Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 863 You are the Taoist Patriarch of the Sword. Who has not lived the second life? (Third upd


Everyone's eyes were focused on Su Ming!

This feeling of being in the spotlight is very good. Su Ming likes this feeling very much. Su Ming likes the surprised faces of those people and the looks of people who have never seen the world. Su Ming likes it very much!

"Are you the Holy Son of Taixuan Sect?"

Su Ming strode forward. For others, the steps ahead may be dangerous, but for Su Ming, they are just like a smooth road without any obstacles!

Su Ming moved forward very quickly, and everyone's eyes followed Su Ming!


He stopped in front of the Holy Son of Taixuanzong and said proudly: "With this kind of pressure, you also need to sit down and rest? Are you also rubbish?"

There was no cover-up in Su Ming's words!

"This...Su Ming, be careful what you say!"

"Our Su family has nothing to do with you for a long time. Don't harm our Su family!"

Below the Holy Tower, everyone in the Su family has long been trembling with fear. Su Ming said this about the Holy Son of Taixuanzong. If Taixuanzong gets angry, wouldn't he blame the Su family?

"I’m waiting for you!"

Saint Taixuan spoke calmly!

He suddenly opened his eyes, with a bright light shining in his eyes. In his left eye, the sun and moon were born. In his right eye, there was a totem of the sun, which made Su Ming's heart move deeply. He glanced at Saint Taixuan!

"You are very powerful, indeed enough to be my opponent!"

Su Ming nodded lightly, and finally a faint smile appeared on his face, but in this smile, there was more pride and arrogance!


The Holy Son of Taixuan also moved. He stood up, turned around and walked towards the top of the Holy Tower. When the Holy Son of Taixuan ascended the tower, he climbed the tower very slowly, one step at a time!

But when Su Ming appeared, the Holy Son of Taixuanzong seemed to have been unchained. From moving slowly, he suddenly became as fast as flying!

"Da da da!"

Su Ming and Saint Taixuan turned into two humanoid afterimages and headed towards the top of the holy tower, walking on flat ground!

"So... so fast!"

Zhou Lianghao, Ji Chengfeng, Long Aoxuan, Xuanyuan Ning and others were extremely shocked. They were on the Holy Tower and could most clearly feel the terrifying speed of these two people!

"Su Ming? Did I misjudge you?"

For the first time, Su Qiong had doubts about herself, because Su Ming's performance was so impressive!

In the blink of an eye, Su Ming and Saint Taixuan had reached the level 2,500. The pressure in front became even more terrifying. They stopped almost at the same time!

"You are powerful too!"

Saint Taixuan's face was indifferent, he looked at Su Ming intently, and said so!

"I have been a human in two lives. In my previous life, I was the ancestor of swordsmanship. In this life, I just want to keep a low profile and return to the top of swordsmanship. I didn't expect to meet you! You are also very good. If you want, you can become my servant!"

Saint Taixuan said proudly!

His voice was like a sharp sword, cutting into Su Ming's mind, but Su Ming was not afraid at all!

"Haha! You are the Taoist ancestor of the sword. Who hasn't lived the second life?"

Su Ming laughed and shouted: "I am the reincarnation of Martial Ancestor! Let's compete to see who can climb to the top of the holy tower!"

"I think so too!"

Saint Taixuan said solemnly, he raised his eyes, and a brilliant light burst out from his eyes, full of fighting power!


The two moved at the same time again, and the entire holy tower almost became the stage for Su Ming and Taixuan, becoming the focus of hundreds of millions of people!

Level two thousand five hundred!

Level two thousand six hundred!

Level two thousand seven hundred!

At the beginning, the two of them moved very fast, almost taking two or three steps in one step. For ordinary people, this is almost unbelievable!

"It's so powerful! When we were at level 1,500, we were still struggling and struggling. Every step we took required a huge amount of strength!"

"But these two people, after reaching level 2,500, can still walk like flying. It's really terrifying!"

Zhou Lianghao couldn't help but exclaimed, his body was trembling!

"The gap is too big. I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with him for the rest of my life!"

Although Ji Chengfeng was so angry at Su Ming that he vomited blood just now, the facts before him told him that Su Ming did have the qualifications to compete with the Holy Son of Taixuan Sect!

"This person is very strong!"

Long Aoxuan nodded slightly, his eyes full of solemnity and fear!

"Do we have a chance to catch up with the two of them in this life? Or can we only watch their backs fight?"

Xuanyuan Ning gave a bitter smile, with a bitter taste in his mouth. He also came to compete for the list of geniuses. The gap was really too big, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"Is this year's top talent list going to be chosen between these two people?"

While these people were discussing, Su Ming and Saint Taixuan were approaching the top of the tower!

Level two thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight!

Level two thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine!

Level two thousand nine hundred and ninety!

They were getting closer. Su Ming and the Holy Son of Taixuan Sect were only ten steps away from the top of the holy tower!

It was also these last ten steps that made the two of them feel as if they had entered the depths of the sea. A terrifying pressure came from all directions, almost crushing the two of them alive!


The surrounding void trembled slightly, and Su Ming and Taixuan Shengzi felt as if they were imprisoned and unable to move forward any further!

The Holy Tower is level 3,000. The first 2,990 levels are all foreshadowing. The last ten levels are the shackles of the array!

First level, first level!

No step forward is a qualitative leap!


Su Ming snorted, his mouth sweetened, and a trace of blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth. He was actually injured!


The Holy Son of Taixuanzong next to him spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his face also became pale and bloodless!

Only the last ten steps are left!

As long as they take these last ten steps, they can reach the top!

"As expected of the holy tower left by the ancient immortals, it is indeed very powerful!"

When Saint Taixuan spoke, his voice was trembling!

"It is indeed very powerful. Being able to push me to this point is already very powerful!" Su Ming also nodded lightly.

Listening to the conversation between the two, the entire Holy City Square fell into a dead silence!

Really dead silence!

Almost everyone held their breath and widened their eyes as they looked at the two people who were almost infinitely close to the top of the tower!

Suddenly, without any warning, a singing voice like a silver bell reached everyone's ears!


"Wha... what's the sound?"

This voice was as sweet as a lark, but it shocked people!

It came from the Holy Tower!

Looking towards the source of the sound, I saw a group of people appearing at level 2900!

Just now, everyone's eyes were all on Su Ming and Saint Taixuan. No one noticed that there was another group of people who climbed to the top of the tower when everyone had no morality!

But after seeing this group of people clearly!

"This is……"

Everyone from Taixuanzong, the Seven Great Divine Dynasties, the Five Great Aristocratic Families, the Ji Family, and the Su Family were all shocked!

"Them! How is that possible!"


The rest of the people couldn't help but gasp!

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