Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 896 Kneel down and apologize, or—die! (First update)

The majestic energy erupting from the pill furnaces of Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai made people tremble all over!

Compared with these three Tianyuan Pills, the Tianyuan Pill that Wu Yunxiao refined just now is simply scum, and there is no comparison at all!

"Is it really done?"

Liu Ruqing's pretty face turned red with excitement. This was her first time making alchemy, and under Lin Nan's guidance, she succeeded!

Leng Yan and Lin Canghai were equally overjoyed!

In the sky above their alchemy furnace, a golden elixir was suspended there, without emitting any medicinal fragrance, and all the essence was restrained!

Everyone was speechless, staring blankly at the three pills, not knowing how to speak!

Everyone can see that the quality of these three elixirs is definitely higher than the ones refined by Wu Yunxiao!

Suddenly, a voice of admiration came:

"This elixir is unparalleled in the world!"

Everyone was stunned and looked back!


I saw.

An old man stood there with an expression of astonishment on his face. Everyone present instantly recognized this person. This was the master of the Shengdan Pavilion, Ouyang Anyan, who, like Hu Yanghui, was a Dan King!

However, Hu Yanghui is the junior Alchemy King, while Ouyang Anyan is the high-level Alchemy King!

"Pavilion Master Ouyang!"

"I've met Pavilion Master Ouyang!"

"Pavilion Master Ouyang, why are you here!"

The monks all around came forward to greet him one after another and said hello with smiles on their faces!

Ouyang Anyan nodded slightly, indicating that he had met everyone, but his eyes did not leave the three pills at all, and continued:

"I can't think of any words to describe it. I can only use these four words - unparalleled in the world!"

"second to none!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this comment!

"I'm afraid the level of these three Tianyuan Pills has reached... Ninth Grade?" Ouyang Anyan asked Lin Nan very kindly with a smile on his face.

He had been present during the competition, but he was hidden in the crowd and did not appear!

"In my eyes, these three pills can only be regarded as third-grade pills!" Lin Nan shook his head gently.

"Third grade?"

Ouyang Anyan was stunned, took a deep look at Lin Nan, nodded and said: "Senior, I dare to ask, this elixir is so perfect, it is the most perfect elixir I have ever seen in my life, so why do I say, it is unparalleled in the world?" Why does it become a third-grade product in your eyes?"

Ouyang Anyan said, bowing slightly and showing great respect to Lin Nan!


"Pavilion Master Ouyang, what are you doing..."

Seeing Ouyang Anyan's attitude, the expressions of everyone present changed!

With Ouyang Anyan's status, he actually calls a seemingly ordinary young man "senior" and is so respectful? It was really shocking!

Ouyang Anyan ignored everyone, but looked at Lin Nan expectantly, hoping that Lin Nan could answer him!

"There are nine levels of elixirs, one level and one level! Below the third level are ordinary elixirs, the fourth level is precious elixirs, the fifth level is spiritual elixirs, and the sixth level is elixirs!"

Lin Nan stood with his hands behind his back and spoke calmly.

It seems to be for Ouyang Anyan and others, and it seems to be for Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai!

"As for the ninth-grade pill, it has transcended the scope of elixirs. Even an ordinary mortal can become an immortal instantly and ascend in the daytime by taking a ninth-grade pill!" Lin Nan said proudly.

"Becoming an immortal immediately? Soaring in the daytime!"

Ouyang Anyan's pupils shrank slightly, and his mind was buzzing!

Lin Nan's explanation has surpassed his understanding!


Taking a deep breath, Ouyang Anyan turned his eyes and continued to focus on the three pills. He stared at them as if he wanted to see through them!

"Why...why does this elixir have no medicinal fragrance?"

Ouyang Anyan suddenly realized something was wrong!

"The teacher said that if you want to make an elixir, all the essence of the elixir should be absorbed by the elixir. However, when some people make elixirs, the fragrance of the elixir leaks out, which means that the efficacy of the elixir is lost. The essence of the elixir refined in this way Can we not suffer any loss?" Leng Yan chuckled lightly!

This is Lin Nan's explanation to her just now. Leng Yan is learning and selling quickly!

"I see!"

Ouyang Anyan let out a long sigh, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly realized!

"It turns out that we all understood it wrong before. When we were refining elixirs, we thought that the stronger the fragrance of the elixir, the better the quality of the elixir. Now it seems that the fragrance flowing out is from the elixir. The essence!”

"So this is ah!"

"Just now, I thought that Master Wu was refining the elixir. It was fragrant and fragrant. The strong fragrance of the medicine came one after another, endlessly. I thought that a treasure elixir was about to be released. It turns out that those medicinal fragrances are the essence of the past!"

"Master Wu Alchemy, he has a false reputation. When compared with three people who have never made alchemy before, he is not as good as them!"

"Moreover, they used six thousand-year-old elixirs and eleven hundred-year-old elixirs to refine the Tianyuan Pill! This has already created history!"

"Not only Wu Yunxiao, I think Hu Yanghui also doesn't understand anything, and he's the Alchemy King!"

"Hush! You don't want your life, you dare to talk about King Hu Dan!"

"Hehe, what about King Hu Dan? After today, he will probably lose all his face!"

The people around were talking in low voices, looking at Hu Yanghui and Wu Yunxiao with eyes full of contempt!

Hu Yanghui's old face was gloomy and extremely ugly!

Wu Yunxiao's neck was covered with veins and his face was pale!


"Impossible! It's fake! It must be fake!"

"They cheated! They cheated. It's impossible for these three people to have never made alchemy before. They must all be high-level alchemy masters!"

Hu Yanghui yelled, his old face was livid with anger, everyone's eyes were focused on Hu Yanghui's face!

There was deep contempt in everyone's eyes!

"How can you cheat?"

"We watched these medicinal materials being put in with our own eyes! Even if these three people are all high-level alchemists, it is not their first time to make alchemy. They can use six thousand-year-old elixirs and eleven hundred-year-old elixirs to refine a sixth-grade, even It’s a seventh-grade Tianyuan Dan, isn’t that enough?”

People shook their heads and looked at Hu Yanghui with disappointment in their eyes!

Listening to everyone's discussion, Hu Yanghui's expression turned extremely ugly!

"Master Hu, are you willing to admit defeat? Kneel down and apologize!" Ouyang Anyan also said calmly and coldly!


Hu Yanghui's body trembled slightly. With his position in Yuancheng and as an Alchemy King, wouldn't it be more uncomfortable for him to kneel down and apologize than to kill him?

"It's impossible for me to apologize! I am King Dan, who dares to ask me to kneel down and apologize?"

Hu Yanghui sneered again and again. As the Alchemy King, he had a wide network of contacts, and many supreme beings in Yuan City were his friends!

So what if he cheats?


There was a crisp sound, and everyone was horrified to find that Hu Yanghui flew out directly and hit a medicine cabinet in the distance. He was covered in medicinal materials and looked extremely embarrassed!

"Who? Who dares to hit me!"

After Hu Yanghui got up, his face was swollen and there was a bright red fingerprint on it!

"Two choices, kneel down and apologize, or die!" Lin Nan's voice came faintly.

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