Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 895 The elixir is ready, let’s open the furnace! (sixth update)


In the sky above Wu Yunxiao's alchemy furnace, there was lightning and thunder, as if he was going through a tribulation. The purple lightning was only as thick as chopsticks, but it was constantly flickering around his alchemy furnace!


"It's definitely a sign that the treasure pill is about to be born!"

Seeing this formation, everyone was excited, their faces turned red and their breathing became extremely rapid!

"Master Wu Dan, I want this Tianyuan Dan. I am willing to pay one hundred thousand spiritual stones. What do you think?"

A monk at the peak of the Martial God realm spoke excitedly.

"Shut up! Senior Brother Wu is refining the elixir. No interruptions are allowed. If you want to buy this elixir, wait until Senior Brother Wu has finished refining it!" A young man stood up and scolded unceremoniously!

Judging from his cultivation, he is only a talented warrior, but he dares to scold the Martial God in public!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Instead of being angry, this cultivator at the peak of the Martial God level stepped back very politely, held his breath, and looked at Wu Yunxiao's pill furnace with burning eyes!

The other side.

Lin Nan stood there with his hands behind his back, guiding three people at the same time!

"Honey, calm down and concentrate!"

Liu Ruqing stuck out her tongue and immediately hit her spirit!

"Leng Yan, the heat is low, increase the firepower!"

"Lin Canghai, move the real fire three points toward Zuoze, stop!"

Lin Nan stood there, doing three things at once, guiding three people at the same time!

"Teacher, why is there no breath coming out of our alchemy furnace? Not even the fragrance of medicine?" Leng Yan suddenly asked.

"The smell of medicine comes out, which means that the alchemy has failed! The medicine's effect has been leaked!"

"For a real elixir, before it becomes an elixir, no medicinal fragrance will escape. All the essence is contained and integrated into the elixir. Remember it carefully!" Lin Nan taught carefully.

"Disciple understands!"

Leng Yan suddenly realized it, then lowered his head, looked at the alchemy furnace in front of him, and continued to refine the alchemy!



At this time, the vision produced by Wu Yunxiao's refining of the Tianyuan Pill became more and more powerful, almost like a monk going through a tribulation!

"It's done! It's done!"

"Baodan! An absolute treasure! There are nine purple lightnings in total. The quality may exceed the limit of sixth grade!"

The Martial God cultivator who just said that he would use 100,000 spiritual stones to purchase Wu Yunxiao's Tianyuan Pill jumped to his feet with excitement!

It's not just him.

The other monks in the entire Shengdan Pavilion were also extremely excited!

Because today, they will witness the birth of a treasure pill, which is more difficult than seeing the Supreme Master transcend the tribulation with their own eyes, because ordinary alchemists, if they want to refine pills, will find a quiet room where no one will disturb them. Refining elixir wholeheartedly!


Today, for the competition, Wu Yunxiao refined the Tianyuan Pill in front of everyone!

It was also because Wu Yunxiao was so excited that by chance, the human and elixir merged into one, resulting in this kind of vision!

Looking at Lin Nan, the three dark alchemy furnaces were still dead silent, without any strange phenomena happening!

Even the fragrance of the medicine in the alchemy furnace was not heard!

A group of Hu Yanghui's disciples couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene!

"Hey! These people look respectable. They have been refining it for almost half an hour, but they don't even have the fragrance of the medicine?"

"Even if you are a novice making alchemy, there will still be a little scent of medicine coming out!"

"You don't even have the most basic common sense. If there is no medicinal fragrance, who knows what is going on inside the alchemy furnace?"

"Hehe! Senior Brother Wu is about to create a treasure elixir. I'm so excited just thinking about it!"

Hu Yanghui's disciples were discussing!

Next to him, Hu Yanghui was also being admired by everyone. His old face was slightly hot. Today, Wu Yunxiao was refining the elixir in public and triggered a vision, which was enough to prove that a treasure elixir was born. As a master, he also had a very long face!

"As expected of King Hu Dan!"

"Yes! Master Wu Dan's achievements today are all due to the guidance of King Hu Dan!"

Everyone around is flattering!

Hu Yanghui only felt that his whole body was light and had a sense of detachment. Someone even moved over a grand master's chair and invited Hu Yanghui to sit down!

Two other pretty girls came over and offered a cup of fragrant tea for Hu Yanghui to drink!



There was a loud noise, and everyone looked towards the direction of the source of the sound!

I saw that Wu Yunxiao's elixir furnace was opened, and a golden elixir rose slowly like a small sun, and finally floated in the air, dazzling and blooming like a tide. General, extremely dazzling!

Matching this, there is also lavender lightning surging around this Tianyuan Pill!


"It's really a great treasure!"

"What a majestic essence! What a terrifying aura. Isn't this just a sixth-grade elixir?"

Everyone present looked at all this with fiery eyes, their faces turned red, and they stared at the dazzling Tianyuan Pill at that moment!

"150,000, I will pay 150,000 spirit stones to buy this Tianyuan Pill!"

The peak Martial God cultivator at the beginning increased the price again!

His hands and feet were trembling with excitement. He had no doubt that if he could obtain this Tianyuan Pill, there would be no obstacle for the Martial God to reach the realm of Martial Lord!

"That's right! The treasure pill is perfect! Yunxiao, your alchemy skills have increased a bit. This Tianyuan Pill has surpassed the limit of the sixth grade and can be ranked in the seventh grade. It is also the best pill among the seventh grade!"

Hu Yanghui's face turned slightly red and he commented like this!

Wu Yunxiao held the Tianyuan Pill in one hand, put the other hand on his chest, and bowed deeply to Hu Yanghui!

"Master's teachings are still good, otherwise, the disciple would not be able to achieve what he is today!"

Seeing that Wu Yunxiao had just refined the treasure pill and was so respectful to his master, many seniors nodded in admiration!

"As expected of the youngest alchemist!"

"My alchemy skills are superb, and I respect my master. He is a talented person!"

Wu Yunxiao curled up the corner of his mouth as he listened to everyone's admiration. He held the Tianyuan Pill in one hand, turned his eyes to where Lin Nan and others were, and said lightly:

"My treasure pill is ready, what about you?"


Everyone's eyes were also looking in the direction of Lin Nan. Lin Nan stood up and said calmly: "We are finished too!"


Wu Yunxiao raised his eyebrows!

"Is he joking?"

"There is no scent of medicine at all, and he actually said that they are over?"

"Mostly he's bragging. Let's see how long he can hold on!"

The monks around him shook their heads, and no one thought highly of Lin Nan!

Alchemy King Hu Yanghui sneered, picked up the blue and white porcelain tea cup, put the spirit tea to his mouth, and took a sip without even looking at Lin Nan again!

"The pill is ready, turn on the furnace!"

Following Lin Nan’s order!


Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai stood up at the same time and opened the alchemy furnace in front of them!


A breath like a vast ocean rushed straight from the three people's alchemy furnaces and rose into the night!

If we say that the Tianyuan Pill that Wu Yunxiao refined just now, the aura it showed when it was completed was like a tidal wave!

So now the Tianyuan Pill refined by Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai has an aura that is like a tsunami coming, and like the sea pouring in, like a river bursting its banks, surging and endless. !

The majestic aura emerging from the three-person pill furnace was a hundred times, a thousand times more powerful than the Tianyuan Pill refined by Wu Yunxiao!

"This is!"

"How can it be!"

After feeling this majestic energy, everyone in the Shengdan Pavilion couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and their pupils shrank suddenly!


The Tianyuan Pill in Wu Yunxiao's palm fell to the ground with a clatter, but no one paid attention!


Dan King Hu Yanghui trembled in his hands, and the tea cup in his hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound of "clang"!

Hu Yanghui stood up from the Taishi chair with a loud cry, his mouth wide open, and his eyes almost bulged out!

The entire Shengdan Pavilion fell into deathly silence!

They saw the most unforgettable scene in their lives!

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