Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 890 Who else among you wants to be my enemy? (First update)

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Everyone feels incredible!

Even if you sign a soul contract and recognize the master, you won't react so quickly, right?

Moreover, from the tone of the Dragon Bird Demon King, it was clearly full of ecstasy and excitement. Where was the emotion from the beginning? It's like his face suddenly changed!

"Uncle... you... how could you? How could you kneel down to a little girl?

Yu Jiuxiao was speechless and looked down in shock at the Dragon Bird Demon King kneeling in front of Lin Momo!

"Shut up! Jiuxiao, this is my master. If you dare to be presumptuous again, I will immediately destroy your cultivation and expel you from the Peacock Royal Clan!"

The Dragon Bird Demon King roared angrily, making Yu Jiuxiao tremble with fright, and lowered his head with a pale face!

Everyone in the Peacock Royal Family was completely dumbfounded. Isn't the Dragon Bird Demon King's change of face so fast?

"Little Dragon Bird, come back quickly!"

Lin Momo called from afar!

The Dragon Bird Demon King immediately transformed into its original form and became a palm-sized dragon bird. It flew back with a bang and stood willingly on Lin Momo's shoulders!


Everyone was stunned, it felt incredible, it was going around too fast!

"If word spreads about accepting a demon king as a pet, the entire Central Continent will tremble!"

'What exactly is going on? At first, Brother Jiang divined this person, but there was something wrong with his soul. Now the Dragon Bird Demon King actually regards that little girl as his master? ’

‘The Peacock Royal Family is so arrogant that they would rather die than recognize their master. What is going on! ’

Di De, the elder of the Di family of the Taikoo family, had doubts all over his face!

Moreover, the terrifying strength that Lin Nan showed just now is shocking, and it is not weaker than the master of the Holy Land!

Hua Tianyu was immediately frightened!

He originally thought that Lin Nan's daring to slap the Dragon Bird Demon King in public was enough to refresh his three views. Now that he saw Lin Nan directly subduing the Dragon Bird Demon King and treating him as his daughter's pet, he was even more frightened. I was so frightened that my whole body was shaking!

Other ancient families and powerful men in the Holy Land in the dark also looked at this scene and whispered to themselves:

"This child is very powerful, far beyond our imagination!"

"He has conquered the Dragon Bird Demon King, will he have other ambitions?"

"If we let it grow, will it threaten us?"

"Let's take a look first!"

Several mysterious strong men were discussing in secret, their tone was extremely serious!

After subduing the Dragon Bird Demon King, Lin Nan's eyes turned and fell on Ning Zhengxiong!

"Are you here to avenge Ning Wushuang?"


Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Ning Zhengxiong's face, causing his expression to change suddenly!

‘Damn it! At this time, the focus turns to me, what should I do? ’

‘Wouldn’t it be too embarrassing if I answered no? If I answer yes, if he attacks me, with his terrifying strength, even the Dragon Bird Demon King will be subdued, I'm afraid...'

Ning Zhengxiong had a gloomy face and was in a dilemma!

After thinking for a while, he calmed down and said proudly: "Lin Nan, you killed my Ning family, Ning Wushuang, don't you dare to admit it?"

Ning Zhengxiong's idea was that as long as Lin Nan refused to admit the matter, he could use Po Xia Donkey and find any excuse to fool him!

Everything that happened just now was treated as if it had never happened. He had gained face and dignity, and he would not be embarrassed if others talked about him in the future!

However, Lin Nan's answer was beyond his expectation!

"Did I say I don't admit it? I killed the person, what should you do?"

Lin Nan said lightly.


Ning Zhengxiong was speechless. He never expected that Lin Nan would admit it so decisively without any cover-up!

‘Damn it! Is this guy lacking any strength? Are you really determined to become an enemy of my ancient family, the Ning family? ’

Ning Zhengxiong thought to himself.

When he thought of the Taikoo family behind him, he suddenly felt emboldened. He puffed up his chest and said, "Huh! Do you know that our Ning family is a Taikoo family?"

Lin Nan said calmly: "I know!"

Ning Zhengxiong: "..."

Ning Zhengxiong was speechless for a while and had the urge to curse!

"Okay! Okay!"

Ning Zhengxiong simply risked his life, but he didn't believe it. Lin Nan really dared to touch him, an elder of an ancient family!

"Since you killed Ning Wushuang, shouldn't you give the Ning family an explanation?"

There was a strong chill in Ning Zhengxiong's tone, and he stared at Lin Nan gloomily, as if he wanted to eat him alive!

"Oh? Tell me, what do you want to say?"

Lin Nan asked with interest, ignoring Ning Zhengxiong's eyes!

"Come to my Ning family in person and apologize in person! In front of everyone in the world, apologize in public!" Ning Zhengxiong said coldly.

"Haha! Can you, the Ning family, bear my apology?"

Lin Nan laughed!

Ning Zhengxiong dared not speak out in anger, so he could only grit his teeth.

"Do I still remember that you just seemed like you wanted to behead me?"

Lin Nan grinned, his tone full of murderous intent!

"You...yes, I said this. Now I take it back and apologize to you. This is okay!"

Ning Zhengxiong was suddenly frightened!

"Haha! I will never show mercy to those who want to kill me!"

Lin Nan chuckled lightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!


Ning Zhengxiong felt Ling Lie's killing intent, turned into a black light, and suddenly flew out of the sky above Wu'an City. He stood at a relatively safe distance and couldn't help but shouted angrily:

"Lin, please don't go too far! My Ning family belongs to the ancient aristocratic family, and I am the elder of the Ning family. How dare you kill..."

The word 'I' has not yet landed!

Lin Nan had already taken action. With a flick of his finger, a stream of energy shot straight into the sky and penetrated the void. Almost instantly, it hit Ning Zhengxiong's eyebrows!


It penetrated from between Ning Zhengxiong's eyebrows and came out from the back of his head, and was killed by Lin Nan with a snap of his fingers!

Millions of monks witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and the whole place was completely silent!

And this time.

Lin Nan's faint voice continued: "Why don't I dare?"

It's a pity that Ning Zhengxiong can no longer hear it!

Seeing Ning Zhengxiong's body falling from a high altitude, it landed on the ground with a bang, making a huge crater in the ground. Everyone's heart also trembled slightly with a loud bang!

"Really killed?"

The voice of Emperor De, the emperor of the ancient aristocratic family, was full of surprise and horror. For someone like him, his voice was trembling slightly!

"This is the elder of the Taikoo family! In front of millions of monks, he kills at will without any concealment?"

The other monks were also trembling with shock!

"Hiss! He is trying to break the truth!"

Many people took a long breath of cold air, feeling chills running down their spines, and their faces turned pale. They could already imagine the horrific consequences of the Ning family's anger!

Lin Nan was not afraid at all. He still stood in the center of the manor, looked around at the sky, and asked lightly:

"Who else among you wants to be my enemy?"

The words fell to the ground!


The millions of monks in the sky dispersed in all directions like headless flies, and like migratory birds scrambling to take off. The momentum was very spectacular!

Lin Nan's words could scare away millions of monks!

Even the elders of the Taikoo family dared to kill in front of millions of monks. What else could this person not dare to do?

"Crazy! Absolutely crazy!"

Everyone ran and shouted!

Hua Tianyu was the only one left in the entire manor, standing there, looking at Lin Nan's back!

‘Who are you from? Are you not afraid of death, or are you crazy? ’ Hua Tianyu opened his mouth.

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