Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 865 Do you dare to touch my daughter? (fifth update)

This is a big yellow dog the size of a calf. It has an unattractive appearance. It only has golden hair, which is very soft and pleated!

The eyes of 100 million people all fell on this dog. Taixuanzong, the seven great dynasties, the five great families, the Ji family, the Su family...

Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Linger, Leng Yan, Lin Canghai...

Zhou Lianghao, Ji Chengfeng, Long Aoxuan, Xuanyuan Ning...

Yin Qingcheng, Su Qiong...etc., everyone stared at the dog, their eyes almost bulging out!


Deathly silence!

There was a brief silence, and then the discussion broke out. The whole square of the Holy City was about to explode!


Wave after wave of sound, like a tsunami, surged forward!


"That's a dog? Am I right? I'm worse than a dog?"

"Is that really a dog? A dog can climb the Holy Tower?"

Everyone just felt that their brains were buzzing, and they couldn't react for a while, as if there was a short circuit!

It was as shocking as when they saw with their own eyes that a comet streaked across the sky and hit the continent!

Along the way, Ergouzi saw everyone talking about him. He actually stopped and walked all the way, and even stood up, waving his front paws like a human, and grinning to reveal a mouth of neat teeth. He looked very worthy of a beating!

"This dog deserves a beating!"

Some people couldn’t help but complain!

"Damn it! Why can this dog climb the Holy Tower? Are we worse than a dog?"

"Why! Why is this?"

Everyone was confused and felt unreal, thinking they were dreaming!

A dog climbed onto the Holy Tower, and was still climbing and moving forward. He had already passed the 2,900 levels and continued to walk towards the top of the Holy Tower. He was very comfortable along the way, taking steps that he would never recognize his relatives!

Su Ming stood on the 2993rd step, her whole figure seemed to be petrified!

Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Ling'er, Leng Yan, Lin Canghai and others were the first to reach the top, and they had already given him a heavy blow!

Now, another dog appeared. At this moment, Su Ming's self-esteem became completely damaged and completely collapsed!

"Big dog, you're here too! Mommy said, don't be too high-profile, come here quickly!"

Lin Momo shouted in a milky voice!

"Woof woof!"

Ergouzi barked twice, which was considered a response!

Then he ran towards the top of the tower, passing by without mercy... Su Ming...

When Er Gouzi passed by Su Ming, he didn't even have the intention to look at him!

Su Ming felt like being ignored by a dog!

At this time, a voice seemed to come from Su Ming's ears, as if saying: "Haha! When you look at Su Ming, you are worse than a dog!"




Su Ming looked like he was crazy, yelling, his eyes were red, as if he was crazy!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! It's fake, it's all fake, I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy!"

"You are not as good as a dog, you are not as good as a dog!"

Seeing Su Ming's mental disorder, everyone was stunned, including the people of the Su family, who all had expressions of regret on their faces!


At the next moment, Su Ming's eyes burst out with shocking murderous intent. Bloodshot eyes surged, and a bone-piercing coldness burst out from Su Ming's body!

'kill! kill! kill! kill--! ’

'I'm going to kill them! I will kill them with blood and shame! I will kill everyone who mocks me, even if they become demons, I will not hesitate! ’

'kill! kill--! ’

At this moment, Su Ming had only one thought in his mind!

He spotted Lin Momo and used all his strength to attack Lin Momo!

Even if he dies and is reincarnated as a human being, Su Ming will kill Lin Momo to wash away his shame. How can he lose to a little girl when he is reincarnated as a powerful Martial Ancestor?


The moment Su Ming took action, Lin Nan's face suddenly sank!

He took one step forward, crossed the boundary of space, and reached the top of the holy tower directly!

Between lightning and flint!


Lin Nan kicked out, aimed directly at Su Ming's chest, and kicked it. Su Ming turned into a parabola, flew up from the sky, and fell towards the bottom of the holy tower!


There was a muffled sound, and Su Ming fell to the ground like a dead dog!

"How dare you touch my daughter?"

Lin Nan stood on the top of the holy tower, looking down, his tone was cold!


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it!

What shocked everyone was not that Su Ming was kicked away. In the eyes of everyone, it was normal for Su Ming to be kicked away by Lin Nan. After all, Lin Nan had even defeated King Wu with his own hands!

But that’s not what shocked everyone!

Instead, Lin Nan reached the top of the Holy Tower in one step!

This scene shocked everyone's eyes!

This is the Holy Tower. Countless geniuses worked hard to climb the place they wanted to climb, but someone actually climbed to the top in one step?

No one is surprised!

Who is not afraid!

At this moment, among the crowd in the distance, a group of elders from the Holy Palace who were at the peak of the Martial King level were discussing in low voices:

"Brother Ling, if it were you, how many steps would it take to climb the Holy Tower?"

An old man in gold clothes asked with a solemn expression.

"Ten steps!"

Brother Ling frowned and said so!

They had also landed on the Holy Tower before. With their peak Martial King strength, they needed to use all their strength and take ten steps to reach the top!

"Ten steps? Is this person ten times stronger than us?"

The expression of the old man in golden clothes suddenly changed. If this is true, then Lin Nan's strength is really terrifying!

"You are wrong, more than ten times!" Brother Ling sighed softly and shook his head.

"What's the meaning?"

The old man in golden clothes was slightly startled!

Brother Ling looked extremely fearful and solemn as he explained solemnly:

"The meaning is very simple! If the full score for an item is one hundred points, we can get ninety-nine points. That's because we can only get ninety-nine points, and the upper limit is here! But Lin Nan can get one hundred points. It’s because the total score for this project is only 100 points! It seems like the difference is only one point, but in fact, the difference is far more than that!”

"Lin Nan stepped onto the Holy Tower, just because the Holy Tower is only so high, that's all!"

"You mean, Lin Nan's strength has surpassed the limits of the Holy Tower!" The old man in gold shuddered!

He raised his head in disbelief and looked at Lin Nan at the top of the holy tower. Na Na said to himself: "Oh my God, this monster came out of nowhere!"

The old man in golden clothes and Brother Ling from the Holy Mansion were discussing.

"Lin Nan——!"

A cold roar came, and the sound was mixed with endless anger, humiliation, resentment and unwillingness!

Su Ming got up from the ground!

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