Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 864 Huh? Big brother, what are you doing? (Fourth update)


Liu Ruqing held Lin Momo and Ling'er in her arms. The little girl was very happy and sang children's songs that people couldn't understand!


"How can it be!"

"When did they go up?"

After seeing Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Ling'er, Leng Yan, Lin Canghai and others, everyone below the Holy Tower was stunned and shocked!

"It's them!"

Zhou Lianghao's pupils shrank suddenly as he recognized Liu Ruqing and others!

"Are you from Lin Nan?"

Ji Chengfeng also felt that it was unbelievable. Didn't the Holy Palace say that Lin Nan would not participate in the competition for the Genius List? Why did his people come?

"Why is this happening? We have worked so hard and can't even pass level 2,000. Why can they reach level 2,900?"

Long Aoxuan exclaimed, feeling ridiculous!

"Yes, I also want to ask why. If you ask me, who should I ask?" Xuanyuan Ning said angrily.


Su Qiong also recognized Liu Ruqing and others, smiled softly, shook her head, and a hint of sarcasm appeared in the corner of her mouth!

‘Su Ming, Su Ming, you failed again! ’ Su Qiong thought in her heart.

"This little girl is not..."

Yin Qingcheng's beautiful eyes widened, looking at Lin Momo at the top of the holy tower, holding her breath!

She knew that Lin Nan was very powerful, but she never thought that if Lin Nan didn't show up this time, his family, disciples, and servants would also be able to climb the Holy Tower?

Could it be that this family is all evildoers!

Being stared at by everyone, Liu Ruqing blushed a little and whispered:

"Leng Yan, Lin Canghai, are we too showy?"

"No, no, no, mistress, you are not ostentatious at all. If the master were to appear, he would definitely be more ostentatious than this. You are already very low-key!"

Lin Canghai grinned and shook his head quickly.

They have kept a very low profile. While everyone's eyes were focused on Su Ming and Saint Taixuan, Liu Ruqing and others climbed silently, not attracting anyone's attention at all!

"If you were a teacher, I would probably climb to the top in one step without wasting any time!" he said with a cold smile.

"Is that so?"

Liu Ruqing nodded thoughtfully. If it were Lin Nan, he would indeed be more showy than her!


Su Ming and the Holy Son of Taixuan Sect were equally shocked and jaw-dropped!

With their strength, one is the reincarnation of Dao Ancestor in Sword, and the other is the reincarnation of Martial Ancestor. The two of them tried their best to reach level 2990!


The group of old, young, women and children in front of them have also reached level 2900, only ninety levels behind them?

And it looks like it takes no effort at all!

You know, even Su Ming and Taixuan Shengzi almost collapsed from exhaustion when they reached level 2900. With the last level 100 left, they almost used up all their strength to climb up. !

Especially the last ten levels, each level is a dangerous obstacle!


Su Ming opened his mouth and looked at Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Ling'er, Leng Yan, Lin Canghai and others. They walked very easily, as if they were not under any pressure at all!

However, Liu Ruqing and others still walked towards the top of the tower!


Two steps...

Three steps...

"Da da da!"

The sound of quiet footsteps came, and Su Ming's eyes were fixed on their legs. His pupils shrank sharply, and he couldn't accept it in his heart!

Ten steps...

Twenty steps...

There was also silence under the entire altar!

Everyone from Taixuanzong, the Seven Great Divine Dynasties, the Five Great Aristocratic Families, the Ji Family, and the Su Family held their breaths and focused their attention, looking forward to the final result!


Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Linger, Leng Yan, Lin Canghai and others slowly walked towards the top of the holy tower, only one step away from Su Ming!

Level two thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine!

This time, everyone below the Holy Tower was stunned. They all froze on the spot, raising their heads and looking at the top of the Holy Tower. Their mouths opened wide, and their jaws almost fell to the ground!

Su Ming himself was also in a daze. Why did they stop? !

"Huh? Big brother, what are you doing?"

Lin Momo said in a sweet voice, looking at Su Ming who was in a daze, with an innocent expression on her face!

Su Ming was so angry that he was about to vomit blood. He had worked so hard and used all his methods, but he was still seven steps away from reaching the 3000th level!

It was these seven steps that made him feel like a chasm!

However, a beautiful little girl suddenly appeared and climbed to the top of the holy tower without reservation or scruple. How could Su Ming not be angry?

All the heroic words just now were like slaps falling on Su Ming's face one after another at this moment!

There was a loud banging sound!

Su Ming's face alternated between green and red, then turned from red to white, and finally turned into pitch black, just like a face change. His hands were also squeezed together tightly, and the joints creaked!

The other side.

‘This is that man’s daughter! Among these people are his wife, his disciples, and even his servants! ’

Saint Taixuan thought in his heart, and felt bitter in his mouth!

‘Am I worse than his servant? ’

At this time, a burst of laughter came!


"Are we trash?"

Below the Holy Tower, everyone who was mocked by Su Ming all laughed wildly!

Seeing Su Ming's expression like this was so satisfying. Just now when Su Ming said that everyone here was rubbish, everyone wanted to tear Su Ming to pieces on the spot!

"Who is the trash? You just said so many big words, you were so arrogant, each one is more powerful than the other, and now you are not even as good as a little girl?"

A young man from the Nangong family stood up and laughed loudly.

Just now, it was Su Ming who slapped Nangong Yun down, causing the Nangong family to be completely embarrassed. Unexpectedly, the retribution came so quickly. Everyone in the Nangong family felt like they were letting out a bad breath!

"Oh, look up, there are a lot of cows flying in the sky!"

The other people from the seven great dynasties also laughed at him!

"Where? Where?"

Someone is deliberately cooperating and searching everywhere!

"Hey, it's true. There are so many cows flying. Is it that person named Su Ming who has blown all these cows to the sky?"

Some people raised their heads and pointed at the empty sky, saying that they saw many cows flying!

"Maybe so! Hahahaha!"

The voices of the crowd are getting louder and louder, and they are becoming more and more unscrupulous!

Listening to the ridicule around him, Su Ming suddenly felt that he was ridiculous!

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and his old face was burning with pain. Not long ago, he called these people trash, but now these trash are mocking him!

Su Ming couldn't even utter a word of rebuttal. She wished she could find a crack in the ground and crawl into it!

Su Ming only felt that there was nothing more desperate than this in life!


No, there is something even more desperate!

"Woof woof!"

Another voice came!

I saw a big yellow dog with golden hair all over its body, walking slowly from the side of the altar, with its head held high and chest high, walking like a stranger!

This time, the whole world is quiet!

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