Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 889 Little Dragon Bird, meet the master! (sixth update)


Lin Nan's heart moved slightly, he stopped attacking and looked back at Lin Momo!

"What's wrong? You think this big bird is beautiful?"

Lin Nan asked fondly, with a faint smile on his face, as if he didn't see the escaped Dragon Bird Demon King!


Lin Momo nodded, with an innocent expression on her face, and a pair of big watery eyes, shining with splendor!

"More beautiful than Xiaolu!"

Xiaolu is her adopted flamingo. It has fiery red feathers and is very beautiful. Lin Momo likes it very much!

However, seeing the Dragon Bird Demon King's colorful feathers, like a rainbow, Lin Momo's girlish heart suddenly burst into laughter. The little loli has no resistance to this kind of thing!

"Okay, daddy, help you catch it and make it your pet!"

Lin Nan smiled fondly!

The next moment, he gently raised his hand and grabbed the void!

Originally, the Dragon Bird Demon King had already escaped hundreds of miles away from Wu'an City at this moment. Just when he breathed a sigh of relief and thought he had escaped with his life, suddenly appeared above his head. A huge palm!

"This is--!"

The Dragon Bird Demon King's pupils shrank suddenly!

He was too familiar with this palm. It was the same hand that slapped him twice just now, completely knocking him out of his wits!


The Dragon Bird Demon King roared, eyes wide open, but there was nothing he could do!

Lin Nan raised his hand and snatched him back, transformed into his true form, a colorful dragon bird, and threw it away in the manor!

"Lord Dragon Bird!"

When they saw the Peacock Demon King, Lin Nan casually captured him. Everyone present was so frightened that they couldn't believe the scene in front of them. Everyone in the Peacock Royal Family even screamed in surprise!

"How can it be!"

Di De, the elder of the Taikoo family, was so shocked that he just jumped up and down. He didn't look like an expert at all!

"Uncle! How did you-!"

Yu Jiuxiao's expression changed again and again. He never dreamed that such a thing would happen. Not only him, but others also couldn't believe it!

"Fortunately I didn't do anything to him! Otherwise, I would have died long ago!"

Hua Tianyu was terrified. He had already decided that after this incident was over, he would make good friends with Lin Nan!

"Yeah yeah!"

Hua Tianyu's old servant kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead!

As for Ning Zhengxiong of the Ning family, he was frightened when he saw this scene. He seemed to have turned around and left while Lin Nan focused all his eyes on Lin Momo!


As an elder of the ancient Ning family, he is a reputable figure. If word spreads that he escapes without a fight, how will he be able to gain a foothold in Central Continent in the future?

Do you want to hide at home all day and never come out to see anyone again?

‘Hmph, I don’t believe it anymore. No matter how powerful your methods are and how high your strength is, you really dare to be an enemy of the Ning family! ’

Thinking of this, Ning Zhengxiong felt a little relieved and still stood in the sky, watching the subsequent development!

After the Dragon Bird Demon King was captured by Lin Nan, everyone had different reactions, but Lin Nan didn't care and put all his thoughts on Lin Momo!

After Lin Nanjing captured the Dragon Bird Demon King, he used his magical power to shrink it countless times, turning it into a colorful dragon bird that looked only the size of an adult's hand!

"You are so beautiful!"

Lin Momo stared at the Dragon Bird Demon King non-stop with her big eyes flashing!

The Dragon Bird Demon King was so frightened that his courage almost broke!

After Lin Nan shrunk him, his cultivation was also directly sealed by Lin Nan, making it impossible for him to continue to be a demon!

"If you like him, I'll let him be your pet!" Lin Nan smiled.

"Okay! Okay! I want it!"

Lin Momo was overjoyed, spinning around in circles excitedly and clapping her little hands!

Hearing this, the whole place was in an uproar, and the whole sky above Wu'an City was in shock!

How dare you say this to a demon king as your pet?

"This is the Demon King! He won't hurt Mo'er, right?"

Liu Ruqing came over worriedly. She had seen the terrifying strength of the Dragon Bird Demon King just now. What if he took action and hurt Lin Momo?

"Wife, don't worry. As long as it signs a soul contract with Mo'er, it won't be able to harm Mo'er! If a subordinate who signs a soul contract hurts his master or even has any thoughts that are unfavorable to his master, he will be punished immediately. Backlash, the soul and spirit are instantly wiped out!"

"On the contrary, as long as Mo'er has a thought, it will die without a burial place!" Lin Nan explained with a smile.

"That's it, then let her do it!"

When Liu Ruqing heard this, she nodded and stopped interfering!

Listening to the conversation between Lin Nan and his family, the Dragon Bird Demon King was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He, the majestic Demon King, actually wanted to sign a soul contract with someone?

And, to be a little girl’s pet!

In the heart of the Dragon Bird Demon King, there are a thousand reluctances and ten thousand reluctances!

But at this moment, he knew that if he objected, Lin Nan would probably kill him immediately!

"Come on, Mo'er! I'll sign a soul contract for you!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly!

"Okay, what should I do?"

Lin Momo asked innocently with wide eyes.

"Stretch out your hand!" Lin Nan was very patient.


Lin Momo nodded, like a good baby, standing there and stretching out a delicate little hand!

Lin Nan flicked his finger, and a drop of blood flew out from Lin Momo's fingertips. It was suspended in mid-air, and in conjunction with the spell in Lin Nan's mouth, it turned into a ray of light and shot towards the Dragon Bird Demon King!


"no, do not want--!"

The Dragon Bird Demon King shouted in horror and kept retreating, but so what, could he escape from Lin Nan's palm?

In the witness of millions of people, Lin Momo's drop of essence and blood sank into the eyebrows of the Dragon Bird Demon King!

A majestic power of blood instantly filled the Dragon Bird Demon King's body!

Right now!


The Dragon Bird Demon King couldn't help it, and took a breath of cold air, and then his eyes lit up, and his eyes flashed!

"This bloodline is——!"

At this moment, he felt the terrifying power in Lin Momo's blood!

Back then, when the Dragon Bird Demon King was still a Peacock King, he had received a ray of essence and blood from a true dragon. He finally evolved successfully and became a powerful monster of the demon clan, and then transformed into a dragon bird!

A ray of true dragon blood can allow him to evolve to this point!

However, when he came into contact with Lin Momo's essence and blood just now, the Dragon Bird Demon King felt that the blood of this little lolita was countless times more noble and pure than the blood of those real dragons and phoenixes, and she had a promising future. Unlimited!


The reluctance, humiliation, and anger in the Dragon Bird Demon King's heart all turned into ecstasy at this moment!

'Oh My God! With this kind of bloodline, if I recognize her as my master, I will be able to become a real dragon bird in the future, just around the corner! ’

The Dragon Bird Demon King was trembling with excitement and had goosebumps all over his body. Who would have thought that today, he would be a blessing in disguise?

"Little Dragon Bird, meet the master!"

The Dragon Bird Demon King no longer hesitated and immediately knelt on the ground and said ecstatically!

Judging from his tone, there was no hint of reluctance. He was completely different from the Dragon Bird Demon King at the beginning!


Seeing this situation, all the human monks and Peacock Royal monks in the sky above Wu'an City were stunned!

what is happening?

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