Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 905 Dragon Buddha, Dragon Ghost, Dragon Demon! (Fourth update)

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late at night.

News about the Tianxingfang auction venue in Yuancheng spread quickly to the outside world, as if it had grown legs!

"What? Long Xuan, one of the seven sons of the Long family, was beheaded!"

"The mysterious young man killed seventeen supreme peaks in a row in Tianxingfang!"

As soon as the news came out, the entire Central Continent was shocked!

The Long family ranks first among the Taikoo families. The inheritance and heritage of a family can almost catch up with the major holy places!

"Really? Why don't I believe it?"

"I don't believe it either! What happened to Zhongzhou these days? Someone was in Wu'an City a few days ago, beheading the elders of the Ning family, and subduing the Dragon Bird Demon King as a pet!"

"Today it was reported that one of the seven sons of the Long family was beheaded! What happened to this world?"

"That's right, you killed seventeen Supreme Peaks in a row? Are you kidding? What is the concept of a Supreme Peak? Even if you stand there and let you kill them, they won't be killed so easily, right?"

Many monks shook their heads, expressing disbelief in this matter!

"it is true!"

People with knowledge of the matter came forward to explain, "At that time, the seventeen supreme peak warriors had just taken action. The young man named Lin Nan just flicked his fingers. These seventeen supreme peak warriors were like... Like a mosquito, he died on the spot!"

"Wait a minute, what did you call that young man?" Some thoughtful people noticed Lin Nan's name!

"Lin Nan!"

Many people's pupils shrank slightly and asked in surprise: "Could it be the one from Wu'an City... His name seems to be Lin Nan..."

"Oh, that's right! Long Xuan of the Long family recognized this person at that time. He was Lin Nan from Wu'an City!" Someone nodded!

"What! It's really him!"

When the news spread that what happened in Wu'an City and what happened in Tianxingfang were the same protagonists, the entire Central Continent was boiling!

"My dear! I'm starting to believe this!"

"I believe it too. If it's someone else, I still don't believe it, but if it's the person from Wu'an City, I believe it!"


In the hinterland of Central Continent, somewhere deep in the dragon-shaped mountain range!

If you look down from an altitude of 10,000 meters here, you will definitely find that nine dragon-shaped mountains, showing the momentum of nine dragons guarding a pearl, surround a huge lake!

In the center of the lake, there is an island that is hundreds of miles away!

This island is the Dragon Pearl, the ancestral land of the Long family, with unparalleled luck!

at this time.

In the main hall of the Long family, this hall will only be opened when the elder of the clan has a birthday or if something important happens to the family!


The hall opened, and countless senior officials and core direct descendants of the Long family gathered together!

"Xiao Wu was killed!"

A cold voice sounded, and the person who spoke was a young man. The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes!

This person is none other than Long Ming, the first son of one of the seven sons of the Long family!

"We have heard that the murderer was a man named Lin Nan in Wu'an City. This man was very terrifying. The seventeen guards that Xiao Wu brought over, all of them were strong men at the highest peak, were all dead! "Another young woman nodded slightly.

She is enchanting and beautiful. Who would have thought that among the seven sons of the Long family, there is a woman!

"How is the situation?" Long Ming asked.

"All the supreme powerhouses were pierced between their eyebrows, and they were all killed with one strike!" Long Xi's pretty face was solemn!


Hearing this, everyone in the entire Long family hall took a breath!

The most powerful person at the pinnacle is killed with one blow. How strong is the person who takes action?

"Long Xi, is the news reliable? Is it really a one-hit kill?"

The head of the Long family’s brows were tightly knitted together!

"Master, you are very reliable! There were millions of monks at the Tianxingfang auction at that time to testify!" Long Xi nodded solemnly.

"Hmph! Our Long family came into being. Our ancestors were the sons of luck. They ascended to the immortal world and left behind the huge Long family! Now, one of the seven sons of our Long family has been beheaded, which is equivalent to breaking off an arm. I also lost an opportunity to take off. Unless Lin Nan dies, I swear that I will never be a human being!" The sixth son of the Long family stood up. He looked tall and thick, with muscles all over his body!

"We don't believe it anymore. Our Long family is still afraid of this person?"

"Yes! I will definitely avenge Xiao Wu!"

In addition, the two sons of the Long family also came out one after another, their eyes full of dormitory energy!

"You guys are so arrogant!"

The head of the Long family shook his head and sighed!

"Although the Long family is powerful, you need to know that even if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it! Before Long Xuan has grown up, he was too arrogant outside, so he was killed! You guys, if you still If you don't restrain yourself, I will issue an order right now that you will be in seclusion for a hundred years and you will not be allowed to leave the Long Family!" the head of the Long Family said coldly.


"A hundred years, Patriarch, how can this be allowed? After a hundred years, Xiao Wu's enemies will not even know where they have gone!"

The expressions of several people changed drastically!

"Master, don't you want to avenge Xiao Wu?"

Some people's faces turned red with excitement, their eyes widened, and their eyes were about to burst!

"Haha! Of course I have to avenge myself! But can you guys kill them? Lin Nan raised his hand and killed seventeen peak Supreme Beings in a row. You haven't entered the Supreme Realm yet. What's the difference between going to him and committing suicide? ?" The head of the Long family sneered!

"Even if we want to take revenge, it won't be yours! One of the seven sons of the Long family is already dead. Between the six of you, no one is allowed to cause any problems!"

The head of the Long family said, shaking his head with a serious face!

"Master, how can we avenge this?" Long Xi frowned.

"Go and invite the three great ancestors, Dragon Buddha, Dragon Ghost, and Dragon Demon, to come out and kill this person!"

The head of the Long family said in a deep voice, his eyes shining brightly!

Dragon Buddha, Dragon Ghost, and Dragon Demon are among the three ancestors of the Long family, they have lived the longest and are also the most powerful!

No one knows what realm they are in and how powerful they are. Even the head of the Long family can't figure out how many years these three ancestors have lived. He only remembers that since he was born, Dragon Buddha, Dragon Ghost, The three dragons and demons are the ancestors of the Long family!

Now, he has grown up and has been the head of the Long family for hundreds of years. These three are still the ancestors of the Long family!

The three ancestors, Dragon Buddha, Dragon Ghost, and Dragon Demon, are terrifying figures comparable to the Holy Lords of all major holy places!


Hearing this, everyone in the Long Family Hall was shocked!

"If the three ancestors take action, Lin Nan will be dead!" Long Ming smiled cruelly!

At the same time, a dragon roar came from the sky!


"The ancestors have appeared?"

Everyone in the Long family had a look of ecstasy on their faces and looked outside the hall!

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