Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 871 Three seconds to get your people out of the way, otherwise - kill without mercy! (fifth

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"Da da da!"

There was a sound of horse hoofbeats, and the entire official road trembled. A huge team of a thousand people appeared on the official road!

Wearing bronze armor, their bodies were filled with fierce murderous intent. After seeing Lin Nan's carriage, they surrounded the carriage without saying a word. Everyone's eyes were fixed on Liu Ruqing's arms. little girl!

The murderous intent is overwhelming!

When the group of knights came closer, Liu Ruqing saw clearly that they were not riding horses, but ferocious-looking spiritual beasts!

The leading knights among them were wearing ancient bronze battle armor and holding bloodthirsty spears in their hands. The spiritual beasts under them were three feet tall, suspended in mid-air, like the gods of war from myths and stories. Angry and self-defeating!

"It's the fish that slipped through the net!"

A young knight, with ecstasy in his eyes, shouted to Liu Ruqing:

"Who are you? Don't hinder the Taigu Family from arresting people. Hand over this evil bastard immediately!"

"Ah! Sister, save me!"

The girl in Liu Ruqing's arms was so frightened that she shivered and shrank into Liu Ruqing's arms in horror!

Liu Ruqing's brows stood up and she said angrily: "Aren't you men? So many people came together just to catch a little girl? How shameless!"

"Hmph! Are you going to hinder us from carrying out our mission? If you dare to obstruct us, we will be killed together!"

The young rider snorted coldly!

Murderous look flashed across his face, the spear in his hand was raised high, and the blade of the spear was stabbed towards Liu Ruqing. He actually wanted to kill her and the girl in his arms on the spot!

Lin Nan's face darkened!


As soon as this young knight took action, before the spear in his hand could be thrust out, he flew out, exploded in the air, and turned into a pool of blood mist on the spot!


"How dare you kill someone!"

The expressions of the knights around changed drastically!

No one thought that Lin Nan would take action directly, ignore them, and kill people in public!

"Come together and take him down!"

A famous knight shouted, behind him, there was a war flag on his back, grinning!

"Da da da!"

All these knights moved, and the carriage that Lin Nan was riding in was completely surrounded by water. Not even a fly could fly out!

Just when everyone is about to take action!


A middle-aged man wearing bronze armor with a white face and no beard came riding a strange beast and stopped everyone who was about to take action!

After seeing this middle-aged man, everyone present bowed slightly in his direction!

The middle-aged man's eyes flickered as he looked at the carriage Lin Nan was riding in, a trace of surprise flashed deep in his eyes!

This carriage is really too big and ridiculously luxurious. It is like a mobile villa. Even the palace of a mortal emperor is not so exaggerated!

Moreover, Lin Nan killed one of the knights as soon as he took action. He was probably not an ordinary person!

"Friend, my name is Ning Caifan, and I am a member of the Ning family, an ancient aristocratic family. You killed me, a knight of our Ning family, are you trying to become an enemy of our ancient aristocratic family?"

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, not angry but proud, with a sense of pride in his tone!

"The Taikoo family is a family that has been left over from the ancient times. After millions of years, tens of millions of years of continuation, it has never been cut off. The Taikoo family in Central Continent should have a better foundation than the Taixuan Sect in East Continent. Be deeper!”

After hearing the words Taikoo Family, Leng Yan stood aside and explained in a low voice.

Before setting off, Leng Yan collected a lot of news about Central Continent, and the Taikoo Family was one of them!

"If your man attacks my woman, what if I kill him?"

Lin Nan said lightly.

His tone was very calm, with a hint of contempt, making all the knights present feel angry!

What kind of ancient family, if Lin Nan is angered, he can suppress it with just a raise of his hand!


Ning Caifan's face became even more ugly!

However, seeing Lin Nan standing there with his hands behind his back, even if he told him that he was from the ancient Ning family, the other party was indifferent, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart!

‘Does this person also have a great background? No, this mission is of great importance. The fewer people know about it, the better. If this person interferes, wouldn't it ruin the master's good deeds? ’

Ning Caifan was thinking secretly in his heart!


Ning Caifan cupped his hands in front of Lin Nan. Although his eyes were still cold, he squeezed out a smile and said:

"Our people were wrong first, but as long as you hand over this girl, we can forget about it! What do you think?"

"Ah, no!"

Hearing this, the girl in Liu Ruqing's arms closed her eyes in fear and kept diving deeper into Liu Ruqing's arms!

"Sister, don't hand me over. Everyone in my family is dead and killed by them. They will kill me too!"

The girl's voice was full of panic and fear!

"Okay, don't worry, I won't hand you over to these bad people. Just follow me and walk to the car first!"

Liu Ruqing comforted her softly.

While she was talking, she pulled the girl and walked towards the carriage!

All the knights present watched the girl follow Liu Ruqing and disappear at the door of the carriage, and the murderous intent in their eyes increased even more!

"Friend, what do you mean? Why don't you explain it?"

Ning Caifan's face suddenly turned cold, and a terrifying murderous intent erupted from his body!

"I'll take care of this noisy matter, what do you do?" Lin Nan said calmly.


A woman from the Emperor of Heaven saved a girl, what explanation do you need?

Even if this girl is extremely vicious, even if this girl is guilty, as long as Lin Nan is willing, she can save her life. Who dares to refute? Who dares to object?

"You! Do you really want to be an enemy of our Ning family?"

Ning Caifan shouted, his arms began to tremble violently, and he could hardly hold down the knife in his hand!

"Three seconds to get your people out of the way, otherwise - kill without mercy!"

Lin Nan said calmly, ignoring Ning Caifan's anger!

"What did you say?"

Ning Caifan's face changed wildly, his eyes filled with anger, and he stared at Lin Nan!

Lin Nan still stood there, with his hands behind his back, and said one word!

The veins on Ning Caifan's forehead popped out. He wanted to take action, but something felt wrong, very wrong!

But he didn't figure out what was wrong!


Calm down!

So calm!

Ning Caifan discovered that Lin Nan was too calm, abnormally calm!

'Could it be...'

Ning Caifan was thinking, and suddenly Lin Nan's voice came to his ears!


The moment Lin Nan spoke!

Ning Caifan suddenly felt that his whole body was cold, as if he were blocked by ten thousand sharp swords, and each sword was aimed at his heart and throat!

'what happened? Why do I feel this way? ’

Ning Caifan was extremely frightened!

He raised his head in horror and met Lin Nan's indifferent, heartless, cold eyes, and his heart couldn't help but tremble slightly!


Lin Nan spoke again!

This time, Ning Caifan felt suffocated!

It seemed that if he didn't give the order to retreat in the next second, the man in front of him would take action!

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