Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 879 Why do I feel that this servant is more arrogant than his master? (Second update)

Everyone's eyes were directed towards the source of the sound!

This is a very young man. He is sitting there, with eight beautiful maids standing behind him. Some are playing the piano, some are playing the flute, some are strumming, and some are pulling the strings. His temperament is extraordinary from ordinary people!

This young man sat there, pouring himself a glass of wine. The jade cup in his hand was close to his lips, and he drank a glass of fine wine in one gulp. He was very free and easy!

"It's Mr. Shengxu!"

Someone exclaimed and recognized this person!

"What? It's actually him—Master Shengxu!"

"A young Martial King!"

Many people were stunned. Not many people had seen Master Shengxu, but many people had heard of Master Shengxu’s fame!

Although the reputation of Master Shengxu is not as loud as that of the descendants of the major holy places, he still has a great reputation among the younger generation of Central Continent!

"This person is so powerful that he is as famous as Ning Wushuang of the Ning family! He is also known as: Northern Saint Xu, Southern Wushuang!"

"I didn't expect that you are Master Shengxu. I am your admirer. Please let me follow you and serve at your side!"

A young man was so excited that he rushed out quickly and ran up to Master Shengxu. With a pop, he knelt down without hesitation, his face flushed with excitement!

Everyone was not surprised to see this situation!

This situation is very common in Central Continent. The average young and powerful man will have unlimited achievements in the future. He may become the Lord of a great religion. Some may even become the Holy Lord of the Holy Land in the future!

Therefore, when they are young, there will be many people with average talents who are willing to follow and serve them!

"Ning Wushuang? Didn't news come out a few days ago that Ning Wushuang died? I don't know who killed him?"

An old man spoke and learned some news.

The Ning family itself is an ancient family, and countless pairs of eyes are watching the entire family. The death of a genius is simply a matter of paper!

Moreover, the Ning family also issued a wanted order to capture the person who attacked and killed Ning Wushuang, offering a reward of one million spiritual stones!

"According to the news from the Ning family, it seems that he was attacked and killed by an old Supreme!" someone also said.

"Supreme? I'm afraid someone is jealous of the Ning family's genius, so they sent people to attack and kill him!"

Everyone was talking.

How could they know that Ning Wushuang was slapped to death by Lin Nan!

The attacks and killings by the old Supreme were all just excuses made by the Ning family to save face!

"Master Shengxu, please make the decision for me!"

The young man who was slapped by Lin Canghai rushed to Master Shengxu and looked in the direction of Lin Nan and others, his eyes filled with coldness and coldness!

"Don't worry, I'll make the decision for you!"

Young Master Shengxu nodded slightly. He stood up and slowly walked out of the pavilion. Everyone's eyes followed him!

"Come here and apologize!"

Master Shengxu spoke calmly, glanced at Lin Nan, and said calmly.

Although his voice was extremely calm, it was full of an irresistible flavor, just like the emperor's imperial edict, which must be obeyed!

Lin Nan seemed to have not heard anything and was handling the ingredients on the table!

"Come on, Mo'er, eat this!"

Lin Nan said, and carefully put the food in his hand into Lin Momo's dinner plate!

"Ling'er, if you eat this, your skin will become whiter and tenderer!" Lin Nan smiled, treating the two little lolita equally!

Seeing the two little lolita eating happily, Lin Nan's face was full of doting look!

"Honey, if you eat this, you can beautify your skin and lose weight!"

Lin Nan smiled brightly!

"Am I not thin? What do you mean, do you dislike me for being fat?" Liu Ruqing glanced sideways at Lin Nan!

"Ahem! No, absolutely not that!"

Lin Nan shook his head quickly and was busy interacting with his wife and children!

As for Master Shengxu, he simply ignored him!

"While my master is not angry yet, you better get out of here, you bastard Shengxu! Help others find a place, but you must also have your own strength and don't meddle in other people's business!"

Lin Canghai shook his head funny!


The guests around were all stunned and speechless!

"Isn't this too...too that?"

"This is Master Shengxu, how could they..."

"It doesn't matter if the master is arrogant. Why do I feel that this servant is more arrogant than the master?"

People were terrified and felt incredible!

In addition to being famous, Master Shengxu is also very powerful. Many of the older generation may not be his opponents, but the opponent is just a young man, and he looks very ordinary. How dare he ignore Master Shengxu like this?

Master Shengxu's face suddenly became extremely gloomy!

Lin Nan ignored him, so let it go, but Lin Canghai, a servant, also ridiculed him, making Master Shengxu laugh in anger!

"Hahaha! Interesting, interesting!"

Young Master Shengxu nodded coldly and said: "I have traveled across Central Continent for 327 years, and this is the first time I have seen people like you! I grant you death!"

The words fell to the ground!


Lord Shengxu pointed out the bullet, as quiet as a virgin and as moving as a dragon!

With a snap of his fingers, a terrifying divine light erupted, turning into a sword energy and slashing in the direction of Lin Nan!


This sword energy cut through the sky, even the air was cut!

King Wu's strength is so terrifying!


The guests nearby were retreating quickly for fear of being affected!

However, before they started to retreat, Lin Nan took action. The chopsticks in his hand flew lightly and penetrated the void!


Master Shengxu flew back directly, and the chopstick pierced his Dantian. His whole body and the chopstick were inserted into a towering ancient tree!

A battle is over before it even begins!

"This is!"

"How can it be!"

The guests at the scene were shocked!

At this time.

Lin Nan's faint voice came: "I'm in a good mood today, so I won't kill anyone! I'll destroy your Dantian to serve as a warning to others!"

"Do you have any objections?"

Lin Nan sat there, his eyes flashing with cold light, looking at Master Shengxu indifferently!

Master Shengxu trembled all over and lowered his head in fear. The shock in his heart could only be reduced to two words:

"No...don't dare!"

The coldness on Lin Nan's face was completely gone, and he returned to his sunny look!

"Come on, Mo'er and Ling'er, try this again. This is the loach's tenderloin, which is most suitable for you to eat!"

Lin Nan's gentle voice reached everyone's ears, waking up the shocked people!

"I don't want to eat this!"

"Okay, okay! Then let's not eat this one. Instead, let's eat this one. The marrow of the spirit turtle is very nutritious. It's a great supplement!"

Lin Nan is good at tempting, just like a big bad wolf who kidnapped Little Red Riding Hood!

Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded!

Is this change of attitude too fast? Is this the same person just now, who was so decisive in killing and destroying Master Shengxu with just a chopstick?

The Lin Nan just now was completely different from the Lin Nan now!

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