Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 870 Sister, someone is chasing me! help me! (Fourth update)

After what happened in the Holy City, Lin Nan's reputation spread throughout the entire East Continent, and almost everyone knew about it!

On the streets and alleys, people are talking about:

"Have you heard that this year's list of geniuses is really interesting! The top one is actually a little girl, and she is still five years old!"

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation!

"What? A five-year-old girl can be at the top of the list of geniuses? Is this true? It's not that the number one on the list of geniuses is the most promising young man in Eastern Continent. How could it be a five-year-old girl? ?”

Many people can't believe it!

Some people even thought they were dreaming, it was all so shocking!

"Did you just know? Not only is it a five-year-old girl, but the second person is also a five-year-old girl, and the third person is the mother of these two little girls!"

Someone said with a smile on his face.

"Is it true? The second place is also true? Why do I feel like I'm joking?"

Everyone looked at the speaker. He was a middle-aged man with a somewhat wretched appearance, but a proud look on his face!

It's as if he is the second on the list of geniuses!

"Yes! What's going on?"

"Hey! You didn't know it right now. The third place on the list of geniuses is the wife of the city lord of Huang Maple City. As for the first and second places, they are both the children of the city lord of Huang Maple City!" The wretched man chuckled.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and before they could react, the first and second place on the list of geniuses were actually children?

"There is even more crazy news for you. The top one on the list of geniuses will get a marrow-cleansing pill. Do you know this?" the wretched man continued to laugh.

"That's right! It does happen. I remember that in the last competition for the Talent List, the Holy Son of Taixuan Sect won first place and finally received a Marrow Cleansing Pill!"

"Hehe, the little girl named Lin Momo got the Marrow Cleansing Pill this time. Guess what?"

This wretched man said mysteriously.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone's eyes were attracted!

"This little girl who is number one on the list of geniuses actually exchanged the Marrow Cleansing Pill for the price of a candied haws of sugar!"


The entire scene fell into a dead silence. Everyone opened their mouths slightly with incredible expressions on their faces!


After a brief silence, everyone around couldn't help but howl!

"Ah! A candied haws of water in exchange for a marrow-cleansing pill?"

"Oh my god! Who is so lucky?"

"Every ten years, our Dongzhou will produce one marrow-cleansing pill from the Holy Palace. Just replace it with a candied haws?"

Everyone beat their chests and feet, and were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood. They wished that they were there at that time, and that the candied haws of sugar was the one who took it out in exchange for the marrow cleansing pill!

This kind of thing happens all over Dongzhou!

Nangong Yuan is too busy these days. He blocks the gate of the City Lord's Mansion in Yellow Maple City every day and refuses a large number of guests who visit Lin Nan!

Without exception, these people came to Huang Maple City, hoping to worship Lin Nan as their teacher, and pray for Lin Nan to establish a sect and become the founder of a religion!

But at this moment.

On an official road somewhere on the border of Central Continent, a luxurious carriage was walking slowly!

It is said to be a carriage, but in fact the whole carriage is as luxurious as an emperor's palace. Walking on the official road, it is very eye-catching!

Moreover, there is a universe inside the carriage, and Lin Nan has used the magical power of space inside, and all the living facilities are available!

Since the competition for the Talent List in the Holy City ended, Lin Nan and others did not return to Yellow Maple City, but headed all the way towards Central Continent!

"Master, it has been three months since we came out this time. We have been traveling around the mountains and rivers all the way. In about half a day's journey, we will enter the territory of Central Continent!"

Lin Canghai sat in the front of the carriage and drove, and said with a smile.

Lin Nan leaned on the railing, stood in front of the railing, looked at the road ahead, and nodded slightly!

"Teacher, is this Middle Continent really a thousand times the size of East Continent?"

Leng Yan looked at the map in his hand and felt a little incredible!

The scope of Dongzhou is already large enough, equivalent to the area of ​​a hundred Earths, but Zhongzhou in Gaowu Realm is actually a thousand times the size of Dongzhou!

"Does such a big star really exist?" Leng Yan asked doubtfully.

"Of course it exists!"

Lin Nan nodded lightly. At this moment, he was dressed very casually, wearing a blue robe, just like an ordinary scholar!

"The planet Gaowujie is already considered small in the universe. There are stars in some planes that are ten thousand times larger than those in Gaowujie! A monk will circle the entire star and sometimes need to fly up. millennium!"

"So big?"

Leng Yan opened his mouth and asked excitedly: "Then when the teacher taught me the sword skills, which realm was the scene where he killed the dragon and Kunpeng?"

At first.

Lin Nan teaches Leng Yan swordsmanship. In the picture, Lin Nan kills a dragon with one sword, Kunpeng with one sword, and stars with one sword. It makes people excited and yearning for it!

"That's the world of the world! At that time, I was still a half-step golden immortal monk, what I did before ascending!"

Lin Nan said lightly.

"Lin Nan!"

At this moment, Liu Ruqing's voice came from the carriage, and Liu Ruqing walked out of the car door!

"What's wrong?"

Lin Nan turned around and looked at Liu Ruqing with a smile!

"It's stuffy inside. Mo'er and Ling'er are asleep. Let me come out for some air!"

Liu Ruqing walked slowly and lay down in front of the railing, looking at the official road ahead. The surroundings were desolate, and there were no pedestrians on the road at all!

"so boring!"

"You said it yourself, you want to find a RV to go out like a tourist. We don't have an RV, but we have one in the Emperor's Palace. You still think it's boring!" Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Hmph! Who knew this place was so desolate? It's completely different from what I imagined. I was still thinking about traveling around the mountains and rivers. Who knows, as far as I can see, it's all wilderness. There's nothing except weeds and wild beasts!"

Liu Ruqing curled her lips!

Right now.

On one side of the official road, a girl suddenly rushed out. She looked only eleven or twelve years old. She was covered in blood, her face was pale, and she only had a pair of dark eyes, full of prayer!

"Help, help me!"

"Lin Canghai, stop the car!"

After seeing this girl, Liu Ruqing shouted quickly.

Lin Canghai pulled the reins in his hand, and the twelve horses with the blood of spiritual beasts in front of them all stopped and stood by in place!

Liu Ruqing jumped out of the carriage, helped the girl up, and asked: "Little girl, what's wrong with you? Why are you like this in a deserted place?"

"Sister, someone is chasing me! Help me!"

The girl's pretty face was pale, and her words had just fallen!

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