Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 906 Why do you insist on forcing me to take action? (fifth update)

Everyone in the Long family left the hall and saw three figures appearing on the top of the void, coming quickly!

One person is wearing a monk's robe, just like an old monk!

One person's face is ferocious, like an evil ghost!

One person's face is covered with magic marks, as if he is possessed by a demon!

After seeing these three people, the head of the Long family did not hesitate at all. He immediately bowed to the ground, kowtowed to the void and said:

"The 1,789th generation head of the Long family, Long Haoyin, meet the three ancestors: Dragon Buddha, Dragon Ghost, and Dragon Demon!"

He had already told the three ancestors about Long Xuan and was waiting for the three ancestors to come out of seclusion. However, he did not expect that the three ancestors would arrive so quickly!

The Dragon Buddha has a solemn appearance, like an old monk in meditation. Wearing a light yellow monk's robe, he looks simple and unpretentious!

"What? He is the Patriarch Longfo? Isn't he the sweeping monk from Tianlong Temple outside the family?"

A young man from the Long family said in horror.

He discovered that he actually knew the Dragon Buddha among them. He was the sweeping monk from a temple called Tianlong Temple outside the Long Family. He had seen it many times before!

"I have been practicing in the temple outside the Long family for thirty years. Many people from the Long family have entered the temple to offer incense, but they don't recognize my ancestors. It's really ridiculous!" Long Buddha sneered!

Many people from the Long family turned pale!

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you go and pay homage to the three ancestors!" Long Haoyin shouted sternly.

"Meet the ancestors of the Dragon Buddha, Dragon Ghost, and Dragon Demon!"

Everyone in the Long family knelt on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of the three of them in the sky!

"I heard that someone killed Long Xuan, one of the seven sons of my Long family?"

The dragon ghost said sinisterly, and behind him, ghostly energy surged up all over the sky, as if a fierce ghost was wailing, it was very scary!

"As for the ancestor of Huilonggui, yes, that person's name is Lin Nan, and he is in Yuancheng now!"

Long Haoyin nodded.

"Hmph! A bunch of idiots. Thinking about my Long family, when have we ever suffered such humiliation? We were actually killed in front of millions of people, seventeen supreme powerhouses! They are all a bunch of rubbish!"

The dragon demon snorted coldly!

"Ancestor, it's not that we are useless, it's that Lin Nan is too strong!" A young man from the Long family retorted.


The dragon demon's eyes narrowed and fell on this young man from the Long family. He said in a cold voice: "You dare to interrupt when I am talking! Die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the dragon demon stretched out a big hand and slapped it hard!


The young man who just spoke exploded on the spot and turned into a pool of blood mist. A ray of soul in the blood mist was taken away by the dragon demon!


Everyone in the Long family was shocked. No one thought that the ancestor of the Dragon Demon would take action and directly kill members of his own family?

"The ancestor of the Dragon Demon entered the demonic path with his soul in his early years. Life and death depend on his preference. Even if he is a member of his clan, why can't the ancestor of the Dragon Demon not kill him?" Long Haoyin turned around and glanced at all the masters!


Hearing this, the Dragon Demon looked up to the sky and laughed, praising: "As expected of the head of the family, it suits my taste!"

"Thank you Dragon Demon Ancestor for the compliment!"

Long Haoyin's old face turned red, as if a primary school student had been praised, very excited!

"What are these three views? My ancestor killed his own clansman, and the dignified head of the family still agreed to it?"

A mean voice came!

"It seems that the only way we can do it is to let Grandpa Long take action and help you destroy this trash ancestor?"

As soon as this voice came out, everyone in the Long family immediately exploded!

"Who is speaking?"

"Get out! If you dare to insult my ancestors of the Long family, you are seeking death!"

"come out!"

A large group of elders from the Long family, like rockets taking off into the sky, rushed into the void one after another, searching for the source of the sound. However, no matter how they searched, they searched the entire sky, but they could not find anyone to speak!

"Grandpa Long doesn't want to come out, can you find him?"

The proud voice of the Golden Holy Dragon came, but he did not continue to be invisible, but majestically transformed into a middle-aged man, and appeared in front of everyone with a swagger!

"Who are you? How dare you come to my Long family's ancestral land and talk nonsense, come on! Get it!"

Long Haoyin's face darkened and he shouted!

Dozens of supreme powerhouses appeared and descended from the sky, like a giant net that filled the sky. The golden holy dragon surrounded him in the center and took action against him!


Without saying a word, the Golden Holy Dragon slapped him out. These dozens of supreme powerful men turned into a pool of blood mist and died on the spot!


The three people, Dragon Monk, Dragon Ghost and Dragon Demon, had a stern look in their eyes!

The rest of the Long family were even more shocked and dumbfounded!

"You...are you Lin Nan?"

Long Xi asked infatuatedly. Her beautiful eyes widened and her body was trembling slightly. She never thought that the man in front of her would slap dozens of supreme powerhouses to death!

Could it be that the legendary Lin Nan has arrived?

"Lin Nan, you are my master!"

The golden holy dragon said proudly!

He looked around at everyone and said in a deep voice: "The master has said that no one from your Long family is allowed to appear in front of him! Otherwise, he will be killed without mercy!"

"Hahaha! You are so capable. No one has ever dared to threaten our Long family. I will grant you - death! Go and kill your master again!"

The dragon demon looked up to the sky and roared.

Behind him, the demonic energy surged out like a tsunami. Countless demonic figures appeared behind him, with a bloodthirsty and cold aura that made people's scalp numb and made the child stop crying!

The dragon demon attacked quickly, and the overwhelming demonic energy behind him turned into a vast ocean!

"Don't you understand human language?"

The golden holy dragon looks at the dragon demon!


The dragon demon still shouted, with no intention of looking back!


The Golden Holy Dragon sighed lightly, raised his hand very coquettishly, and lightly slapped the dragon demon away!


The dragon demon that attacked so quickly seemed to have hit a Mount Tai. He flew backwards and sprayed out more than a dozen mouthfuls of blood in the air, collapsing the main hall of the Long family and sending up smoke and dust all over the sky. Stopped!



Everyone in the Long family froze in place, completely stunned!

They never thought that the dragon demon ancestor would be slapped away without any resistance. It was different from what they imagined!


After the Dragon Demon crawled out of the ruins of the Long Family's main palace, he looked at the Golden Holy Dragon with an expression of horror on his face and couldn't say a word!

"Why do you have to force me to take action?"

The Golden Holy Dragon sighed again and made a helpless expression!

When everyone in the Long family saw this, they felt the urge to vomit blood!

"You've gone too far to bully others. I'm here to meet you!"

Dragon Buddha's face darkened, he silently recited a few words of Buddha's name, then rose up into the night and headed towards the Golden Holy Dragon!

"Taste the heart-gnawing feeling of thousands of ghosts!"

The dragon ghost also moved. He opened his mouth and spit out a ball of black air. From the black air, millions of pairs of red eyes were vaguely revealed. Each pair of eyes represented a ghost!

Just as the two were casting spells, the Golden Holy Dragon slapped him twice without saying a word!



Long Fo and Long Gui staggered and were beaten down on the spot. They looked at each other in disbelief and were completely stunned!

As for everyone in the Long family, they all entered a state of confusion!

Because all this is like a dream. The three ancestors, Dragon Buddha, Dragon Ghost and Dragon Demon, can't even bear a slap?

at the same time.

"Alas! Is there anyone in your Long family who can fight?"

The Golden Holy Dragon asked curiously, and in conjunction with his serious expression, everyone in the Long family was completely petrified!

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