Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 894 Hahaha! I'll see how you die this time! (fifth update)

"What? Are you scared?"

Wu Yunxiao sneered!

"Compare with them!"

Lin Nan pointed at Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai, and said calmly: "Among them, there is my wife, my disciple, and one of my servants!"

"The three of them have never touched alchemy before, and they can't even distinguish the types of medicinal materials! I gave instructions from the side, and the three of them began to refine the elixir. If three of them make the elixir at the same time, I win, and any one of the three of them fails. Consider me the loser!"

Lin Nan's words immediately caused an uproar!

Everyone was stunned and thought they heard wrongly!

"Is he crazy!"

"Three people are refining elixirs at the same time, or have they never touched elixirs before?"

"Is it the refined Tianyuan Dan that the alchemist started with?"

"How is this possible! Even if you are an elixir apprentice, it will take at least three years before you can start refining elixirs, and you can't even make a batch of elixirs without failing hundreds or thousands of times! This person actually opened his mouth and refined the elixirs. What kind of pill is Tianyuan Dan? And you want three pill novices to do it?"

Everyone in the entire Shengdan Pavilion looked at Lin Nan as if they were a fool!

"Hahaha! I don't know whether I should call you ignorant or arrogant!"

Wu Yunxiao laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears!

"What? You don't dare?"

Lin Nan chuckled!

"Why don't you dare! Let me compete with you!"

Wu Yunxiao sneered and took a step forward. Lin Nan's words completely stimulated him. The other party had made such conditions. If he didn't dare to compete with Lin Nan, he might be ridiculed!

As the youngest alchemist, how could he lose to someone who had never made an alchemy before?

"I don't need these three people to become elixirs at the same time! It's not even necessary for one person to become elixirs. As long as they don't blow up the elixir furnace, I'll count you as the winner!"

Wu Yunxiao shook his head funny!

For a genius like him, when he made alchemy for the first time, the alchemy furnace exploded because he couldn't control the heat well!

Not to mention these three people!

‘I’ll see you make a fool of yourself when the time comes, and see how you end up! ’ Wu Yunxiao’s heart was filled with sneers!


Alchemy King Hu Yanghui, who had been silent until now, opened his mouth and said with a smile:

"Young man, since we are competing, what can we do without a lottery? How about we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

Lin Nan looked at Hu Yanghui calmly!

"If you lose, all of you, kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake! And get out of Yuancheng. You are not allowed to touch the elixir again in this life, because I feel dirty!" Hu Yanghui said proudly.

"What if you lose, all of you, kneel down and admit your mistake?" Lin Nan's expression was still calm!

"Boy! Don't push yourself too far. My teacher is the Alchemy King. His alchemy skills are unparalleled in the world. Even the most powerful people come to ask for alchemy! And there is no way I can lose!" Wu Yunxiao's face darkened!

"Okay! If I lose, all the disciples under my name, Hu Yanghui, will kowtow to you, apologize, and get out of Yuancheng!"

Hu Yanghui agreed directly, full of confidence!


Wu Yunxiao was a little anxious!

"No need to say more, feel free to fight! I'll wait for them to kneel down and kowtow!" Hu Yanghui gave Lin Nan a meaningful look!

"As you command!"

Wu Yunxiao nodded and said no more!

Lin Nan also came back. Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai looked at Lin Nan in astonishment. If Lin Nan came on the stage to compete in the trial pill competition, they thought they would definitely win!


If they were allowed to make elixirs by themselves, Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai would have no confidence in their hearts!

Because they have really never come into contact with alchemy, and they can’t even identify the medicinal materials!

"Lin Nan, what should we do? Are you really sure?"

Liu Ruqing was a little confused.

"Teacher, I don't know how to make alchemy!"

Leng Yan blushed a little, feeling that she should have known this knowledge earlier!

"I do know some knowledge about Chinese medicine, but I have never dabbled in alchemy!"

Lin Canghai gave a helpless smile!

"Don't be nervous, you just need to do as I say and follow my guidance. You can refine this Tianyuan Pill at will! I let you compete just to give you someone to practice your first pill refining!" Lin Nan Smile gently, with a relaxed look on your face!


Seeing Lin Nan being so calm, Liu Ruqing, who knew Lin Nan best, immediately smiled, "Okay, I believe you!"

"Hehe, my wife still understands me!" Lin Nan chuckled.

Next, Lin Nan directly named six thousand-year-old elixirs and eleven hundred-year-old elixirs, and asked the people in Shengdan Pavilion to prepare them. He would guide Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai to refine elixirs for the first time. !

After hearing the names of these six thousand-year-old elixirs and eleven hundred-year-old elixirs, Hu Yanghui frowned and was secretly surprised!

‘This is really evil. The elements in these medicinal materials are indeed the elements needed for Tianyuan Dan. Can this young man really use six thousand-year-old elixirs and eleven hundred-year-old elixirs to refine Tianyuan Dan? ’

Hu Yanghui thought secretly, but soon he shook his head and threw this ridiculous idea behind him!

'How can it be! Six thousand-year-old elixirs and eleven hundred-year-old elixirs can be used to refine Tianyuan Dan? It's just an idiot's dream, it's just a joke! ’

Alchemy begins.

On Wu Yunxiao's side, everything is ready. Ten thousand-year elixirs and thirty-nine thousand-year elixirs have been put into the alchemy furnace!

He has refined Tianyuan Pill countless times, and the success rate is over 70%!

As for Lin Nan, he was still guiding Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai to deal with the elixirs unhurriedly, without even starting to refine the elixirs!


Seeing this scene, Wu Yunxiao sneered disdainfully, raised his hand gently, and a flame burst out from his palm!


Just at the beginning, a fragrant medicinal fragrance came out of Wu Yunxiao's alchemy furnace, and everyone felt energetic!

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Nan was still processing medicinal materials!

Wu Yunxiao's side was already filled with the majestic fragrance of medicine!

Half an hour later, Lin Nan had just finished processing the medicinal materials and was about to put them into the alchemy furnace to start refining the alchemy!

On Wu Yunxiao's side, streaks of purple lightning appeared in the sky above the alchemy furnace, flashing around the alchemy furnace with great momentum and an astonishing momentum!

"This is...the power of thunder!"

"It's a precursor to the formation of treasure pill!"

After seeing the purple lightning, everyone present was extremely surprised!

Purple lightning appeared in the sky above the alchemy furnace, which was a sign that the treasure pill was about to be born. Even Wu Yunxiao did not expect that such a phenomenon would occur when he was refining the Tianyuan Pill!

'Hahaha! I'll see how you die this time! ’

Wu Yunxiao felt secretly happy!

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