Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 897 I know I was wrong! Please spare me! (Second update)

"You dare to hit me? You dare to hit me!"

Hu Yanghui was shaking with anger, his eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at Lin Nan fiercely!


Lin Nan didn't talk nonsense, and slapped him out from the air again, clean and neat!

"I speak, and I don't like to say it a second time!"

Lin Nan looked at Hu Yanghui calmly, with a look of indifference in his eyes!

Hu Yanghui looked into Lin Nan's eyes and felt a great pressure in his heart, as if he was being watched by the God of Death, and his heart stopped beating!

at this moment.

Hu Yanghui had an illusion that if he didn't kneel down and apologize, the young man in front of him would really kill him!

Thinking of this, Hu Yanghui's old face turned from red to pale, and he lowered his head in fear!


Hu Yanghui knelt down and said tremblingly: "I apologize! I'm sorry, I know I was wrong! Please forgive me!"

"I really knelt down..."

When everyone in the Shengdan Pavilion saw Hu Yanghui really kneeling down, their eyelids jumped with fright, and they looked at Lin Nan in horror!

No one expected that this young man who suddenly appeared would be so powerful!

I saw Lin Nan standing there with his hands behind his back, ignoring the horrified looks of everyone!


Seeing this scene, Wu Yunxiao and other Hu Yanghui's disciples all rushed over one by one, trying to help Hu Yanghui up in horror!

"Stop, you all kneel down with me and apologize!"

Hu Yanghui roared.

Wu Yunxiao and other disciples opened their mouths, and then knelt down in great humiliation!

When Lin Nan saw this, he waved his hand and said, "You can get out!"

Hu Yanghui led the disciples and left the Shengdan Pavilion in embarrassment, disappearing into the crowd without looking back!

Ouyang Anyan, the Pavilion Master of Shengdan Pavilion, his eyes flickered twice and he took a deep look at Lin Nan!

‘This person’s temperament and character are extraordinary! He actually forced an Alchemy King to kneel down without blinking an eye! ’

‘And my alchemy skills are so high, it seems like I’ll make a good friend! ’

Ouyang Anyan thought in his heart, walked to Lin Nan and others, smiled and said:

"Senior, I wonder if you are interested in staying in our Shengdan Pavilion? As long as you are willing to stay in Shengdan Pavilion, no matter what medicinal materials you need, I can guarantee to find them for you, and provide you with accommodation and a special alchemy retreat. Room, what do you think?"

"Okay, but we won't do anything for Shengdan Pavilion!" Lin Nan nodded lightly.

He brought everyone here originally to learn alchemy, so it would be better to stay here to save him from wasting time!

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Ouyang Anyan nodded quickly. As long as Lin Nan could stay, how could he dare to trouble Lin Nan to make elixirs himself?

Ouyang Anyan only needed some free time and occasional advice. He couldn't use it enough. He immediately agreed and asked people to clear out the most luxurious courtyard in Shengdan Pavilion and let Lin Nan and his family live in it. , and at the same time took out two small courtyards for Lin Canghai and Leng Yan to live in!

Ouyang Anyan personally sent Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing and others to their residence before saying goodbye and leaving!

As soon as Lin Momo and Ling'er entered the yard, they took Xiao Longque and Xiao Lu to the side to play!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing walked side by side, walked into a grape trellis in the yard, and took a slow walk!

"How does it feel?"

Lin Nan asked with a smile.

Liu Ruqing said with a smile: "Hehe! It feels good. I can calm down when refining the elixir, and I feel very accomplished after refining it! I succeeded in refining the elixir for the first time, I am really a genius!"

"Of course, it doesn't matter who's wife you are, of course you are a genius!"

Lin Nanshen nodded in agreement.

"Hmph! But your guidance was good, and there was no mistake. The first alchemy was successful!" Although Liu Ruqing was a little proud, he did not forget Lin Nan's contribution!

In the evening.

Ouyang Anyan went and came back again, and came back to the yard where Lin Nan lived!

"Senior Lin, there is an auction tonight in the largest Tianxingfang in Yuancheng. Are you interested in going to see it?" Ouyang Anyan asked with a smile.


As soon as he heard the name of the auction, Liu Ruqing immediately became interested!

When she came to the world of martial arts, she didn't care about anything else. What she liked most was the auction!

The items auctioned by these monks are all quirky and very attractive, as well as the magic weapons and magic weapons, each one is more exquisite and beautiful than the last, and they are much more beautiful than the jewelry on the earth!


Seeing that Liu Ruqing was interested, Lin Nan agreed with a faint smile!

"In an hour, if you want to go, I'll ask someone to prepare a car! Excuse me, how many of you are going?" Ouyang Anyan asked with a smile.

"Just the two of us!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly!

"Eh? If you don't take Leng Yan and Lin Canghai with you, forget it. You won't care about Mo'er and Ling'er either?" Liu Ruqing let out a light sigh!

"Haha! Just the two of us can go together tonight. We haven't stayed together for a long time! Mo'er, Ling'er and the others have the Dragon Bird Demon King watching over them, so there won't be any problem!" Lin Nan grinned. A smile!

Liu Ruqing rolled her eyes and lightly hammered Lin Nan's shoulder, which was regarded as acquiescing to the matter!

It is quite troublesome to bring two little loli with you sometimes. The world between her and Lin Nan is gone!

An hour later.

Under the leadership of Ouyang Anyan, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing got into a luxurious carriage and headed towards Tianxingfang!

Along the way, Ouyang Anyan introduced Tianxingfang seriously!

Tianxingfang is the largest auction house in Yuan City, and it is the property of the Taikoo family. There is a large-scale auction house every month, and today happens to be the biggest auction of this month!

Tonight, all major forces in Yuan City and countless monks will enter Tianxingfang to participate in this auction!

As soon as Ouyang Anyan introduced it, the carriage had already arrived at the entrance of Tianxingfang!

The entire building of Tianxingfang is countless times more luxurious than Shengdan Pavilion. If Shengdan Pavilion is built like a royal palace, then Tianxingfang is built like a heavenly palace, with dozens of floors of huge attics stretching endlessly. It doesn't reach the end, just like mountains, standing there!

Moreover, the entire Tianxingfang is brightly lit, and there are countless monks at the entrance, with a constant flow of people coming and going!

Ouyang Anyan took the invitation and walked towards the interior of Tianxingfang with Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

And at this time.

Somewhere in the distance, an old man glanced away inadvertently, and happened to see Lin Nan's side face, and he couldn't help but be shocked!

"He actually came to Yuancheng!"

"Brother Emperor? What's wrong with you? Who did you see? You actually pay so much attention to me!"

A few old men next to him asked strangely.

Di De's eyes were extremely solemn, he shook his head and uttered two words: "Lin Nan!"

Hearing this name, everything was quiet!

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