momo kissed Leng Yan's pretty face hard!

"Daddy said, we are here to love you, not to bully! If anyone bullies you, I will ask the big dog to bite him! The big dog is very powerful. He beat these three bad guys to the fullest. The ground is looking for teeth!"

"Daddy also said, don't reason with others when you can take action!"

"If you can beat the opponent, reasoning is a waste of energy. If you can beat the opponent, what's the point of reasoning? Fist is the last word!"

Lin Momo waved her little fist and continued talking!

He didn't learn anything else, but Lin Nan had mastered the art of protecting his shortcomings!


Leng Yan was amused!

Leng Yan naturally knows the true identity of Er Gouzi!

It was a golden divine dragon that Leng Yan had the honor to see several times!

How could a real divine dragon not be the opponent of several supreme elders of Taixuan Sect?

at this time.

Situ Xingchen and Gai Yunxiao have already arrived behind Er Gouzi, preparing to launch a fatal blow!

"Old guy, your teeth are really hard! There are quite a few of them left, so I'll knock them out for you! Remember to look for them all over the floor later, or I'll beat you up again!"

Er Gouzi continued to beat Ji Jiutian violently!

It seemed as if the two people behind him who were preparing for a sneak attack were not noticed at all!

"Take action now!"

Situ Xingchen and Gai Yunxiao looked at each other and without hesitation, they took action:

"Take action!"

However, the moment the two of them touched Er Gouzi's body, they finally knew what Ji Jiutian felt!

so hard!

It's so hard, I can't move at all!


After this idea flashed through Situ Xingchen and Gai Yunxiao's minds, they both flew out!

"Hey, here are two more toothless ones?"

Er Gouzi turned around suddenly, grinned, turned into a ray of light and rushed forward!

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