Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 893 Compared with me, are you worthy? (Fourth update)

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"Ha ha!"

Lin Nan smiled, shook his head and said: "If you had taken that elixir just now, our relationship as master and disciple would have ended! But your performance proved that I was not wrong about the person. From today on, you are mine." Official disciple!"

Hearing this, Leng Yan's delicate body trembled slightly, she was so happy that she was so excited that her whole body trembled!

"Meet the teacher!"

Leng Yan knelt on the ground and kowtowed nine times in front of Lin Nan. Each one was extremely sincere and came from the heart!

She finally became Lin Nan's legitimate disciple, no longer a half-disciple!

"Get up!"

Lin Nan stretched out a hand, pointed at the void, and gently dragged it!

"Leng Yan, congratulations on officially becoming my master's disciple!"

Lin Canghai also stepped forward to congratulate with a smile!

"I decided to cook myself today and make a few dishes to reward you all. Congratulations to Lin Nan for having an apprentice today!"

Liu Ruqing smiled gently, got up and went to the kitchen!

Lin Nan's expression changed, he smiled, and said quickly: "My dear wife, how many years have you not been in the kitchen?"

"No more, no more, eighteen years!"

Liu Ruqing smiled proudly!

"My dear wife, no need, no need!"

Lin Nan's smile froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly!


Seeing Lin Nan's attitude, Liu Ruqing snorted coldly, glanced sideways at Lin Nan, and sneered: "What's the matter? You don't like the food I cook? Tell you, you can eat as much as I cook today! Eat them all for me. !”

"Honey, please calm down, I'll just eat it!"

Lin Nan immediately chose to surrender!

If the group of people in the immortal world saw this scene, they would probably be shocked to death. The invincible Emperor of Heaven would actually choose to surrender in front of Liu Ruqing!


When Leng Yan saw this scene, he couldn't help but snicker. He and Lin Canghai quickly exited the room, leaving the place to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

At noon that day, the carriage Lin Nan was riding entered a huge city with a population of three billion!

This city is called Yuan City, and it can be ranked among the top ten in Central Continent. More importantly, Yuan City is most famous for alchemy, and it is a holy place in the eyes of countless alchemists!

Lin Nan is here to teach everyone the skills of alchemy, and to learn and practice here!

"Sacred Pill Pavilion!"

"You dare to use the name of 'Holy Pill', I'm afraid this is not an ordinary place, Master!"

Lin Canghai raised his head, looked at the gate of a painted building in front of him, and said in amazement!

Although it is called Shengdan Pavilion, the scale of the building is even more luxurious than the palace. At a glance, you can't even see the side!

Moreover, there are countless monks entering the Shengdan Pavilion in an endless stream, and the flow of people is huge!

"This is a good place. If you want to learn the art of alchemy, start here!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly and led everyone into the Shengdan Pavilion!


A middle-aged man took out a jade box, took out a pill, placed it in front of the counter, and said loudly:

"This is a Tianyuan Pill! It sells for 70,000 spirit stones. It can help the strong men at the peak of the Martial God to break through their shackles and enter the Martial Lord realm!"


"Tian Yuan Dan!"

"It's Tianyuan Pill again! I want 70,000 spirit stones!"

"Seventy thousand spirit stones? I'll pay you eighty thousand. I want this Tianyuan Pill!"

As soon as this elixir appeared, everyone in the entire Holy Elixir Pavilion gathered over, and some of the monks immediately became red-eyed and began to bid for it!

"Lin Nan, this elixir looks to be of very good quality, and the essence revealed in it is so majestic and astonishing!"

Liu Ruqing looked at Tianyuan Dan and his eyes lit up!

Lin Nan just glanced at it and lost interest, but he still explained: "It's just a third-grade elixir! Any ordinary alchemist can refine it, using six thousand-year-old elixirs and eleven hundred-year-old elixirs." It’s done!”


After hearing Lin Nan's explanation, Liu Ruqing nodded thoughtfully!

Leng Yan and Lin Canghai on the side also silently remembered Lin Nan's words in their hearts!

Only Lin Momo and Ling'er still looked cute, as if they were not interested in all this at all, and Lin Nan didn't force them to remember it!

At this moment, a cold shout came from the side:

"Nonsense! What a load of nonsense!"

This person's voice was so loud that all the nearby monks looked at him with joy!

Lin Nan and others all frowned. They looked at this person and found that he was an old man who seemed to be an ordinary person, about sixty years old. Of course, this person's real age was definitely more than this!

This old man has his hands behind his back and is wearing a soap robe. He looks very ordinary!

But behind him, there was a group of followers, all of whom looked proud!

"It's King Hu Dan!"

The monks in the Shengdan Pavilion recognized the old man and came forward to pay tribute!

"King Hu Dan, why are you here?"

"What kind of wind brought you to Shengdan Pavilion!"

"King Hu Dan, what happened? Why are you so angry?"

Everyone was talking in a flurry of words, all with flattering expressions on their faces!

This old man's name is Hu Yanghui. He is not very powerful and is only in the realm of Martial Saint. However, with his alchemy skills, he has already reached the realm of alchemy and is ranked in the realm of Alchemy King!

In Yuan City, Hu Yanghui's reputation is so prominent that he is even a guest of the Taikoo Family. Most powerful people would not dare to offend him easily and would sell him 70% of their face!

It can be said that this person can walk sideways in the city!


King Hu Dan snorted coldly, looked at Lin Nan and others, and said amusedly: "This young man just said that Tianyuan Dan is a third-grade elixir. To refine a Tianyuan Dan, you only need six thousand-year-old elixirs and eleven hundred-year-old elixirs." Medicine! It’s simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!”

"Who doesn't know that Tianyuan Dan is a sixth-grade elixir, how come it becomes a third-grade elixir when it comes into his mouth? And six thousand-year-old elixirs and eleven hundred-year elixirs can be used to refine Tianyuan Dan? Isn't this right? Are you talking about idiotic dreams?"

"Refining a Tianyuan Pill requires at least ten thousand-year elixirs and thirty-nine thousand-year elixirs. This is recognized by the entire elixir industry!"

Hu Yanghui said, his eyes were like eagles, staring at Lin Nan!

"Young man, if you don't know how to make alchemy, then you should stop talking nonsense! So as not to mislead others!"

Hu Yanghui said with profound meaning.

"In my heart, Tianyuan Dan is only worthy of being a third-grade elixir! As for refining Tianyuan Dan, six thousand-year elixirs and eleven hundred-year elixirs are enough!" Lin Nan said calmly.

Hearing this, everyone present frowned!

Hu Yanghui even sneered again and again!

The prescriptions for Tianyuan Pill are completely open and transparent and have not been changed for many years, and Hu Yanghui is an authority in the world of pills!


Hu Yanghui sneered and was too lazy to say another word!

A young man standing next to him had a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth. He walked out of the crowd and said to Lin Nan:

"Brothers, sometimes being harsh is not necessarily a good thing! Since you wishfully believe that Tianyuan Dan is a third-grade elixir, and that six thousand-year-old elixirs and eleven hundred-year-old elixirs can be refined, how about we compare? Just like this Tian Yuan Dan, let’s see who can refine it and have the best quality!”

"It's Wu Yunxiao!"

"The so-called youngest alchemist, he became an alchemist at only 300 years old and is known as the successor of Alchemy King Hu Yanghui!"

People recognized this young man!

Wu Yunxiao was seen wearing a dark silk coat with a crow-blue auspicious cloud-patterned gold belt tied around his waist. His hair was not messy, and he had a pair of tiger eyes like an ancient pool. He had a straight figure and looked leisurely. Self-contained, like a handsome young man!

"Compared with me, are you worthy?"

Lin Nan said calmly, without even looking at Wu Yunxiao.

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