Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 843 Now I order you to kneel here! (sixth update)

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The scenery in front of me suddenly changed. Looking from the outside, the Star Building was just an ordinary attic, just higher!

But once inside, the environment completely changed!

Surrounded by birds chirping and flowers fragrant, springs tinkling, lush forests and bamboos, there are everything you should expect. There is even a snow-capped mountain and a lake in the distance, as if you have entered the world of poetry and painting!

"Wow! It's amazing. This building doesn't look big from the outside, but there is such a big space inside?"

Liu Ruqing exclaimed!

"This is nothing, it's just that the space magic circle has worked, the internal space has become larger, and someone has used magic power to move the mountains and rivers from the outside in!" Lin Nan explained with a smile.

This kind of magical power is nothing more than a trivial skill to him!

There is even a small internal world inside Lin Nan's body, not only mountains and rivers, but also the sun, moon and stars!

"That's right. It seems you know a lot!" Tang Qingxuan nodded.

"There are all people with status here. If you are willing, you can also make some friends who speak the same language. If not, it will be helpful in the future!"

"Okay, thank you for reminding me!" Liu Ruqing nodded politely!

"Come on, let's go shopping!"

Tang Qingxuan looked very excited and reached out to pull Liu Ruqing!

However, at this moment, a majestic voice came, frightening Tang Qingxuan to shrink his hands!


Everyone looked back and saw a group of people standing there with indifferent expressions. The leader was a middle-aged man, wearing a blue robe, not angry and intimidating!


Tang Qingxuan stuck out her tongue, shrank her head and walked over, like a child who had made a mistake!

"Hmph! I asked you to come here early, why are you so late!"

The middle-aged man snorted lightly, with a look of displeasure on his face!

His name was Tang Zhonghe, and Lin Nan could tell at a glance that this man was a monk in the early stage of the Martial God!

"Father! I met some friends on the road, so I came a little late! These are Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, these two cute little girls are their daughters!"

Tang Qingxuan introduced with a smile.


Tang Zhonghe snorted lightly, not even intending to look at Lin Nan's family, and kept looking at Tang Qingxuan!

"Remember your identity and don't make friends with anyone randomly!"

Tang Zhonghe said in a deep voice, not caring whether Lin Nan and the others heard it!

As a warrior god, why should he care about what others think?

"Now follow me immediately to meet the son of the city lord of Nanluo City. You must know that Xiao Chen, the son of the city lord of Nanluo City, is very interesting to you. If you and him can form a Taoist couple, your future cultivation path will be better. , it will definitely be smooth sailing, is it much worse than making some messy friends?"

After saying that, Tang Zhonghe no longer stayed long and was about to leave with Tang Qingxuan!

"I'm sorry, my father is like this!"

Tang Qingxuan's face was full of embarrassment!

"It doesn't matter, you go ahead, we can play by ourselves!" Liu Ruqing shook her head.

"Okay, if you have any difficulties, you can come to me!"

After Tang Qingxuan nodded silently, she followed Tang Zhonghe and left!

"Goodbye, sister Qingxuan!"

Lin Momo and Ling'er waved their little hands at Tang Qingxuan's back!

After Tang Qingxuan followed his father, Tang Zhonghe warned:

"Qingxuan, you are now favored by the son of the city lord of Nanluo City. It is a great blessing for you! In the future, even as a father, he will take advantage of you! As for the group of people just now, they are all cats and dogs. ?Don’t interact with people like this in the future!”

"Father! They are not just cats and dogs!"

Tang Qingxuan retorted!

She was very happy when she stayed with Lin Nan's family just now, especially Lin Momo and Ling'er. Tang Qingxuan also liked them very much!

Now, seeing my father say this, I couldn't help but subconsciously retort!

"Hmph! If it's not a cat or a dog, then what is it? Which young and promising monk have you seen with children? You'd better think about it, so that the son of Nanluo City Lord will be happy, as long as you treat him well What do you want from becoming a Taoist couple?" Tang Zhonghe snorted coldly!

Tang Qingxuan shut her mouth helplessly!


Tang Qingxuan was brought to a crowd by her father. There were people everywhere. A young man was held up by the stars, standing there very dazzlingly!

After Tang Zhonghe arrived, he respectfully shouted: "Master Xiao, Qingxuan is here!"


The young man who was surrounded by everyone looked over with bright eyes, and his eyes flickered and fell on Tang Qingxuan!

Xiao Chen strode towards Tang Qingxuan and said with a smile:

"Qingxuan, long time no see!"

"Master Xiao, long time no see!"

Tang Qingxuan forced out a smile, a little cold!

"Haha! Come, this is my gift to you. A holy-level jade bracelet, which is a top-notch defensive weapon. I will bring it to you!"

Xiao Chen chuckled, flipped it over with one hand, took out a jade bracelet, and stepped forward proactively, ready to take Tang Qingxuan's hand and wear it for her!

There were many female cultivators around, and when they saw this scene, their eyes showed jealousy and envy!

The moment Xiao Chen's hand touched the back of Tang Qingxuan's hand, Tang Qingxuan subconsciously twitched her hand and hit Xiao Chen's arm!


The jade bracelet in Xiao Chen's hand flew out and fell to the ground!


The entire scene fell silent for a while!

The smile on Xiao Chen's face also solidified at this moment. The originally smiling face suddenly turned cold, and he said with a half-smile but not a smile: "Tang Qingxuan, what do you mean?"

He offered gifts, but Tang Qingxuan rejected them in public and even knocked the jade bracelet to the ground!

This is equivalent to giving Xiao Chen a hard slap in the face in front of everyone!

"Master Xiao, my daughter didn't do it on purpose! She really didn't do it on purpose!"

Tang Zhonghe's expression changed drastically, and he rushed into the crowd, looking for the jade bracelet on the ground!

"Haha! Look at Tang Zhonghe, he looks like a god of war!"

"Look at the way he looks for the jade bracelet, does it look like a dog?"

"Hey, don't say that! It really looks like a dog!"

Several young men and women who followed Xiao Chen laughed happily!

"what are you guys saying?"

Tang Qingxuan looked at these people angrily!

"What did we say? Is it your turn to question me? Look, your father has found the jade bracelet and returned!"

One of the young men laughed!

"Tang Zhonghe, my friend just said that the way you look for the jade bracelet looks like a dog. I also think it looks similar. Do you think it looks like it?" Xiao Chen suddenly asked with a sneer.

Tang Zhonghe was stunned, and his old face instantly became ugly. He nodded awkwardly and said: "Young Master Xiao is right!"


Tang Qingxuan's pretty face turned pale, and she raised her head and looked at Tang Zhonghe!


Xiao Chen laughed loudly when he heard this, and turned to look at Tang Qingxuan, saying: "Now I order you to kneel here! Put on the jade bracelet, Xiao Chen has never refused anything I give to others, you Be the first to say no!”

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