Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 891 If you and I join forces, we may not be his opponent! (Second update)

What happened in Wu'an City was like a tsunami, spreading one wave after another towards all parts of Central Continent!

The major forces, the great sects handed down from generation to generation, the Taikoo family, and even the depths of the Holy Land are all discussing this matter!

The Holy Land of Taichu.

This Holy Land was born 17 million years ago and is one of the oldest Holy Lands. When almost every generation of Holy Lords came to power, someone ascended to the Immortal Realm, and their foundation was extremely profound!

It is rumored.

The Holy Land of Taichu has always maintained a certain connection with the fairy world, shocking everyone!

"Oh? There is such a thing? It's interesting. He accepted the Dragon Bird Demon King as a pet for his daughter, and then killed an elder of the Ning family of the ancient aristocratic family with a snap of his fingers?"

"Check it for me immediately. Within seven days, I want all the information on this person!"

The Holy Lord of Taichu Holy Land spoke calmly without any fluctuation in his tone!

"As you command!"

A group of elders immediately took action and used a large number of manpower to collect Lin Nan's information!

Eternal Holy Land.

It was inherited 14 million years ago. Although it is three hundred years later than the Holy Land of Taichu, its foundation is not weaker than that of Holy Land of Taichu!

Over the holy land, there are ten suns hanging forever in the sky. The holy land is surrounded by millions of miles of red land, all of which is a desert world, making it a forbidden area of ​​life!

Ordinary people have no way to enter the Eternal Holy Land!

In Central Continent, the Eternal Holy Land is the most mysterious holy land!

"A rising star? This person must be my greatest enemy!"

After hearing the news, the Eternal Holy Son suddenly opened his eyes from the place of retreat and said solemnly!

Between his eyebrows, there was a bright light, as bright as the sun!

"Holy Son, are you leaving seclusion?"

"It's not the time yet. After waiting for a while, I will come out of seclusion in person to meet this person!"

After finishing speaking, the Eternal Holy Son closed his eyes again and entered into concentration!

The same scene happened to all the major ancient families in Zifu Holy Land and Tianyang Holy Land!

At this moment, deep in the Great Thousand Holy Land.

"What did you say? That person's name is Lin Nan?"

Ximen Jianyi asked in surprise, with a look of disbelief on his face!

‘Did he come to Central Continent so quickly? ’


An old servant from Daqian Holy Land nodded and answered respectfully!

"What are his characteristics? Is there anyone around him?" Ximen Jianyi continued to ask, his breathing suddenly became rapid!

He wanted to know whether it was Lin Nan who came to Central Continent. If so, he was definitely a monster-like figure!

"Lin Nan is very young. He is accompanied by a woman, two little girls, a disciple, and an old servant!" The old servant of Daqian Holy Land told everything about the situation without hiding anything!

Hear this.

Ximen Jian opened his mouth and murmured: "Yes! It must be him. I didn't expect him to come to Zhongzhou so soon!"

A trace of deep fear flashed in Ximen Jianyi's eyes!

The scene on the star-catching platform that day in the Holy City of Dongzhou became his eternal nightmare. Every time he fell asleep at night, Ximen Jianyi would think of that terrifying scene!

With just one look, he was forced to kneel down and roll off the star-catching platform regardless of his face. It was really terrifying!

"What's wrong? Jianyi?"

Opposite Ximen Jianyi, sat a young man as rich as jade. He just sat there and did nothing, which made people feel that he was the protagonist in this world!

This person is the Holy Son of the Great Thousand Holy Land!

"Holy Son! I know this person, he is very powerful!" Ximen Jianyi said solemnly.

Just these few words are enough, and as a direct disciple of the Holy Lord of the Daqian Holy Land, although his status is not as good as that of the Daqian Holy Son, his level of pride, or his ability to judge people, is definitely not weaker than him!

Even Ximen Jianyi was so solemn, and Daqian Saint Son was even more interested!

"Oh? How strong is he?" Saint Son Daqian asked.

"Very strong! If you and I join forces, we may not be his opponent!" Ximen Jian nodded.


The face of Daqian Saint Son suddenly changed!

Because Lin Nan subdued the Dragon Bird Demon King and killed Ning Zhengxiong, the elder of the ancient Ning family, all the major forces were looking for news about him!

And at this time.

Lin Nan is still in Hua Tianyu's manor, enjoying a leisurely vacation!

For seven days in a row, Hua Tianyu did not dare to appear in front of Lin Nan. It was not until the eighth day, when Lin Nan's family was preparing to leave, that Hua Tianyu overcame his fear and showed up!

"Brother Lin, are you leaving?"

Hua Tianyu still has a bright smile on his face!

But this smile became very unnatural, and there was a hint of awe in his eyes when he looked at Lin Nan!

"What? Have you thought of another way to plot against me?" Lin Nan asked with a smile.


Hua Tianyu's pupils shrank suddenly, but he quickly regained his composure and said with an awkward smile: "Brother Lin, what are you talking about...I...why can't I understand..."

"Can't understand?"

Lin Nan smiled, shook his head slightly, and said, "Do you need me to repeat the conversation between you and Mr. Shengxu in the room?"

Hearing these words, Hua Tianyu's face turned pale and he lowered his head in fear. His room had a soundproof function and could not be explored by anyone's consciousness. How did Lin Nan know?

"Brother Lin... spare your life!"

Hua Tianyu knelt down directly, trembling!

“It’s a good attitude to admit your mistakes!”

There was a hint of ridicule in the corner of Lin Nan's mouth. How dare an ant-like person like Hua Tianyu dare to plot against him?

"In that case, I will spare your life!" Lin Nan flicked his sleeves lightly!

"Thank you! Thank you Brother Lin!"

Hua Tianyu was overjoyed, and the last dignity in his heart was gone. He kept kowtowing to Lin Nan, and his forehead made a banging sound!

"Shut up, you're a guy like you, and you dare to be brothers with your master!" Lin Canghai took a step forward and scolded sternly.

"Yes, yes! Thank you, Senior Lin, for sparing your life. Thank you, Senior Lin, for sparing your life!"

Hua Tianyu quickly changed his words, like a clown. The initial feeling of calmness, calmness, and strategizing had all disappeared!

In the face of absolute strength, all strategies are vain!

"Although I won't kill you, you can avoid the death penalty, but you can't escape the living penalty! You have ruined your cultivation and reflect on it!" Lin Nan said lightly.


Hua Tianyu's body trembled, and he suddenly raised his head, just in time to face Lin Nan's cold and heartless face!

Hua Tianyu specializes in collecting intelligence and buying and selling all kinds of information for a living. If he loses his cultivation, can he still survive?

Although Lin Nan didn't kill him, it frightened him even more than killing him!


Lin Nan waved gently, turned and left!

The moment he turned around, Hua Tianyu's body seemed to have been drained of some kind of energy. The cultivation level in his body disappeared without a trace. He completely transformed from a monk in the early stage of the Martial King to an ordinary mortal. !

Looking at Lin Nan's leaving figure, Hua Tianyu knelt on the spot with a bitter taste in his mouth!

When Lin Nan and others left Wu'an City, Hua Tianyu was still kneeling there without moving an inch!

"Sir, it's time for you to get up!"

A voice came!

Hua Tianyu looked up and found that his old servant was standing right in front of him, looking down at him commandingly, with a look of teasing and ridicule on his face!

"What do you want to do? You are looking at me like this!"

Hua Tianyu was furious!


His old servant raised his hand and slapped Hua Tianyu away!

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