Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 849 Kill Lin Nan? Are you crazy? (sixth update)

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is dead!"

There was deathly silence on the entire floor of the Star-Zhaing Building, and the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard!

So quiet!

Terrifyingly quiet!

Everyone held their breath. Yin Qingcheng's beautiful eyes widened in shock, and her shiny eyes almost bulged out. She didn't care about her own image at all!

'He...how could he...'

Yin Qingcheng was filled with fear and fear, as if a stormy sea had arisen!

Although she had seen Lin Nan kill Xuanyuan Xu, but now Lin Nan actually killed Xuanyuan Haotian?

And, in front of everyone!

Yin Qingcheng's brain was temporarily short-circuited and she lost her ability to think!

Tang Qingxuan, who was following Lin Nan, was equally shocked after seeing this scene. Although she also knew about Lin Nan's terror, she had only heard about it from her father or others and had not seen it with her own eyes!

In Tang Qingxuan's impression, Lin Nan was just a man who didn't talk much, but loved his daughter very much!

She never expected that Lin Nan would take action as soon as he said it, and without any hesitation, he slapped the prince of the Nine Immortals Dynasty to death!

'I seem to understand a little bit why my father is so afraid... No, maybe I am in awe of him! ’

Tang Qingxuan thought in shock!

Not only them, but everyone else present was speechless and speechless!

Lin Nan stood there, looked around everyone, and asked lightly:

"Who else wants to block the way?"

His tone was still calm, as if the person he just killed was just an ant, not the prince of the Nine Immortals Dynasty at all!

Everyone was trembling with fear. Half a year ago, some people heard that Lin Nan was arrogant and dared to kill even the candidate saint son and elders of Taixuan Sect. He was so bold!


These were just rumors, and no one had witnessed it with their own eyes. Now that they saw Lin Nan slapping the crown prince of the Nine Immortals Dynasty to death in public, everyone finally believed that he was a ruthless man!

Moreover, this is a ruthless man who is not afraid of heaven or earth!


There was a commotion at the scene, and the group of people blocking the road in front of them all scattered like ants on a hot pot!

Even at the beginning, the group of people following Xuanyuan Haotian ran as fast as they could, as if they were seeing the God of Death, for fear that Lin Nan would do something to them!

Seeing everyone disperse and make way, Lin Nan turned around and smiled at Liu Ruqing:

"Honey, let's keep walking!"


Liu Ruqing nodded lightly, already calm about all this!

Watch Lin Nan's family walking forward and disappearing on this floor!

The whole scene suddenly exploded!

"Am I dreaming? He actually... killed... Xuanyuan Haotian?"

A martial saint was so shocked that he couldn't breathe. Looking at Lin Nan's leaving back, his arms trembled!

"It's true! He really took action. I didn't believe the news from Baiyan City before, but now I do!"

"Isn't this too overbearing? He is the prince of the Nine Immortals Dynasty. The emperor of the Nine Immortals Dynasty has high hopes for him and has long since decided that he will be the next emperor!"

"I said kill...just kill...the reason is because I blocked the road?"

"What an unjust death! Who dares to believe it? A prince of a dynasty was executed for blocking the road!"

Everyone was talking excitedly, everyone was breathing heavily, everyone was blushing, and the blood in their bodies was boiling!

at the same time.

At the back of the crowd, Xiao Zhantian and Xiao Chen were hidden in the crowd!

"Chen'er, did you see it? If your father hadn't appeared in time to stop you, how would your identity compare with Xuanyuan Haotian? Even he was slapped to death, would you still have a chance to survive!"

Xiao Zhantian's eyes widened!

"Father...Father...Father...I know! When I see this person in the future, I will make a detour for hundreds of miles. Even if I die, I will never appear in front of him again!"

Xiao Chen lowered his head in fear, his eyes filled with horror!

In Xiao Chen's heart, he had already secretly sworn that he would never see Lin Nan again in this life. It was so terrifying!

Deep in the Holy Palace!

The news that Xuanyuan Haotian was slapped to death by Lin Nan came to him immediately!

"Master of the Palace, something big happened in Zhaixing Tower!"

A middle-aged man hurriedly walked over and knelt down outside an attic. A shocking aura erupted from him!

If there are outsiders here, they will definitely find that the aura erupting from this middle-aged man is extremely terrifying, even surpassing King Wu!

"What's the big deal?"

A voice came from the attic. It was very old, as if it had traveled through the long river of time!

"That Lin Nan, the city lord of Yellow Maple City, actually killed the prince of the Nine Immortals Dynasty in public. He killed people in the Star Reaching Tower. This has not happened for a hundred thousand years. This Lin Nan dared to set a precedent. Our Holy Palace should take action. Kill this person to establish your authority!"

The middle man said coldly.

As soon as he finished saying this, another disdainful laugh came from the attic!

"Pfft! Haha! Kill Lin Nan? Are you crazy?"

"Master? Why are you laughing?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then his face suddenly sank, because he discovered that the voice was not the voice of the Lord of the Holy Palace at all, but another man!

"Who are you? Why do you appear in the palace master's retreat!"

"It doesn't matter who I am! What's important is that you, with just one Holy Palace, can't do anything to Lin Nan. Even ten Holy Palaces or a hundred Holy Palaces can't do anything to him!" The voice in the attic was funny! road.

"Why?" The middle-aged man was stunned!

"Haha! Because even my master, who has set up a trap for dozens of epochs, can't kill him. Just you guys? You want to kill Lin Nan too, so save your energy!" The voice in the attic was full of ridicule!

"Dozens of epochs? What do you mean?"

The middle-aged man was stunned!

But at the next moment, a cold voice came!

"Dead people don't need to know what that means!"


A beam of black light shot out directly from the attic and landed on the middle-aged man, turning the man into a pool of blood mist on the spot. Even his soul and spirit were wiped out on the spot!

"Why do you want to kill him? This is a strong man from my Holy Palace, I still keep him for use!"

Deep in the attic, a white-haired old man said angrily.

This person is the master of the Holy Palace!

And right in front of the Lord of the Holy Palace, a black shadow stood there. He seemed to be integrated with the darkness. If he looked carefully, it seemed that there was only a shadow left, and he could not see the specific appearance of that person at all!

This person is always shrouded in a strange mist!

"Hmph! It's just an ant. If he knows about my existence, he is already destined to be dead!" Black Shadow sneered!

"But why did you make a sound? If you didn't speak, how could he know there was someone else here?" the master of the Holy Palace said angrily.

"I have received professional training from my master. Under normal circumstances, I will not laugh unless I really can't help it! Do you think you want to kill Lin Nan? It's just a dream!"

Black Shadow shook his head funny!

The master of the Holy Palace frowned and said, "Who are you? Who is this Lin Nan?"

"You don't need to know this, you just need to remember, delaying time, letting Lin Nan stay here as much as possible, and buying time for my master is enough. After the matter is completed, I will take you into the fairy world!" Black Shadow said solemnly.


The Lord of the Holy Palace’s eyes lit up!

Entering the fairy world is a dream for many people!

"Hmph! It's just entering the fairy world. It's too simple. As long as you do it, my master raises his hand and doesn't tell you that you have entered the fairy world. Even if you are granted the title of Immortal King in the fairy world, it won't be a problem. But the problem is, what can you do? Okay?"

Black Shadow snorted coldly!

"Okay, okay! I know! I have plenty of ways to delay time!"

The master of the Holy Palace was so excited that his whole body trembled!

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