Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 887 I will take his life, but his head belongs to you! (Fourth update)

"The Dragon Bird Demon King has arrived?"

After hearing the news, almost all the powerful people in Wu'an City were alarmed!

"Here we are, still a hundred miles away from Wu'an City!"

Someone familiar with the matter said that a hundred miles away from Wu'an City, they saw a terrifying vision. The demonic aura soared into the sky, sealing off the entire void. A god-like man came from the void with his feet!

A hundred miles is not that far at all!

The news has just come back, and it’s not even time for a cup of tea!

As soon as you look up from Wu'an City, you can see that in the void ahead, the demonic energy is soaring into the sky, piercing the sky!

This is not over yet, these evil spirits condensed together to form the image of a huge dragon bird. Although it has the body of a peacock, it has a dragon head, which is shocking!

"Is this what the dragon bird looks like?"

This is the first time for many people to see the dragon bird!

"It actually has a dragon head, no wonder it dares to be called Dragon Bird!"

While everyone was discussing, the Dragon Bird Demon King's team had already arrived outside Wu'an City!

The Dragon Bird Demon King looks very young, like a god. He is wearing a colorful feathered coat, but no one is saying it is flashy. Instead, he is full of a sacred atmosphere!

The Dragon Bird Demon King is just above Wu'an City, looking down below, like a god descending to earth, looking down at his subjects!


A monstrous pressure came like a pouring down from the vast sea. Countless creatures in Wu'an City immediately fell to their knees, trembling, unable to withstand this terrifying pressure!

These people kneeling on the ground are like ordinary people who have seen an emperor!

"This... coercion..."


Some of the monks who did not kneel were all from ancient aristocratic families, Holy Lands, etc. They came here just to watch the battle and not to interfere!

However, at this moment, they took a breath of cold air!

"This is the real body of the Dragon Bird Demon King, not his incarnation!"

"The true form of the Dragon Bird Demon King has arrived!"

Everyone was shocked. At first they thought it was just a joke by the Peacock Royal Family, and what was coming was at most the incarnation of the Demon King. However, no one expected that the Dragon Bird Demon King’s true form had actually arrived!

"Grandpa! Who is the Dragon Bird Demon King? Why are so many people afraid of him?"

A little boy of seven or eight years old asked in a low voice.

When he looked back, he realized that his grandfather was already pale and his body was like chaff!

The arrival of the Dragon Bird Demon King touched the hearts of almost all the monks. No one thought that this demon king would come out of seclusion and arrive in his true form!

"This is a myth! Three thousand years ago, it once suppressed an era, suppressing many ancient families and people in the Holy Land, and they all bowed their heads. Moreover, the Dragon Bird Demon King was bloodthirsty and killed people all over the house at every turn. Those who were defeated in his hands There are countless strong ones!" said the little boy's grandfather.

His eyes looking at the Dragon Bird Demon King were filled with deep awe!

"so smart!"

The little boy's face was red, and he looked in the direction of the Dragon Bird Demon King, full of excitement!

He secretly vowed in his heart that when he grows up, he will become such a peerless strong man!

Just when everyone was shocked by the power of the Dragon Bird Demon King!

"Hahaha! Brother Longque, it's been five hundred years since we last met! I didn't expect that Brother Longque is still as charming as ever and is even more powerful than before!"

A burst of heroic laughter came!

Everyone looked towards the direction of the source of the sound and found that it was in another direction, empty. After everyone stared in that direction for about ten seconds, a figure came quickly and also landed in the sky above Wu'an City!

This is an old man who looks like a lion, with disheveled and gray hair. He stands in the sky above Wu'an City, standing at the same height as the Dragon Bird Demon King!

"Huh? It turns out to be Brother Ning. You're fine!"

After the Dragon Bird Demon King saw the visitor, he paused for a moment, nodded slightly, and his aura was restrained!

"It's Ning Zhengxiong! One of the elders of the Ning family, he is from the same era as the Dragon Bird Demon King. It is said that the two have a good relationship!"

An old man spoke and recognized this old man from the Ning family!

"Ning Wushuang, the genius of the Ning family, died at the hands of Lin Nan. I'm afraid Ning Zhengxiong came to kill Lin Nan too!"

"The Dragon Bird Demon King and the powerful men of the Ning family arrived together. Lin Nan is probably dead now!"

Many monks shook their heads, and they had already sentenced Lin Nan to death in their hearts!

One is the demon king of the world, and the other is a super strong man who can make everyone bow down. If such a person takes action, no one will survive, and gods will not be able to save him!

While everyone was discussing, Ning Zhengxiong took a step forward and came to the side of Dragon Bird Demon King. The two walked side by side towards the interior of Wu'an City!

When the Dragon Bird Demon King arrived, Wu'an City's air ban order became a piece of paper. All the monks flew into the sky and followed the Dragon Bird Demon King towards Hua Tianyu's manor!

In the originally empty sky, millions of monks instantly flew up and stood in the air, overlooking the manor below!

Deep in the manor, Hua Tianyu stood there, trembling with shock!

"Sir... the Dragon Bird Demon King is really here..."

The old servant beside Hua Tianyu was already reduced to chaff and lying on the ground, like a mouse seeing a cat!

"I know I know……"

Hua Tianyu stood there, supporting a towering ancient tree, and with the pride in his heart, he could barely stand and did not kneel down!

In fact, there was also a turmoil in his heart. It was not that he had never seen big people before, but when someone like the Dragon Bird Demon King appeared in the sky above his manor, he couldn't help but want to kneel down and worship. This is the first time I’ve seen a strong man!

Dragon Bird Demon King? Why is it so strong!

Hua Tianyu couldn't help but sigh!

"Uncle, it's this woman who made me lose the feathers on my head!"

Yu Jiuxiao stood in the void, looking down from a high position, and happened to see Lin Nan's family!


At the same time, millions of monks in the sky also looked towards the location below!

And this time.

Lin Nan's family was still having a picnic deep in the manor. All changes in the outside world, including the millions of monks in the sky, seemed to have neither heard nor seen, and turned a deaf ear to everything in the outside world!

"Daddy, these chicken wings don't taste good! They're too greasy!"

Lin Momo said, holding up a golden roasted chicken wing with a buttery texture in her hand, looking very disgusted!

"I think it's delicious, Mo'er, don't be picky about food!" Ling'er patted Lin Momo's little head and said like a little adult!


When the millions of monks in the sky saw this scene, their heads were buzzing, they were breathing heavily, and their chests were rising and falling violently!

Everyone gave a thumbs up. His calmness alone surpassed everyone present!

Ning Zhengxiong looked at Lin Nan's family and said with a smile:

"Ning Wushuang is my nephew, but he was killed by this person. Brother Longque, give me some respect. Give this person's head to our Ning family!"

"I will take his life, but his head will be yours!"

The Dragon Bird Demon King spoke calmly, concisely and concisely!


The old man from the Ning family nodded slightly and then stepped aside!

Ning Zhengxiong and Dragon Bird Demon King decided Lin Nan's life or death in just two words!

"As expected of a super strong man, he can fight for life and death, all while talking and laughing!"

Everyone couldn't help but sigh!

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