Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 844 If you dare to bully Sister Qingxuan, I will beat you up! (First update)

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"Master Xiao, it looks like she doesn't want to take her with me!"

The young man just now grinned, his eyes full of amusement!

"Young Master Xiao, this woman doesn't have to eat or drink as a punishment for toasting. You value her so much and she actually gives you a favor. Isn't she just a bit pretty? What's so great about her? Compared with your status, she is nothing. ?”

A good-looking woman said sarcastically.

"Master Xiao, I think she looks down on you at all!"

"Yes! Mr. Xiao, who dares to refuse the gift you gave me?"

A group of young people behind Xiao Chen nodded one after another!

"Master Xiao, please leave my daughter alone!"

As Tang Zhonghe said this, he knelt down on the ground with a thud and begged Xiao Chen!

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then a violent discussion broke out, and everyone was shocked!

"Yo ho!"

The young man at the beginning screamed strangely and was beaming with joy!

"Oh my God! He's on his knees!"

Another young man also exclaimed. Although his expression was surprised, his eyes were full of ridicule and teasing!

"Strong God of Martial Arts! This is a strong Martial God!"

"The powerful warrior god actually knelt down?"

"Tsk, tsk! How could we be so virtuous as to make a strong warrior god kneel down? Mr. Xiao, you are too proud!" Some people said tsk-tsk.

Facing the ridicule of everyone, Tang Zhonghe's face turned pale, and his heart was filled with endless humiliation!

The crowd's sarcastic and joking voices rang and echoed in Tang Zhonghe's ears, lingering in his ears!

However, he did not raise his head, he still lowered his head and endured it silently!

"Father, what are you doing? Get up! Get up!"

Tang Qingxuan had already burst into tears and stepped forward to pull Tang Zhonghe!

It's a pity that Tang Zhonghe remained motionless, still kneeling there. With his strength, if he didn't want to get up, how could Tang Qingxuan be able to move him?

"Tang Zhonghe, you are the first person in ancient times to be a powerful warrior god, right?"

Xiao Chen spoke condescendingly.

"What Young Master Xiao is teaching me is, please Young Master, spare my daughter! She is still young and ignorant!"

Tang Zhonghe lowered his head, his heart bleeding!

"I said, no one dares to refuse what I, Xiao Chen, give to others! Now she only needs to wear the jade bracelet and admit that she is my Xiao Chen's woman, and I will let you go! Of course, I am treating her now , I no longer have any interest, but your daughter has been labeled by me all her life, I wonder who dares to want her!" Xiao Chen said slowly.

Then he grinned, very brightly!

But the joy deep in his eyes was not concealed at all!


Tang Zhonghe trembled all over and raised his head in horror, his eyes filled with despair!

"Master Xiao, if you do this, won't you ruin my daughter's life?"

"So what if I ruin her for the rest of her life? Just what she did just now is worth her lifetime to repent and wake up! Hahaha!"

Xiao Chen smiled even happier and more unscrupulously!

"Master Xiao, City Master, can't you give me some face? I am willing to follow you all my life and work for you. I just ask you to let my daughter go!" Tang Zhonghe gritted his teeth.

"Haha! Give you face?"

Xiao Chen grinned, stretched out a hand, patted Tang Zhonghe's cheek gently, and said: "Tang Zhonghe, do you think you still have face? Or don't you understand how much you weigh?"

After hearing this, Tang Zhonghe felt despair in his heart, his face turned blue and white, and he was speechless!

The anomaly here has attracted all the other unrelated people around!

"what happened?"

"Eh? Tang Zhonghe, isn't he a powerful warrior? Why did he kneel down!" Many passers-by were extremely surprised!

"Don't even look at who that young man is. He is Xiao Chen, the son of the city lord of Nanluo City. Nanluo City ranks among the top fifty cities in Dongzhou!"

"The city lord of Nanluo City, Xiao Zhantian, has reached the peak of the Martial God. He is only one step away from the Martial Lord realm. He is known as the Half-Step Martial Lord!"

"If Xiao Zhantian takes the last step and becomes a Martial Lord, he can become a being like the Ji family or the Su family! Who dares to offend his son?"

This is the origin of the Ji family and the Su family!

There is a strong person in the family who breaks through to the realm of martial master, and the family's status immediately rises!

"It turns out he is Xiao Zhantian's son! No wonder it's like this!" Everyone suddenly became confused.

"Alas, Tang Zhonghe is also a poor man. A great change occurred in the clan, which resulted in the almost annihilation of the clan. Now, only his lineage is left in the entire Tang family, and there are still enemies chasing him. If the Tang family is not continued, I am afraid that Tang Zhonghe will be killed. The family’s inheritance will be cut off from now on!”

An old man shook his head, sighed softly, and turned away, unwilling to see Tang Zhonghe's miserable condition!

"For the continuation of the family, it takes great courage for a martial god to kneel down in front of everyone!"

Everyone nodded. If it were me, I'm afraid I wouldn't have the courage to kneel down in front of a junior who is not as powerful as myself!

Because this kneeling almost means abandoning all dignity!

At this time.

Lin Nan's family is also walking this way!

"What's going on? It's so lively in front!"

Liu Ruqing asked strangely!

"You don't even know this, but there is a Martial God kneeling in front of everyone!" Someone explained casually!

"The God of War kneels in public?"

Lin Nan and others couldn't help but look forward and saw Tang Zhonghe kneeling in front of Xiao Chen. Tang Qingxuan was also kneeling beside him, with tears all over his face!

"Ah, it's Sister Qingxuan, why is she crying!"

Ling'er recognized Tang Qingxuan immediately!

"Hmph! Someone must be bullying Sister Qingxuan. Sister Qingxuan is so kind, but someone dares to bully her? Mo'er must protect Sister Qingxuan!" Lin Momo snorted, waved her fist, and pointed directly at Tang Qingxuan. Rush in the direction!

When she came to Tang Qingxuan's side, Lin Momo took out a handkerchief and wiped the tears on Tang Qingxuan's cheek!

"Mo'er? You...why are you here?"

Tang Qingxuan was extremely surprised. She didn't expect Lin Momo to suddenly appear here!

"Sister Qingxuan, don't cry. If you cry again, you won't be beautiful!"

Lin Momo comforted.

"Tell Mo'er if someone is bullying you, and Mo'er will help you teach him a lesson!"

"Where did you come from, wild girl? Get out of here!"

Xiao Chen frowned!

"Hmph! You are a bad person. If you dare to bully Sister Qingxuan, I will beat you up!" Lin Momo gritted her silver teeth!

"Haha, wild girl, you want to beat me? I'll give you a pair of hands, you can beat me..."

Xiao Chen's face was full of amusement, but before he could finish his sentence, Lin Momo had already taken action. The little loli was so fast that she broke the sound barrier in an instant, jumped up, and stood before Xiao Chen. He was kicked hard in the stomach!


Xiao Chen only felt as if he was hit hard in the stomach by a speeding train, and his whole body flew out!


"Master Xiao!"

Everyone at the scene was shocked when they saw this scene. They never thought that such a thing would happen!

Someone actually dared to attack Xiao Chen in public?

At the same time, the group of guards brought by Xiao Chen all stood up. When the three old men saw this scene, their faces suddenly sank!


These three old men were all worshiped by Nanluo City. Their cultivation was at the early stage of the Martial God. When they saw Xiao Chen being attacked, they were all ready to take action!

However, these three old men have just taken a step forward!


Lin Nan entered the field, snorted coldly, and glanced over!

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