Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 851 Young Master, let you get out! Or kill you like a fly swatter! (Second update)

After hearing Ximen Jianyi's words, Zhou Lianghao and others' breaths froze for a while!

They knew how terrifying this person was, even more terrifying than Lin Nan!

In the hearts of everyone, Lin Nan was compared to a fierce tiger. They did not dare to provoke Lin Nan at will, but Ximen Sword was like a real dragon in everyone's hearts!

Otherwise, as the heirs of their dynasty, they would not condescend to be here to accompany them!

"Master, don't you like him?"

The old man behind Ximen Jianyi asked with a smile.

"I don't like it, I don't like it very much. This person is like a fly, he is annoying when he sees it!" Ximen Jian curled his lips!

"Haha! In that case, I take the initiative to ask you to help the young master swat this fly to death!"

The old man chuckled and flicked his sleeves!

"Brother Ximen, no!"

Zhou Lianghao spoke quickly!

"Brother Ximen, think carefully!"

"Brother Ximen, don't mess with this person. Don't get into trouble with him. This is a god of murder. He is the kind of person who fears neither heaven nor earth. If you anger him, I'm afraid..."

In addition, the heirs of the Daxia Dynasty and Longwu Dynasty, and another candidate saint son of Taixuanzong, also spoke to stop him!

The faces of these people changed wildly. They had long been extremely afraid of Lin Nan, and had been warned by the elders in the family. Under normal circumstances, they were not willing to provoke Lin Nan at all!

"Looking at how scared you are, this is how it will be for the rest of your life!"

Ximen Jianyi shook his head in amusement, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes!

"Can Jian, I'm in a good mood today and don't want to kill anyone!"

Ximen Jian waved his sleeves!

"Go over and ask him to roll off the star-catching platform. Remember, "get off"! If he doesn't roll off, he will be killed like a fly swatter!"

When Ximen Jianyi said this, he specially said the word "go" and bit it very hard!

"Obey, Young Master's order!"

The old man named Can Jian bowed his body towards Ximen Jianyi, and then strode towards the direction of Lin Nan!

'Oops! ’

Zhou Lianghao, the Daxia Dynasty, the Longwu Dynasty, the candidate saint son of Taixuan Sect, and others looked at each other, and they all secretly cried out in their hearts!

At this time.

Lin Nan's family has already boarded the star-catching platform, picked a few good seats to sit down, and looked up at the stars!

At a glance from here, the stars in the sky are right in front of you, as if they are sticking to your face!

"Mama, I also want to pick a star and give it to you!"

Lin Momo waved her little hands and reached out to reach for the stars!

Unfortunately, although we are very close to the starry sky on the star-catching platform, it only looks close. In fact, it is only tens of thousands of meters high in the sky. In fact, it is hundreds of millions of light-years away from those stars!

"Haha! Okay, then Mommy will also pick a star and give it to Mo'er!"

Liu Ruqing smiled softly, stretched out a hand, and grabbed the starry sky!

"Look, the stars are in Mom's hands!"

Liu Ruqing opened her palm, and saw an extra crystal ball in the palm of her hand, sparkling, and very dazzling under the starlight!

"Come, Linger, I'll give you this star!"

Liu Ruqing continued to raise her hand, grabbed another 'star', and stuffed it into Ling'er's hand!

Ling'er's big eyes were shining, and she silently put the crystal ball away like a treasure, and leaned towards Liu Ruqing!

Tang Zhonghe and Tang Qingxuan were standing not far from Lin Nan's family!

"What a harmonious family!"

Tang Zhonghe said softly.

"Father, do you feel that he is different?"

Tang Qingxuan also asked.

"It's different, very different! I have never seen such a person, such a strong man, without any majesty, just like an ordinary father or husband, it is really rare!"

Tang Zhonghe nodded slightly!


Tang Zhonghe and Tang Qingxuan felt a chill coming from behind. At the same time, they looked back and found that the old man named Can Jian was already behind them!


Tang Zhonghe only felt that his throat felt dry and his back felt cold!

He had never felt like this before, as if the other person was a god of death, directly locking his throat, and life and death depended on the other person's thoughts!

"Go away, it's none of your business!"

The old man Can Jian glanced over with a cold look. Tang Zhonghe and Tang Qingxuan turned pale and lowered their heads in fear!

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man with Can Jian was already behind Lin Nan's family!

"Young master said, I look at you like a fly, I feel very uncomfortable, and I told you to get off the star-catching platform. Remember, get off!"

The old man Can Jian shouted softly!

His voice was so loud, like a tsunami, that it instantly spread throughout the entire top floor of the Star Reaching Tower!

Everyone below the star-catching platform looked over in shock. No one thought that at this time, someone would dare to say such a thing to Lin Nan!

The entire scene was quiet, and everyone seemed to have lost their souls, standing on the spot, completely petrified!

"This...who is this? How dare you say such things!"

"Does he want his life?"

Some of the city lord-level big shots were so frightened and frightened that their hearts almost stopped beating!


A city lord in the crowd who was at the peak of the Martial God's level suddenly lost his expression and exclaimed!

"Wait! This old man is..."

"What's wrong?"

Someone looked at the city lord in surprise!

"This person! This person is from Central Continent, not from our Eastern Continent. This is... Old Man Canjian. He comes from Central Continent - the Great Thousand Holy Land!"

This city lord at the peak of Martial God was extremely horrified!

"What? Daqian Holy Land!"

Hearing these four words, everyone's expressions on the top floor of the Star Reaching Building changed. The meaning of these four words is really too great!

Just hearing these four words makes people's hearts tremble, and endless pressure rises in their minds. If Taixuan Sect is the strongest sect in Dongzhou, then Daqian Holy Land is the strongest sect in the entire Gaowu world. One of the doors!

Compared with Daqian Holy Land, Taixuanzong is not even worthy of carrying shoes!

The old man in front of me actually comes from the Great Thousand Holy Land?

If this is the case, he is really qualified to let Lin Nan roll down the star-catching platform, for no other reason than because this person comes from the Great Thousand Holy Land!

"City Lord Lin, don't be angry, this person comes from the Great Thousand Holy Land!"

"City Lord Lin, come down quickly! Daqian Holy Land...can't afford to offend you!"

There were people below who couldn't help but remind them, their voices trembling. They had great courage to be able to remind them in front of everyone!

"Great Thousand Holy Lands..."

After Tang Zhonghe heard these four words, he felt like he was possessed. His body trembled slightly and cold sweat poured out of his forehead. Even he knew what the Great Thousand Holy Land meant!

That means you have no ability to resist, only - surrender!

At this time, the old man Can Jian smiled and said:

"Master, let you get out! Or I'll kill you like a fly swatter!"

"Are you going to 'get out' yourself, or are you going to be swatted to death like a fly?"

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