Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 848 His Royal Highness—Dead! (fifth update)

Because of the incident involving Xiao Zhantian and his son, almost everyone in the Star Reaching Tower knew that Lin Nan, the city lord of Huang Maple City, had arrived!

The entire Star Reaching Building was already boiling like a fire!

People everywhere are talking about:

"Have you heard? The Lord of Yellow Maple City has really come to the Holy City. If he comes to compete for the Eastern Continent Talent List this time, I'm afraid he will be among the top three!"

"Who says it's not the case? The moment he appeared in the Star-Zhaing Tower, it caused an uproar. Xiao Zhantian and Xiao Chen, father and son, were almost scared out of their wits!"

"That Tang Zhonghe is really lucky! His clan was about to be exterminated, but he actually embraced such a pair of legs!"

Xuanyuan Haotian and others went all the way down from the ninety-third floor of the Star-Zhaing Tower. There were people talking everywhere along the way!

"Hmph! Top three on the list of geniuses? He deserves it too!"

Xuanyuan Haotian snorted coldly!

"Who! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Someone muttered something casually!

"Shh! Don't die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone reminded this person!

The speaker was startled and looked in the direction of Xuanyuan Haotian. His face turned pale and he quickly lowered his head!

With the momentum of the Nine Immortals Dynasty, Xuanyuan Haotian is the crown prince of the Nine Immortals Dynasty. No ordinary Martial God dares to provoke him, let alone anyone who dares to discuss him in front of Xuanyuan Haotian!

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Haotian ignored this group of people and continued walking down to the lower level with everyone behind him!

Along the way, more and more people noticed this scene. After a flash of eyes, they followed behind and headed downstairs!

And at this moment.

Tang Qingxuan and his daughter were walking in the Star Reaching Tower behind Lin Nan and his family!

Liu Ruqing was in high spirits. Not only was she admiring the scenery in the Star Reaching Tower, she was also able to overlook the night view of the entire Holy City through some special observation towers!

"It's so beautiful! I want to take pictures of all these scenery!"

Liu Ruqing was very excited, took out a mobile phone and started taking pictures!

"What are they doing?"

"What kind of magic weapon is that? It's actually blooming with light? It's so small and magical!"

Xianza and the others did not dare to approach Lin Nan’s family!

Wherever Lin Nan and others went, everyone dispersed, took the initiative to give up space, and did not dare to step forward!

Lin Nan led Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Ling'er and the others along the way, and finally met Xuanyuan Haotian and others coming down from the middle floor of the Star Reaching Tower!

"Are you Lin Nan?"

Xuanyuan Haotian stood in front, leading a group of people, standing there firmly, blocking the center of the road!

Everyone present held their breath, not daring to take a breath!

One is Lin Nan, who has a notorious reputation. He even dares to kill the elders and candidate saint sons of Taixuan Sect!

The other person is the prince of the Nine Immortals Dynasty and the future emperor of the Nine Immortals Dynasty—Xuanyuan Haotian. He is a powerful person and may be ranked among the top three in the list of geniuses among the younger generation of Dongzhou!

The other person's future is limitless, the future is full of opportunities, and he has a noble status and is the ninth-five-year-old!

No matter where the two of them meet, they will definitely be at odds with each other!

Of course, all this is just wishful thinking on the part of outsiders!

"Who is this?"

Before Lin Nan could speak, Liu Ruqing asked suspiciously!

She was still filled with the joy of admiring the beautiful scenery. She was holding the mobile phone in her hand and taking photos non-stop, hoping to keep the photos as a souvenir!

"Ruqing, this is the prince of the Nine Immortals Dynasty..."

Tang Qingxuan lowered her voice, pulled Liu Ruqing's sleeve, and explained in a low voice.

"Lin Nan! I didn't expect that you dared to come to the Holy City! Do you remember Xuanyuan Xu, right? That was my brother, and you killed him with your own hands!" Xuanyuan Haotian said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene was stunned!

"what happened?"

"City Lord Lin killed Xuanyuan Xu?"

"When did this happen?"

Many people don't know what happened, and their faces are full of doubts!

"I seem to have heard that half a year ago, the emperor of the Nine Immortals Dynasty gathered a million-strong army and seemed to be going out for an expedition! But for some reason, it was suddenly canceled..." An old man frowned slightly, as if he had thought of something. !

Yin Qingcheng was the only one with a complex look in her beautiful eyes, and her eyes fell on Lin Nan!


Lin Nan seemed to have not seen Yin Qingcheng and said calmly: "Get out, you are in my way!"


Everyone was stunned. No one expected that Lin Nan would speak like this!

"How dare you say that! Tsk tsk, you are indeed a young man, he is indeed domineering and passionate!"

An old man was speechless!

"Xuanyuan Haotian's identity is much more noble than that of the candidate saint son of Taixuan Sect!" someone said.

"At the beginning, Taixuanzong also chose Xuanyuan Haotian as the candidate saint son, but he was rejected by Xuanyuan Haotian!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Many people looked sideways and looked at the person who revealed the news. He was a middle-aged man with an unattractive appearance, the type that could not be found even if he was lost in the crowd!

But this man's chest was embroidered with the Taixuan Sect's mark, which added a bit of credibility to his words!

"Do you dare to do it or not? Don't you dare to admit it?"

Xuanyuan Haotian's face darkened!

"I won't say the same sentence a third time, get out!"

Lin Nan still stood there calmly, motionless!

Just now Liu Ruqing said that he would go to the top of the Star Reaching Tower to pick the stars and see if it was true as the legend said. From the top of the Star Reaching Tower, you could pick the stars with your hands!

Unexpectedly, there would be constant troubles on the road, and people would even block the road!

With Lin Nan's identity, who in the world dares to block the way?

"Haha! What if I don't get out of the way?"

Xuanyuan Haotian sneered!

In front of so many people, wouldn't it make people laugh if he got out of the way?

To take a step back, this is the territory of the Holy Palace, and it is in the Star-Zhaing Tower. Is it possible that someone would dare to take action in the Star-Zhaing Tower?


As soon as Xuanyuan Haotian finished speaking these words and even the last word "偨" came out, Lin Nan took action directly!

He raised his hand gently and slapped it out. The target was Xuanyuan Haotian!


Xuanyuan Haotian's pupils shrank slightly, and he felt a sharp pain all over his body. His whole body felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer and flew out!

This became the last sentence in his life!


A rockery in the distance exploded on the spot. Xuanyuan Haotian lay on the ground like a dead dog, completely breathless!

"Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

Behind Xuanyuan Haotian, a dozen old men were shocked when they saw this scene. They turned into a dozen black shadows and rushed over, surrounding Xuanyuan Haotian!

One of the old men, after checking Xuanyuan Haotian's life breath, couldn't help but tremble all over, his head felt a little dizzy, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood!

"His Royal Highness - dead!" the old man said tremblingly.

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