Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 888 Wow! Daddy, what a beautiful big bird! (fifth update)

After the Longque Demon King and Ning Zhengxiong completed their discussion, the Longque Demon King stepped forward and came to the sky above the manor!

"Are you Lin Nan?"

The voice of the Dragon Bird Demon King came like a yellow bell, shocking people's hearts!

"Uncle, it was his woman who made all the feathers on my nephew's head cut off!"

Yu Jiuxiao stood in the air and shouted viciously. His eyes were full of murderous intent, and he wanted to rush down immediately and tear Lin Nan alive!

"You are very good, but do you know what the Peacock Royal Family means? You dare to attack people from our Peacock Royal Family. Do you know that this is a capital crime?"

Dragon Bird Demon King said majestically!

He is like a mountain, standing there, so majestic!

The people in the sky above Wu'an City were so shocked that they didn't dare to speak out and watched all of this quietly!

"You talk too much nonsense and bother me. Tell me, how do you want to die?"

Lin Nan frowned and put down the barbecue ingredients in his hand!

He stood up slowly, took out a clean handkerchief, and gently wiped his crystal-clear jade palms!

"Oh My God!"

"Is he crazy?"

The entire sky above Wu'an City fell into deathly silence!

Lin Nan's words alone shocked everyone and left them speechless!

The reputation of the Dragon Bird Demon King has been passed down in Central Continent for three thousand years. Today, someone actually asked him how he wanted to die.


Instead of being angry, the Dragon Bird Demon King looked up to the sky and laughed, causing the entire void to tremble slightly!

"Interesting! In the past three thousand years, no one, even from the major holy places and Taikoo families, has ever dared to talk to me like this. You are the first!"

"The answer is wrong!"

Lin Nan spoke calmly!

He gently raised his hand, faced the Dragon Bird Demon King in the sky, slapped him, and took the initiative!

"Dare you!"

Seeing Lin Nan take action, the Dragon Bird Demon King was furious, and the sky was completely boiling. No one thought that Lin Nan would dare to take action?

"It is your own fault and you will not live!"

"Dare to take action against our demon king? You are seeking death!"

Some powerful men from the Peacock Royal Family couldn't help but shake their heads, with sarcastic smiles on their lips!


The Dragon Bird Demon King shouted loudly, stretched out a big hand, and slapped Lin Nan back in the face!

The moment their hands touched!

The sky suddenly collapsed, the rivers and seas turned upside down, and the void shattered, as if the end of the world was coming!

"What a powerful force!"

Some people exclaimed and backed away, fearing that they would be affected by this terrifying energy!

But the next second, I heard a crisp sound in my ears!


An incredible scene appeared. The right hand stretched out by the Dragon Bird Demon King was twisted in an incredible arc, and was directly destroyed by Lin Nan's slap!

Moreover, this is not over yet, the remaining energy continues to fly out!


There was another crisp sound, and this slap fell heavily on the face of the Dragon Bird Demon King, causing him to roll dozens of times in the air before finally stopping!

At a glance, the face of the Dragon Bird Demon King was as swollen as a pig's head. A scarlet red fingerprint appeared on his face, which was shocking!

This was the result of Lin Nan showing mercy and not directly killing him!

Otherwise, he will turn into a pool of blood mist on the spot!

"The Dragon Bird Demon King was whipped away by Lin Nan?"

"How can it be!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was petrified, their bodies stiffened in place, and their voices trembled slightly when they spoke!

This is even more incredible than the fantasy of the sun hitting the continent!

"Is this... is this true?"

Di De, the elder of the Taigu Family, trembled all over and looked at the young man in the manor in disbelief!

"Uncle...how come even you..."

Yu Jiuxiao was trembling all over, and his originally spiteful face now turned pale and bloodless!

"Brother Longque?"

Ning Zhengxiong from the Ning family was completely shocked!

"how so!"

Hua Tianyu rubbed his eyes vigorously and roared. He grabbed the old servant next to him, grabbed his neck, and shouted:

"Did I see it wrong? Am I dreaming?"

"Mr... Young Master... you... you read that right, that Lin Nan knocked the Dragon Bird Demon King unconscious with one slap..."

Hua Tianyu's old servant said in a difficult tone!

His cloudy eyes were still full of shock!

At the same time, all the monks present looked at Lin Nan with incomparable reverence, as if looking at a god!

Everyone thought that there would be a fierce battle today, or simply a unilateral crushing by the Dragon Bird Demon King to forcefully kill Lin Nan!

However, the scene in everyone's mind did not appear. The battle was over before it even started. It ended with a slap from Lin Nan!


The Dragon Bird Demon King roared angrily, pulling people out of their shock. They all looked at the Dragon Bird Demon King in horror!

"How dare you hit me, how dare you hit me!"

The Dragon Bird Demon King roared, unable to remain calm anymore, his body filled with demonic aura, and the entire Wu'an City was trembling!

However, Lin Nan still raised his hand gently and slapped the Dragon Bird Demon King in the direction!


Another crisp sound came!

This time, the slap fell on the Dragon Bird Demon King's other face, causing him to swell up into a pig's head. How could he still be half as majestic as the Demon King?

The Dragon Bird Demon King was completely quiet!


In the eyes of all the monks in Wu'an City, there was only deep shock!

Di De, Yu Jiuxiao, Ning Zhengxiong, Hua Tianyu and others opened their mouths, but this time they couldn't say a word and their jaws were about to be dislocated!

'I finally know where his confidence comes from...'

Hua Tianyu lowered his head in horror, feeling secretly happy and frightened for a while!

He also wanted to plot against Lin Nan, which was a joke!

Fortunately, the plan has not been successful, otherwise, I don’t know how I died!

"I never ask a question a third time. How do you want to die?" Lin Nan asked lightly.

He slapped the Dragon Bird Demon King twice in a row and completely stunned him!

Lin Nan's voice woke up the dazed Dragon Bird Demon King. A trace of deep fear flashed in the depths of his pupils. He had never felt this way before. The two slaps just now made him feel towards Lin Nan. I can no longer afford the slightest bit of resistance!


"Only escape!"

The Dragon Bird Demon King only had this last thought in his mind!

If he could escape, it wouldn't be too late to come back for revenge after a hundred or a thousand years. But if he died here today and his cultivation was reduced to nothing, then there would really be nothing left!


Thinking of this, the Dragon Bird Demon King roared loudly and transformed into a huge dragon bird, dragging its colorful feathers, as gorgeous as a rainbow!


Without any hesitation, the Dragon Bird Demon King turned around and ran away at an incredible speed. He wanted to rush directly into the sky and stay away from here!

As long as he leaves here, he will be safe!

"The Dragon Bird Demon King... actually escaped..."

Seeing the Dragon Bird Demon King turn around and run away, everyone's minds went blank. How could such an invincible strong man actually run away? How terrifying is Lin Nan's strength?

"Haha! Want to leave? Have you left yet!"

Lin Nan sneered and prepared to kill the Dragon Bird Demon King directly to avoid wasting time!

Just when Lin Nan was about to take action to kill the Dragon Bird Demon King, a milky sound suddenly came from his ears!

"Wow! Daddy, what a beautiful big bird!"

Lin Momo's voice came in surprise!

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