Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 856 I am the eighth prince of the Longwu Dynasty, who of you dares to make a mistake? (Secon

"Qingxuan, who is this?"

Liu Ruqing frowned and asked!

She could feel that when she saw Tang Qingya, Tang Qingxuan was obviously not in a good state!

"This is my cousin, named Tang Qingya. After something happened to our Tang family, she took away a lot of the family's treasures and then defected! She is wanted by our Tang family. I didn't expect that she would dare to show up!"

Tang Qingxuan gritted his teeth angrily!

The Tang family was in trouble and was attacked by the enemy. All the elders in the clan died in that battle. Except for Tang Zhonghe and some of his clan members, who luckily escaped with their lives, the rest of the clan also escaped with a narrow escape!

Originally, the Tang family was also a family of city lords. After being completely in trouble, even Tang Zhonghe had to stay with others and go to other cities to prepare as an offering!

Tang Zhonghe, the head of the academy, chose Nanluo City, but unfortunately everything did not go as he wished!

If Tang Qingya hadn't taken away a large amount of treasures, with the Tang family's background, they wouldn't have been in such a state of poverty that they had to rely on others!


When Tang Qingxuan saw Tang Qingya, it was like enemies meeting each other, she was extremely jealous!

After explaining everything, Liu Ruqing suddenly realized that this was what happened!

Although Liu Ruqing's origin is not a super big family, there are also intrigues among the Liu family!

This is true for a small family, let alone a big family at the level of a city lord!

"Oh, who are these people? They are bringing their whole family with them! Tang Qingxuan, you are really getting better and better!" Tang Qingya laughed strangely!

"Tang Qingya, don't go too far! These are my friends. Telling their identities will scare you to death!" Tang Qingxuan said angrily.


Hearing Tang Qingxuan's words, the group of people behind Tang Qingya all laughed!

There was teasing, ridicule, disdain, and arrogance in the tone. Everyone looked down at Tang Qingxuan with a detached look!

"Qingya, this cousin of yours seems a bit interesting!"

One of the young men said with a faint smile.

He was wearing a brocade robe, with a slender figure, and a purple gold jade ring on his wrist. He carried an aloof aura with his movements!

"Eighth Prince, what are you talking about? My cousin has never seen much of the world!" Tang Qingya said with a smile.

This young man, named Long Tengxiao, is the eighth son of the emperor of the Longwu Dynasty. He came to participate in the ranking of the genius list of the Holy City. He just entered the city this morning and heard about the city lord of Huang Maple City. He was there just now. While discussing City Lord Lin, unexpectedly, they met Tang Qingxuan and others!

Liu Ruqing frowned and said displeasedly: "Do you think you are great?"

"My family was in trouble, but I didn't think of a way to save it. I stole a lot of the family's treasures and put the lives of everyone in the family at risk? Now you still have the face to show up. Your face is really thicker than the city wall!"

"Mama is right, your face is thicker than the city wall!"

Lin Momo nodded in agreement!

"That's right, shameless and shameless!"

Ling'er also echoed in a cute manner!

Lin Nan stood aside with a faint smile on his lips. Ever since Tang Qingxuan stood up and stood in front of Liu Ruqing last night, Liu Ruqing has regarded Tang Qingxuan as a close friend!

"Little girl, what are you talking about? It's not your place to interrupt when adults are talking!"

Tang Qingya's face suddenly became extremely gloomy!

"Hmph! Bad woman, you have done bad things, and you don't want others to tell you?"

"That's it! Bad woman, bad woman!"

Lin Momo and Ling'er said loudly!

The innocent and childish voice attracted people from the nearby streets. They all gathered over and looked at Tang Qingya!

"shut up!"

Tang Qingya was so angry that she was shaking all over. As more and more people gathered around her, they started pointing at her!

Long Tengxiao frowned, Tang Qingya was now his woman!

Although she is not his wife, not even a concubine, she is still his Long Tengxiao's woman. They have been a couple for one night and a hundred nights of grace. What's more, Tang Qingya has been serving him for so long. How can she be beaten by a group of ordinary people on the street? Pointing fingers?

"Shut up, everyone!"

Long Tengxiao shouted!

A sound of dragon roar came, and the terrifying sound wave spread out in all directions. All the ordinary people felt a sharp pain in their eardrums, and they retreated slowly, and they all closed their mouths in fear!

"Hmph! I am the eighth prince of the Longwu Dynasty. Who among you dares to make a mistake? Just try to discuss it!"

Long Tengxiao looked around, his eyes filled with coldness!

Everyone around looked at Long Tengxiao with a trace of fear!

Although this is a holy city and outside forces cannot reach in, for ordinary people, if they offend someone from the Longwu Dynasty, they will definitely die without a burial place!

Seeing that the surroundings were quiet, Long Tengxiao focused his gaze on Liu Ruqing!

"What did you just say? How dare you slander my woman?"

"And you two little guys, you don't learn well at a young age, so you just talk nonsense. Do you know that sometimes, trouble comes from your mouth!" Long Tengxiao said in a deep voice!

"Eighth Prince! I want these women to kneel down and apologize!"

Tang Qingya said thoughtfully.

Her eyes were full of resentment and excitement!

at this time.

"Da da da!"

There was a commotion on the street behind Long Tengxiao, and a large group of soldiers wearing heavy armor rushed over quickly!

A dragon flag of the Longwu Dynasty was raised high, and all the people watching the excitement retreated, finally making way for this group of soldiers to pass by!

In the center of this group of soldiers, there was a huge banquet chariot. A man who got off the chariot was none other than the second prince of the Longwu Dynasty—Long Tianqi!

"Hahaha! Eighth brother, my father sent a letter saying that you have come to the Holy City. I counted the time and thought that you should be entering the city soon, so I brought someone to pick you up. I didn't expect that you had already entered the city!"

A hearty laugh came!

I saw a young man wearing a python robe, walking like a dragon and a tiger, with a royal aura and majesty every step he took!

"Second brother!"

Long Tengxiao smiled faintly and looked back at Long Tianqi!

"You are serious, why don't you wait for me outside the city and let me take you into the city gracefully? Why did you sneak in by yourself!"

Long Tianqi said reproachfully, stepping forward and grabbing Long Tengxiao's wrist!

"Haha! I just don't want to trouble my second brother, but I didn't expect that I would actually run into trouble when I entered the city!"

Long Tengxiao said with a smile.


Long Tianqi was stunned and frowned: "Who dares to cause trouble for my eighth brother?"

"Here! This is the group of people who dare to talk nonsense to my woman in the street!"

Long Tengxiao turned around, stood with his hands behind his back, and pointed at Lin Nan and others with his chin!

Because Long Tianqi focused on Long Tengxiao at first, he noticed that there was another group of people standing opposite him!


When Long Tianqi looked in the direction pointed by Long Tengxiao, he couldn't help but be stunned. Then his pupils shrank suddenly and he knelt on the ground in fear!


There was a muffled sound, and the whole world became quiet!

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