Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 878 My master is talking and you dare to interrupt? (First update)

Lin Nan and his party did not stay in Tianyun City for a long time, but moved forward all the way into the hinterland of Zhongzhou!

The matter between the Eastern Emperor Pei Yue and the Ning Family of the Taikoo Family was just a small episode. This time I came to Central Continent mainly for training!


It's not Lin Nan's experience, but Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Ling'er and the others. As the largest continent in the high martial arts world, Zhongzhou is juxtaposed with the Holy Land and the Ancient World. There are countless other super sects, and it is a very popular place for cultivation!

Wu'an City, a huge human city!

It is said to have a history of millions of years and a population of one billion in the entire city. Its scale is comparable to the Holy City of Dongzhou, and even more luxurious than the Holy City!

After Lin Nan's family entered Wu'an City, they found a luxurious restaurant to stay!

This is a restaurant, rather than a private garden!

The entire restaurant area was renovated from a private garden. It is deep and winding, with gleaming lights all around, and classical design everywhere, as far as the eye can see!

Lin Canghai was walking in front and had just entered the confines of this restaurant!

"Dear guest, welcome!"

An old man wearing brocade sleeves and robe slowly walked over and said hello with a bright smile on his face!

"Come to the best box!"

Lin Canghai stepped forward and spoke calmly!

"I'm... I'm sorry, guest. Our master has established a good relationship and does not have any private rooms. As long as he is a guest, he will dine under the same sky... regardless of his identity or status, he will be treated equally!"

The old man in brocade sleeves explained with a bright smile!

"No box?"

Lin Canghai frowned!

"It's okay, it's just a meal anyway, so this is it. I quite like the environment here!"

Liu Ruqing smiled lightly!

"As you command!"

When Lin Canghai saw Liu Ruqing speaking, he nodded quickly and asked the old man in brocade sleeves to lead the way!

Everyone passed through a huge corridor and walked towards the depths of the garden. A large area of ​​towering ancient trees rose from the ground. Among these ancient trees, many dining tables and banquets were built!

There were already many monks sitting in the distance, talking to each other. When they saw Lin Nan and others arriving, only a few of them looked at them for a few times!

"Hey! It's quite unique. It seems to be a theme restaurant?"

Liu Ruqing's eyes lit up. The table settings here were eclectic and completely different from those on Earth. They were even very different from the restaurants in Dongzhou!

"If this is a themed restaurant, it is also a restaurant with a theme of cultivating immortals!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly and said jokingly.

“This location is good, this is it!”

Liu Ruqing chose a dining table in a pavilion. There was a lotus pond next to it, and there were seven or eight ancient pines nearby. It was very shady and comfortable!

Lin Nan and others had just sat down when they heard a voice coming from their ears:

"The Holy Son of the Great Thousand Holy Land had an epiphany in the wilderness on a moonlit night. It is said that at that time, nine bright moons were in the sky, showing a vision, which was very terrifying!"

"Nine bright moons? The number of nine supreme beings, could it be that the Great Qian Saint Son has made another breakthrough?"

Some people couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What is this! A few days ago, in the depths of Long Lake, the Saint of Taichu Holy Land realized enlightenment in the middle of the lake. At that time, thousands of golden lotuses bloomed at the same time, and the sound of fairy sounds was endless throughout the world. It is said that many adults were alarmed at that time. Watch, it’s huge!”

The other person also nodded slightly!

The monks around him all marveled after hearing this!

"Last month, the Holy Son of the Eternal Holy Land seemed to have broken through to the Supreme Realm, causing a sensation in the entire Central Continent! Your news is too blocked!"

A young man smiled proudly!

The words fell to the ground.

"His! Supreme!"

There were gasps from all around!

Everyone was shocked!

Huang, Xuan, Earth, Heaven, Martial Saint, Martial God, Martial Lord, Martial King!

Above King Wu, he is the supreme!

"The age of the Eternal Holy Son seems to be less than three hundred years old, right?"

An old man was stunned!

"Three hundred years old? Oh my God!"

"Such a young Supreme!"

Everyone nearby was stunned and looked incredulous!

Most of them, when they were three hundred years old, had not yet become a saint, and were only struggling within the scope of heaven-level warriors. At five hundred years old, they had just crossed the threshold of the holy level and became martial saints!

However, a 300-year-old young man has surpassed King Wu and become the Supreme!

You know, at the level of King Wu, one can already establish a sect, sit in command, and become the leader of a great religion, but a three-hundred-year-old young man has become the Supreme?

No one is surprised! Who doesn’t sigh!

"Such a monster-like genius can probably only be cultivated by people with the background of the Holy Land and the Ancient Aristocratic Family!"

"We are destined to be green leaves in this life, but they are the red flowers. We can only set them off!"

"This world is destined to belong to these evil geniuses!"

People continued to discuss, and their words were nothing more than related to the Great Thousand Holy Land, Taichu Holy Land, Eternal Holy Land, Zifu Holy Land, Tianyang Holy Land, etc.!

"Being a supreme being at the age of three hundred is too powerful!"

Liu Ruqing listened to everyone's discussion and stuck out her tongue. She felt that cultivation was too difficult and not as easy as imagined!

"Don't worry! These saint sons and saint girls in Central Continent are pretty good. If you want to practice, you can practice with them!" Lin Nan smiled lightly.

They came to Central Continent this time just for experience!

Lin Nan's voice was not loud, but there were monks around him, so no matter how quiet he spoke, he was still heard!


At this moment, the eyes of everyone in the entire garden were all focused on him!

Someone frowned!

Someone pouted!

Some people look disgusted!

Someone sneered!

Some people shook their heads disdainfully, thinking that Lin Nan was talking nonsense!

Someone even sneered, stood up, and said in a funny way: "Young men from the Holy Land, what kind of geniuses, what kind of talents? Who are you, using them to practice? You can just say this in private, but in public." You dare to say it out loud? You’re really laughing your ass off!”

This is a young man with a look of sarcasm and disdain on his face!

"Ha ha!"

There was a burst of laughter from all around, full of joking, ridicule, and contempt!

"Who are you? How dare you interrupt when my master is talking?"

Lin Canghai sneered!

He took action directly and slapped him out from the air. The young man who was mocking Lin Nan flew out on the spot, hit an ancient tree, and fell to the ground in a mess!

His face was swollen very high, and his eyes were full of resentment!

"If you dare to say nonsense again, do you believe I will kill you?"

Lin Canghai looked at this young man!

The young man's face was red with shame and anger, and he lowered his head in fear, not daring to say another word!

At the same time, a faint voice came:

"Haha! It's interesting. He's just a servant, but he dares to act wild. It's really awe-inspiring!"

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