Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 900 You Lin family, please change your last name to a stupid one! (fifth update)


Lin Yulong stopped and laughed loudly. He looked at Di De and said with a faint smile: "Mr. Di, you have also seen it. Originally, I thought this matter would end here!"

"Now it seems that I want to end it, but others are not willing!"

Lin Yulong said, the light in his eyes flashed!


"This young man is really seeking his own death!"

"If he doesn't speak, won't Lin Yulong leave?"

"Yes! It's good now. Even the Taikoo family has no excuse to interfere anymore. After all, Mr. Di has already come forward once before. It's really unjustifiable to come forward this time!"

Tens of thousands of monks in Tianxingfang were all discussing. Many people shook their heads. Some were gloating about the misfortune, while others were crossing their arms and watching the fire from the other side, waiting for the progress of the matter!

But everyone felt that Lin Nan was seeking his own death!

"Senior Lin, why are you like this... The matter is obviously over..."

Ouyang Anyan's face was filled with despair!

Originally, he thought that he finally met someone who had unparalleled knowledge in elixirs. If he could establish a good relationship with Lin Nan, his alchemy level would definitely improve by leaps and bounds in the future!

Now that Lin Nan has offended Lin Yulong, he may have a narrow escape from death!


Didi sighed lightly, shook his head, stepped aside, and stopped talking!

However, there was a hint of invisible pity in his eyes when he looked at Lin Yulong!

"Young man, you are very good! You dare to kill my son in front of me! I admire your courage!"

Lin Yulong nodded slightly as he spoke!

"I also admire your courage!"

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth!

"Haha! It's too late for young people to speak harshly. Just now Mr. Di helped you speak, but you didn't know how to take a step back. Now Mr. Di won't help you anymore. You killed my son. Do you think you can leave here today? ?" Lin Yulong sneered.

"Leave? Why should I leave?"

Lin Nan laughed!

"That's right, it's already too late if you want to leave now!" Lin Yulong nodded, then shook his head!

"Pay for my son's life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yulong was already ready to take action and kill Lin Nan Liwei in public!

Lin Yulong's son cannot die in vain!

"If I were you, I would ask why my son offended me, instead of avenging my son right away!"

Lin Nan sighed lightly!

He and Lin Yulong are both named Lin!

Although they are not from the same family, they have the same surname. Lin Nan did not expect that the other party would be so stupid that he immediately became murderous without even understanding the specific situation!

"What do you mean? Do you think I won't kill you if you say this at this time?"

Lin Yulong's voice was extremely cold!

"Sure enough, you guys don't deserve the surname Lin!"

Lin Nan sighed again, feeling a little disappointed!

Finally, I met a family named Lin, who was quite powerful. If the other party was reasonable, Lin Nan might even help!

Now it seems that there is no need, because the other party does not deserve the surname Lin!

At this time, Lin Yulong had already taken action. He took one step forward, displaying his supreme power. He raised his hand and pressed down in the direction of Lin Nan!

If it is an ordinary monk, even a strong man at the peak of the Martial King, when he encounters the Supreme, he will only bow his head and perish!


Lin Nan was not afraid at all, standing with his hands behind his back, standing there, watching Lin Yulong's attack. When it was about to fall, Lin Nan slowly took action!

The same slap was slapped back in the direction Lin Yulong came from!


There was a crisp sound all over his body, and Lin Yulong trembled all over. He was horrified to find that he was actually flying back!

This was not over yet. After Lin Yulong hovered in the air for four or five times, he fell back to his original position and landed on his knees. Kneeling there, his knees sank deeply into the floor tiles!


The entire Tianxingfang trembled slightly with the sound of Lin Yulong landing!

Everyone was shocked, as if turned to stone, and tens of thousands of monks were stunned on the spot!

No one here knows Lin Yulong’s realm, the supreme peak!

But such a powerful man at the top of his game couldn't even withstand a slap from the man in front of him, and was beaten so hard that he couldn't even kneel down?

When everyone present looked at Lin Nan, the original sarcasm and ridicule disappeared, replaced by a strong sense of awe!


After Lin Yulong reacted, he knelt there and looked up at Lin Nan, his face pale!

"I killed your son just because he just said that I don't deserve the surname Lin. What do you think?"

Lin Nan asked calmly.

"My son said it wrong! He deserves to die!"

Lin Yulong lowered his head, feeling bitter in his heart!

Even if he didn't want to admit that his son deserved to die, he had to say so due to Lin Nan's power at this moment!

"So I killed him! However, in my eyes, your Lin family is not worthy of having this surname!" Lin Nan shook his head gently.

"Starting from today, your Lin family should change your surname to stupid!"

"Changing your last name is stupid?"

Lin Yulong opened his mouth, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes. Just as he was about to explode, he met Lin Nan's cold eyes again, and swallowed everything he wanted to say!

"As for you! You attacked me because of the fact that you and I share the same surname, Lin. If I don't kill you, I will destroy your cultivation!" Lin Nan said, snapping his fingers!

A stream of essence was withdrawn from Lin Yulong's body!


Lin Yulong, a supreme peak cultivator, all dispersed in an instant and disappeared without a trace!


Seeing this scene, all the monks present couldn't help but gasped, they were all shocked!

Lin Yulong's peak cultivation was just destroyed by Lin Nan with a snap of his finger? This kind of magical power is simply a method only possessed by gods!


A bell sound came, pulling everyone out of shock!

"The auction has begun!"

Deep in Tianxingfang, someone shouted, and the voice spread throughout Tianxingfang!

Lin Nan ignored Lin Yulong, turned around and walked back to the pavilion, took Liu Ruqing's little hand and said with a smile: "The auction has started, let's go in first!"


Liu Ruqing nodded obediently and walked side by side with Lin Nan. Seeing this, the monks around them quickly made way for the two of them to pass!

After Lin Nan left, Di De came over and looked at Lin Yulong, looking like he hated iron!

"You, you! Stupid! Stupid!"

"Mr. Di? Who is he? Is he really a guest of the Di family? Is it stupid to ask my Lin family to change their last name? Humph! Idiot's dream!" Lin Yulong sneered as he spoke.

Di De shook his head, with a sneer on his face, and said: "Lin Yulong, do you think he is really a guest of my Di family? You idiot, I let you go just now, not to protect him, but to protect your Lin family! You You really should change your last name to stupid!"

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