Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 898 It’s interesting. Do you deserve the surname Lin? (Third update)

The word ‘Lin Nan’ seems to have some kind of magic power!


An old man exclaimed!

"It turned out to be him! Didn't he just disappear after leaving Wu'an City? Why did he come to Yuancheng!"

The old men next to him also looked incredulous after hearing Lin Nan's name!

Since Lin Nan left Wu'an City, no one from the major holy places or ancient families has traced his traces. This person seemed to have disappeared from Central Continent!

Everyone thought that Lin Nan was afraid of the Peacock Royal Family and the Ning Family of the ancient aristocratic family, so he chose to disappear and completely disappeared from everyone's sight!

No one thought that he would dare to come to Yuancheng!

You know, Yuan City is one of the top ten largest cities in Central Continent. If Lin Nan wants to hide, he will never come here, let alone appear at the auction of Yuan City Tianxingfang in a grand manner!

"Brother Emperor, are the rumors true? That Lin Nan really conquered the Peacock Demon King and killed Ning Zhengxiong of the Ning family with a slap?"

An old man frowned and asked uncertainly!

No matter how many rumors there were, he still couldn't believe it!

"I don't think it's real! It's probably fake, and someone is deliberately spreading this kind of news!"

Not only him, but others are also skeptical about this news, because everything is too incredible!

The Peacock Demon King is a powerful demon clan, not to mention invincible, at least most people dare not provoke him, but this person has recognized a five-year-old girl as his master? Who dares to believe it!


Seeing that all his old friends didn't believe it, Di De chuckled, shook his head, and said: "I saw it with my own eyes, how can it be false?"

“What you see may not be true!”

An old man shook his head. He had a close relationship with Di De, so he dared to say such things to his face, "Brother Di, are you wrong?"

"You saw it wrong? How could you see it wrong?"

Di De let out a long sigh and said fearfully: "Do you know that Jiang Ruoyu's eyes were blinded and his soul was annihilated?"

"I know! The Jiang family is tight-lipped about this matter and is unwilling to disclose the reason. Do you know?"

"What does this matter have to do with the Jiang family?"

These old men frowned and looked at Di De, waiting for his explanation!

Di De was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Brother Jiang was blinded and his soul was annihilated because he used Xuanwu Armor to divine Lin Nan's information!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Everyone was stunned!

Di De nodded solemnly and continued: "The Jiang family finally said that it was Brother Jiang's divination that made things that even Heaven was afraid of suffer backlash!"


Hearing this sentence, everyone took a breath and looked at each other!

"The thing that even Heaven is afraid of? That Lin Nan?"

Everyone felt it was incredible!

at this time.

Ouyang Anyan has already led Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing into the interior of Tianxingfang!

Compared with its luxurious exterior, the interior of Tianxingfang presents a completely different style. The various constructions and urban furnishings are all very elegant!

Various guests walked together in small groups, chatting and laughing as they walked towards the interior of Tianxing City!

Along the way, Ouyang Anyan was talking and laughing, introducing Lin Nan to the rules of various auctions!

Liu Ruqing frowned slightly and secretly pinched Lin Nan's waist!

Finally, I have some time to live in the world of two people. Why is this Ouyang Anyan so ignorant?

"Go and do your work first, and come back to me when the auction starts!"

After Lin Nan understood what Liu Ruqing meant, he calmly gave Ouyang Anyan instructions!

Ouyang Anyang was stunned, looked at Liu Ruqing, showed an "I understand" expression, and disappeared from Lin Nan's sight without saying a word!

"Are you satisfied now?"

Lin Nan smiled softly and pinched Liu Ruqing's little nose!

"Hmph! This guy doesn't know how to look at people's faces. He wants to be so straightforward. When we two came out, he kept introducing us. It was so annoying! I didn't even bring Mo'er or Ling'er with me. He What’s the point of following me around!”

Liu Ruqing sniffed and looked reluctant!

"Ha ha!"

Lin Nan laughed, although Liu Ruqing has matured a lot after having Lin Momo and Ling'er!


As long as it was in private, Liu Ruqing was still like a little girl, acting coquettishly and cutely towards Lin Nan, and Lin Nan was happy to do so!

"Hey! That location is good, you can actually enjoy the moon here!"

Liu Ruqing's eyes suddenly lit up and he pointed to a pavilion in front of him!

This pavilion is built on a small artificial arch bridge. There happens to be no one inside. It is poetic and picturesque, and matches the bright moon in the sky. It is very suitable for the scene!

Liu Ruqing excitedly held Lin Nan's hand and ran all the way to the small artificial bridge, admiring the moonlight and waiting for the auction to begin!

It didn't take long.

Lin Nan's ears suddenly heard an angry shout!

"Don't get out of the way! This is the place reserved for our young master. How dare you sit here?"

Lin Nan frowned and looked towards the source of the sound!

I saw a group of young men and women standing there with cold expressions on their faces!

The person in the center is very dazzling, holding the moon in the center. He is wearing a blue brocade suit with a black animal pattern belt tied around his waist. He has long flowing hair and a pair of dark and deep eyes. Slender figure, dashing and heroic, chic and elegant!

"Ah! It's actually you?"

A surprised voice came from the crowd!

Wu Yunxiao pushed aside the crowd, walked out, stood beside the young man at the head, and said with a smile: "Master Lin, I know this person, his name is Lin Nan, and he is an alchemist!"

Wu Yunxiao said with a smile on his face!

The man next to him, named Lin Feng, is the core direct descendant of the Lin family, a wealthy family in Yuancheng. His father is the head of the Lin family, a supreme and powerful man!

Even in Yuan City, Lin Feng's father was a well-known figure and had close contacts with many great sects and ancient aristocratic families!

"Oh? Lin Nan?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, a bright light flashed in his eyes, looked down at Lin Nan, and sneered:

"It's interesting. Do you deserve the surname Lin?"


As soon as the words fell to the ground, there was a crisp sound. Lin Feng, under the horrified eyes of everyone, flew out directly, knocking over more than a dozen red paint pillars before lying on the ground!

"Master Lin!"

The group of young men and women brought by Lin Feng were all shocked and frightened, looking at Lin Nan in horror!

No one thought that Lin Nan would dare to take action directly. This is Yuancheng, the territory of the Lin family!

"You...how dare you..."

Wu Yunxiao stretched out two fingers and pointed at Lin Nan tremblingly, his whole body was trembling!

In the distance, he saw Lin Nan enter Tianxingfang, and deliberately brought Lin Feng over to find trouble, preparing to regain the face he lost today!

I just didn't expect that Lin Nan would even dare to fight Lin Feng?

"And you, I've already taken care of your lives. You really don't want to live or die!"

Lin Nan shook his head slightly and slapped him with the same slap!


Wu Yunxiao screamed, and like Lin Feng, flew out directly!

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