Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 850 Looking at the stars? hehe! Did I allow him to come up? (First update)

After what happened to the Nine Immortals Dynasty Crown Prince Xuanyuan Haotian, Lin Nan and his family were in the Star-Zhaing Tower, and no one dared to block their way!


Lin Nan walked all the way with his wife and children, and directly arrived at the top floor of the Star Reaching Tower!

And the people behind Lin Nan gathered more and more, as if there was some mysterious attraction, attracting everyone, and kept following Lin Nan!

The top floor of the Star Reaching Tower is very vast, and a huge space array has been set up. From this position, the entire top floor of the Star Reaching Tower looks like a huge square, with the Star Reaching Platform still standing!

Looking up from here, the sky full of stars is right above your head, as if you can really pick it up with your hands!

"It's really beautiful here. I feel very close to the stars above my head!"

Liu Ruqing couldn't help but praise!

It was not just her, but it was also the first time for Tang Qingxuan to climb to the top of the Star-Zhaing Tower and get Lin Nan's glory!

Otherwise, with her identity and status, even entering the upper floors of the Star Building would be a luxury, let alone appearing here!

This time, for some reason, the Star Building did not stop the people below from entering the top floor of the Star Building!


The top floor of the Star Reaching Tower, which was originally very idle, became crowded in an instant after hundreds of thousands of monks swarmed in!

The location on the star-catching platform in the distance is very good. It is the top floor of the entire star-catching building and has the best location!

Here, a large rest area is set up, but most people don’t dare to come up!

Only those big shots, or people with status, are qualified to come up!

"what happened?"

A young man asked with a frown!

He sat there calmly, with a stone table in front of him filled with all kinds of food and drinks, and old servants and ladies waiting behind him!

This man's gestures carry an aura of greatness, and more importantly, between his eyebrows, there is a nebula, flowing and wandering like a galaxy!

"What happened to the Holy Palace? So many people suddenly came here? Do you think this is a vegetable market?" the man asked with a frown.

"Brother Ximen, that person came up and brought a large group of meddlers with him!"

In front of the stone table in the distance, another young man immediately stood up and explained respectfully!

His name is Zhou Lianghao, and he comes from the Great Zhou Dynasty, one of the seven great dynasties of Eastern Continent. The Great Zhou Dynasty does not establish a prince, and all princes compete together!

Zhou Lianghao's identity is very noble. He is the biological son of the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He is known as the Nine Nether King. He is one of the candidate heirs. He is very likely to inherit the Great Zhou Dynasty in the future!

Not only the Great Zhou Dynasty, but also the Great Xia Dynasty, Longwu Dynasty, etc., all have candidates for successors. They are here to accompany them. They look at the man in the center area with a respectful expression!

Even one of the candidate saint sons of Taixuanzong was sitting in the crowd, carefully keeping company!

And the man sitting in the center is not from Dongzhou, but from Central Continent, the central area of ​​the entire Gaowu world!

The Middle Continent is vast and boundless, even wider than the Eastern Continent, the Northern Continent, the Southern Continent, and the Western Continent combined!

If Dongzhou is a county, then Zhongzhou is a country, and on this land in the center of the continent, there are many sects, including seven or eight holy lands alone!

And the Holy Land is even more powerful and terrifying than a super sect like Taixuan Sect!

The man surrounded by the dynasty's successor candidates came from the Great Thousand Holy Land and was named Ximen Jianyi!

Although Ximen Jianyi is not the Holy Son of the Great Thousand Holy Land in Central Continent, nor is he even the candidate Holy Son, his status in the Great Thousand Holy Land is extremely high, and he is one of the direct disciples of the Great Thousand Holy Lord!

The old man standing behind Ximen Jianyi looked plain and simple, wearing tattered clothes, but everyone knew that his martial master was frightened when he saw this man, and could not clearly see the depth of this old man. , very scary!

"Oh? That person you are talking about? Who is it?"

Ximen Jianyi raised his hand gently, raised the moonlight cup, drank the grape wine in one gulp, pointed at Lin Nan, and asked unhurriedly!

"Lin Nan, the city lord of Huang Maple City, killed thirty-six city lords in the White Rock City Alliance half a year ago. Even the candidate saint son and three elders of Taixuan Sect were beheaded by this person. During this period, , his limelight in the entire Dongzhou is unparalleled!"

"Just now, he beheaded Xuanyuan Haotian, the crown prince of the Nine Immortals Dynasty, on the lower floor of the Star-Zhailing Tower!"

Zhou Lianghao explained in a low voice.

"Oh? Did he kill the candidate saint son of your Taixuan Sect?"

Ximen Jian said "oh" and turned back to look at another candidate saint son of Taixuan Sect in the crowd!

"Ahem! Yes, the Holy Son he killed was named Li Dunyi, and he was about the same strength as me!"

The candidate saint son of Taixuanzong coughed twice in embarrassment!

"Haha! In that case, why don't you, Taixuanzong, find trouble with him? Even the candidate saint son was killed, but you don't even dare to fart! Ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

Ximen Jianyi shook his head as he spoke, with a hint of sarcasm blooming from the corner of his mouth!

"It's quite interesting to talk about your Taixuan Sect. It's obviously just a larger sect, and you still have the title of Holy Son. Do you think your Taixuan Sect can compete with my Holy Land in Central Continent? Don't look at yourself. How many kilograms and taels! I’m afraid your Holy Son of Taixuan Sect can’t even defeat me, right?”

Facing Ximen Jianyi's ridicule, the candidate saint son of Taixuanzong had an extremely ugly expression on his face and lowered his head slightly!

Compared with Lin Nan, he hated Ximen Jianyi in front of him even more!

At least Lin Nan speaks with his strength!

"What? Why are you lowering your head? Are you not convinced?"

Ximen Jianyi looked at the candidate saint son of Taixuan Sect and asked with a smile.

"I'm not... not convinced!"

The candidate saint son of Taixuanzong shook his head quickly!

"Haha! I'm sorry you don't dare to be dissatisfied!" Ximen Jianyi laughed.

The candidates for heirs from the surrounding dynasties also laughed in agreement!

And this time.

Lin Nan has already taken his family and slowly walked onto the star-catching platform!

"The location up here is good. It should be the best viewing spot in the entire Star Reaching Tower!"

Lin Nan held Ling'er in one hand, Lin Momo sat on his shoulder, and held Liu Ruqing in the other hand, walking on the steps to the star-catching platform under the gaze of everyone!

"What are they doing here?"

When Ximen Jian saw Lin Nan's family coming, followed by several unrelated people, he frowned!

"Brother Ximen, I heard from the news below that City Lord Lin seems to want to take his wife and daughter to watch the stars here!" Zhou Lianghao explained in a low voice, looking at Lin Nan with a hint of fear!

"Looking at the stars? Haha! Did I allow him to come up?"

Ximen Jianyi sneered!

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