Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 855 Hey, what’s wrong with being narcissistic? (First update)

What happened that night spread throughout the Holy City at the fastest speed!

Lin Nan was on the star-catching platform on the top floor of the star-catching building. Before he could take action, he destroyed a Martial King!

Moreover, he made the disciples of the Holy Lord of the Great Thousand Holy Land roll down the Star Reaching Platform!

As soon as the news came out, it was like a star detonating, completely shaking the entire Holy City, causing an uproar and shocking people!

Before the competition for the Genius List even started, everyone was talking about it!

"real or fake?"

After hearing the news, many people’s first reaction was that they didn’t believe it!

"A direct disciple of the Holy Lord of the Great Thousand Holy Land? He actually rolled down the steps of the Star Reaching Platform?"

"A Martial King was deposed by Lord Lin of Huang Maple City? It's unlikely!"

Many people were talking in low voices, feeling incredible because it was so incredible!

The Great Thousand Holy Land is one of the top forces in the entire Gaowu world. It is located in the hinterland of Central Continent. Whether it is the cultivation environment, resources, or the foundation of the Great Thousand Holy Land, it can be ranked in the top five among all the Great Holy Lands!

The combined power of the entire Eastern Continent is not as good as one percent of the Daqian Holy Land!

Historically, the Holy Son of the Great Thousand Holy Land once came to Dongzhou, and the contemporary Holy Master of Taixuan Sect knelt down to greet him in person. This shows how terrifying the Great Thousand Holy Land is!

"Of course it's true. Hundreds of city lords and tens of thousands of monks were all present at the time to see it with their own eyes. This thing is absolutely true!" someone said with confidence.

"A King of Martial Arts has been deposed by City Lord Lin. What is the level of this City Lord Lin's strength? This is too terrifying!"

There were also people with shocked expressions on their faces!

Most of the rest of the people could only talk about it verbally and had not witnessed what happened that night, but it did not hinder the spread of the incident!

"What does this City Lord Lin look like?"

a female monk asked with interest.

Not just her, most people wanted to see Lin Nan's true face. That night, only tens of thousands of monks witnessed all this and knew what Lin Nan looked like!

However, there are one billion people in the Holy City, and monks account for one-tenth. The tens of thousands of people among the one billion people are only a very small proportion. Most people still don't know what Lin Nan is like!

"City Lord Lin is as rich as jade, and his white clothes are as white as snow, just like a divine king descending to earth!"

A young monk said seriously!

"You fart! Last night, City Lord Lin was obviously wearing a green suit, like the Qing Emperor coming to the dust, suppressing all directions! Why is white clothes better than snow? That's nonsense!"

Someone immediately stood up to refute. This was a middle-aged man with a sneer on his face!

The young monk blushed and said: "Ahem! I was just talking casually, it's not true..."

"whispering sound!"

People around him booed, but everyone was even more curious about Lin Nan's appearance!

Soon, a city lord stood up and spoke!

"City Lord Lin looks to be only about 20 years old among ordinary people, very young! And he has a pair of daughters with unfathomable strength. That night, he didn't do anything, and he destroyed a Martial King with just his own aura!"

A city lord-level big shot spoke up, his words were very credible and very weighty!

"What? So young?"

"I thought City Lord Lin was at least several thousand years old! He looks only over 20 years old. Could it be that his real age is no more than 500 years old?" Someone asked in surprise.

"You are only five hundred years old...to be able to kill King Wu...this is too...too evil!"

"He is simply a monster and a pervert..."

Many strong men of the younger generation opened their mouths. They didn’t know how to evaluate him. They could only think of the word monster!

"Wait a minute! Is City Lord Lin coming to the Holy City to compete for the Talent List?"

A young strong man asked with fear!

Everyone's eyes are focused on this person!

His name is Duan Pengfei, and he is the 101st ranked person on the Talent List. He is only one step away from entering the Talent List. He has been preparing for this competition for the Holy City Talent List for a long time!

This time, we are bound to win!

But when Lin Nan appeared, Duan Pengfei suddenly lost confidence!


After hearing this, many people suddenly lost their voices!

But soon, someone in charge in the Holy Mansion had spoken. Lin Nan's existence had surpassed the Heavenly Ranking. He would not participate in the competition for the Heavenly Ranking!

Hearing this, many of the younger generation on the Tianjiao List secretly breathed a sigh of relief and were thankful in their hearts. Fortunately, Lin Nan did not participate in the competition on the Tianjiao List. Otherwise, they would not have the courage to compete with Lin Nan!

And at this time.

Lin Nanzheng was taking his wife and two cute kids shopping leisurely in the holy city. It was very pleasant. Tang Qingxuan was also pulled by Liu Ruqing and went out together!

Even though there were people talking about Lin Nan everywhere he passed, no one was found on the road who recognized them!


Liu Ruqing sighed softly and said quietly: "Everyone here is talking about City Lord Lin, but they don't know that the City Lord Lin they are talking about is just passing by them!"

"This is called hiding in the city, and the world doesn't know me!" Lin Nan said with a faint smile.

"Here you go again, you know narcissism!"

Liu Ruqing rolled her eyes at Lin Nan!

"Hey, what's wrong with being narcissistic?"

Lin Nan smiled and enjoyed it. He couldn't see the demeanor of looking down on everything and despising all living things last night!

Tang Qingxuan was secretly frightened. Only then did she realize that Lin Nan seemed to have two states. When facing outsiders, he was majestic and sacred, giving people a feeling of inviolability and disobedience!

However, once they were in front of Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Ling'er and the others, all the pretense disappeared!

Even two little lolita can ride on his head!

In Tang Qingxuan's view, this is simply unbelievable!

‘It’s so strange, what kind of person is he? ' Tang Qingxuan thought secretly in her heart.

Unknowingly, there was a group of people in front of them, walking in the center of the street. They were dressed gorgeously, and each of them had an aura of aloofness!

When he came towards me, the passers-by around him dispersed one after another!

"Eh? Tang Qingxuan, long time no see!"

A woman's faint voice came!

Tang Qingxuan finally came back to her senses from her mind, looked up, and found a large group of people standing in front of her!

"Tang Qingya!"

Tang Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, then raised her brows and said, "Why are you here!"

"What's wrong with me here? But it's you. Isn't your father planning to give you to the young city lord of Nanluo City as a concubine? What's wrong? Are you now the wife of the young city lord of Nanluo City? "

Tang Qingya sneered, and asked in a slightly sarcastic tone with a smile on her face.


When Tang Qingxuan heard this, her pretty face suddenly sank!

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