Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 899 Lin Yulong, tell me, you still want to kill him? (Fourth update)


After Wu Yunxiao flew out, he hit a rockery and fell to death on the spot!

Before he died, his face was full of horror, horror, fear, and regret. He never thought that Lin Nan would slap him to death!

"what happened?"

The huge movement on Lin Nan's side attracted all the monks outside Tianxingfang!

This is Tianxingfang, the auction house of the Taikoo family. How dare anyone dare to do something here? All the monks felt incredible!

More and more monks gathered around to watch, from a few hundred people at the beginning to tens of thousands in an instant, all crowded around, watching the fun!

"He...he just killed...Wu Yunxiao...even Master Lin Feng was knocked away by him..."

The group of young people who came with Lin Feng all looked pale and huddled aside, trembling!

I saw.

Lin Nan stood in front, on the artificial stone arch bridge, with his hands behind his back, as if a god or demon had descended, with a chill on his face!


Lin Feng roared angrily and crawled out from the ruins. His face was rotten and a dozen teeth were missing!

Lin Nan's slap caught him off guard and he had no time to react!

"How dare you hit me!"

Lin Feng was furious. Although his Lin family was not the first family in Yuan City, it could still be ranked among the top five!

His father, Lin Yulong, was at the pinnacle of the Supreme Realm. Even some elders from ancient families were on equal terms with him and called him brothers!


Lin Nan raised his hand gently and slapped him again!

Lin Feng flew out again, and the other half of his face was completely rotted away. His entire body was no longer human. The handsome young man at the beginning was completely gone!

"Let the head of your Lin family come to see me, otherwise I will destroy your whole Lin family today!" Lin Nanhan said in a cold voice.

His voice is sonorous, powerful and resounding!

"You...you dare..."

Lin Feng stood there, raised his head dully, looked at Lin Nan blankly, and asked subconsciously!


"The whole family of Mielin is full?"

"Is he crazy? Doesn't he know who Lin Feng is? How dare he say such things!"

The group of spectators who had been watching the show were all shocked when they heard this. Their eyes swept across Lin Nan's face, wanting to see who he really was!

It's a pity that Lin Nan's face is so unfamiliar!

"Haha! Who dares to hurt my son and threaten to destroy the entire Lin family!"

An extremely majestic voice came!

Everyone was shocked. A terrifying pressure spread in the air. Some monks whose strength was lower than that of the Martial God all fell to the ground and trembled one by one!

Lin Feng's father, Lin Yulong, the head of the Lin family in Yuancheng, has arrived!

Lin Yulong's strength is at the peak of the Supreme Realm. Even the elders of the super sect and the Taikoo family give him 70% respect. In Yuan City, almost no one dares to do anything to Lin Yulong!

"I've met Master Lin!"

"I've met Senior Lin!"

After Lin Yulong appeared on the stage, tens of thousands of monks around him opened their mouths to greet him. The scene was extremely spectacular!

"Father, it was him...he was the one who beat me!"

Lin Feng also woke up and stared at Lin Nan with an angry expression!

"what happened?"

At this moment, Ouyang Anyan heard the noise here and hurried back. When he saw Lin Yulong, Ouyang Anyan was shocked. He looked at Lin Nan's face again, something was wrong, and he secretly screamed that something was wrong. !

"Senior Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Ouyang Anyan asked anxiously.

He didn't expect that he would make such a big fuss after being away for just a short time!

"Ouyang Anyan, do you know this person?"

Lin Yulong asked in a cold voice, bone-chilling!

"Master Lin, this person is a guest of our Shengdan Pavilion. If I have offended you, please don't blame me. Our Shengdan Pavilion is willing to compensate Mr. Lin for all his losses, as long as you are satisfied!" Ouyang Anyan hurriedly said Open your mouth.

"Solve it? Ouyang Anyan, can you solve this matter? This person beat me in public and broke my face. I want him to die. Can you solve it?"

Lin Feng sneered again and again!

Because his face was rotten, when he spoke at this moment, he looked very charming!

As soon as Lin Feng finished saying this, Lin Nan took action again!

He flicked his fingers and penetrated the void directly. A brilliant light flashed through and penetrated Lin Feng's head!


This ray of light shot from between Lin Feng's eyebrows and shot out from the back of his head, giving him a chill!


Seeing this scene, the whole place fell silent!

to death.

There was still a look of shock on Lin Feng's face. He couldn't believe it until his death that Lin Nan dared to kill him in front of his father!

"Senior Lin..."

Ouyang Anyan was completely shocked. He knew that Lin Nan had a bad temper, but he didn't expect that Lin Nan would dare to kill his son with a snap of his fingers in front of Lin Yulong!

"court death!"

When Lin Yulong saw his son being nailed to death in front of tens of thousands of people, Lin Yulong's eyes burst into tears and he exploded with anger!


An old voice came and stopped Lin Yulong!

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound and saw an old man walking slowly, surrounded by everyone!

"Old Emperor!"

Lin Yulong recognized this person. This person was Di De, the elder of the Di family of the Taikoo family!

That day in Wu'an City, Di De also witnessed with his own eyes that after Lin Nan subdued the Dragon Bird Demon King, he raised his hand to kill Ning Zhengxiong!

"Lin Yulong, what are you going to do?"

Di De glanced at Lin Nan fearfully, and then asked Lin Yulong!

"Mr. Di, this man killed my son, and I want to avenge my son!" Lin Yulong roared.

Although Di De's sudden appearance did not allow Lin Yulong to take further action, the murderous intention in Lin Yulong's heart grew stronger and stronger!

"Haha! This friend is a guest of my imperial family. Do you want to kill even a distinguished guest of my imperial family?"

Di De sneered!


"A distinguished guest from the Imperial family!"

The other monks in Tianxingfang were shocked. They didn't expect that Lin Nan was actually related to the Di family?

"Lin Yulong, tell me, you still want to kill him?" Di De said in a deep voice.

Di De seemed to be helping Lin Nan, but only he knew that he was helping Lin Yulong!

If Lin Yulong continues to have his own way, I am afraid that it will not be Lin Nan who will die, but Lin Yulong!

"Don't dare!"

Lin Yulong was extremely humiliated. A flash of resentment flashed in the depths of his eyes. He turned around and walked away towards the outside of Tianxingfang!


Lin Nan, who had been silent from the beginning until now, spoke!

"Did I tell you to leave?"


Everyone present showed a horrified look and looked at Lin Nan in disbelief!

Originally, if the Emperor of the Taikoo Family came forward, this matter would be over. Even if Lin Yulong was dissatisfied in the future, he would never dare to trouble Lin Nan again!

However, Lin Nan actually spoke up and stopped Lin Yulong from leaving. This showed that if the Di family continued to interfere with this matter, they would be using their power to bully others. Even if Lin Yulong killed Lin Nan on the spot, the Di family would still lose face, not much. say what!

"What did you say?"

Lin Yulong turned around and almost laughed out loud. He couldn't believe it. He was so happy!

Never in my dreams did I think that there would be such a person who wouldn't let me leave?

The other monks in Tianxingfang also looked at Lin Nan with a dead look!

"Senior Lin...what are you doing!"

Ouyang Anyan was so frightened that he jumped to his feet!


Only Te De sighed lightly!

He knew that nothing could be done about this matter today!

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