Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 877 Because you are my woman, just for pampering! (sixth update)

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"Ah You!"

Liu Ruqing's expression changed drastically, and she quickly ran to the side to protect Lin Momo and Ling'er in her arms!

Lin Canghai and Leng Yan also rushed in and stood at the door, looking at Donghuang Peiyue in surprise!



The two of them didn't expect that Donghuang Peiyue had a problem, and they didn't find anything wrong!

"It doesn't matter!"

Lin Nan waved his hand gently, indifferent!

He stood there and looked at Donghuang Peiyue and said calmly: "Is this your method?"


Donghuang Peiyue chuckled and continued to make a man's voice, saying:

"What you are using is your woman's compassion. If you bring this burdensome woman with you, she will kill you sooner or later. The most useless thing in the world is compassion. We are emperors and treat all living beings like ants. How dare you Do you know that the more you worry about someone who has nothing to do with you, the more weaknesses you will have!"

"Lin Nan, you are no longer invincible!"

Donghuang Peiyue said and laughed, his tone full of ridicule!

He had been frustrated for too long in his life. After dozens of epochs, he finally found the flaw in Lin Nan's intention, and he couldn't help but feel happy!

"Hmph! People like you will never think of replacing Lin Nan's position!" Liu Ruqing said angrily, glaring at Donghuang Peiyue.

"Haha! What qualifications do you have to talk to me, a woman who is like an ant?"

Donghuang Peiyue sneered proudly!


Lin Nan gently raised his hand and slapped Donghuang Peiyue so hard that he trembled all over!

"Are you eligible now?"


Donghuang Peiyue glared at Lin Nan angrily. Although this blow did not hit his body, it was because a ray of divine consciousness possessed Donghuang Peiyue, so he felt the same way!

As a quasi-emperor, he was slapped in the face!

Donghuang Peiyue was extremely angry, his eyes burst out with rage, and he wanted to tear Lin Nan to pieces alive!

It's a pity that he can't do it. Even his body is no match for Lin Nan, let alone this is just a ray of soul!

"Don't think about self-destruction. The energy of chaos in your body has been blocked by me!" Lin Nan said lightly.


Seeing that the self-destruction was ineffective, Donghuang Peiyue glared at Lin Nan bitterly and said in a cold voice: "I'm curious, how did you find something wrong with this body? Logically speaking, if the energy of chaos is there, you won't be able to notice it at all. Notice how strange she is!"

"You think too highly of yourself! From the beginning, I knew there was something wrong with this person, but I just wanted to see what would happen in the end. I didn't expect that you, the majestic quasi-emperor, would only use such despicable means?" Lin Nan He shook his head slightly, his eyes full of disappointment!

"Can you have some brains? I am the Emperor of Heaven! Do you think these things can escape my eyes?"

He felt that treating the other party as his opponent was a bit insulting to his own intelligence!

Seeing Lin Nan's eyes, Donghuang Peiyue became furious and shouted: "That look again! That look again! Lin Nan, I'm warning you, don't look at me like that!"

"I can't help it, you're too stupid! I have to look at you like this!" Lin Nan said lightly.

His calm look made Donghuang Peiyue almost go crazy!

But the next moment, Donghuang Peiyue's face showed a hint of ferociousness!

"Hehe! Lin Nan, I have designed a lot of back-ups in Zhongzhou, enough for you to play slowly!"

After saying these words, Donghuang Peiyue fell down softly, and then her flesh and blood withered and turned into a mummy!

Liu Ruqing looked at Donghuang Peiyue's body and froze on the spot!

"This is a mummy in itself. She has been dead for a long time. You don't have to blame yourself!"

Lin Nan stepped forward, patted Liu Ruqing's shoulder, and comforted her softly!

Liu Ruqing didn't speak, but just stared at the mummy on the bed!

Lin Nan clicked his finger, and the mummy instantly turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace!

The corners of Liu Ruqing's eyes were a little red!

"You all get out!"

Lin Nan waved his hand gently. Seeing this, Leng Yan quickly stepped forward and carried Lin Momo and Ling'er out!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were the only two people left in the whole room!

"Am I useless?"

Liu Ruqing's mood was extremely bad!

She didn't expect that because of her compassion, she saved a girl. In the end, this girl turned out to be a pawn in someone else's plot against Lin Nan!

Liu Ruqing felt extremely remorseful in her heart!

"How could it be useless? You are the best woman in the world! It's too late for me to pamper you, so don't say stupid things!"

Lin Nan smiled brightly and hugged Liu Ruqing into his arms!

"But, I almost broke things!"

Liu Ruqing lay in Lin Nan's arms, still feeling very guilty in her heart!

"For me, this is nothing, everything is under my control! Even if I know that there is something wrong with that person and you want to save her, I will still save her!"

Lin Nan smiled and said, his tone was extremely sincere and he didn't mean to be joking at all!

"Ah? Why?"

Liu Ruqing was a little surprised and looked at Lin Nan with confusion!

"No reason, just because you want to save her! Whether you are an emperor or a beggar, as long as you want to save him, I will take action. It has nothing to do with anything else, just because you want to, that's all!"

Lin Nan chuckled, stretched out a hand, and gently touched the tip of Liu Ruqing's nose!

This intimate action can only be done when two people are in private!

Liu Ruqing was extremely moved, with tears glistening in her eyes. She lay in Lin Nan's arms and murmured: "Why are you so nice to me?"

"Because you are my woman, just for pampering!" Lin Nan said with a smile.


Lin Momo and Ling'er were lying at the door of the room. There was movement in the room!

"Ahem! You two, that's about enough, don't eavesdrop!"

Leng Yan couldn't help but remind him.

"It's so disgusting! Aunt Lengyan, will anyone be so disgusting to you in the future? I can't stand listening to it anymore!"

Lin Momo curled her lips!

"Um, this..."

Leng Yan was speechless for a moment, very embarrassed!

"Humph! It's all a lie. You used to say that you would love me forever, but now you push me out of the door!"

Lin Momo pouted, put her hands on her hips, and walked downstairs angrily like a little adult!

"Mo'er, wait for me!"

When Ling'er saw this, he immediately followed!

Only Leng Yan and Lin Canghai were left, standing there awkwardly!

"These two little lolita are so smart!"

Leng Yan couldn't help but spit!

"They are not young anymore. One has lived for dozens of epochs, and the other is seven to eight thousand years old. Speaking of which, the two of us are much younger than them!"

Lin Canghai smiled!

"What do you mean?" Leng Yan glanced sideways at Lin Canghai!

"It's not interesting. If you are willing, my old bones..."

Lin Canghai looked at Leng Yan with a hopeful expression on his face!

Leng Yan rolled his eyes:


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