Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 907 When I heard Lin Nan’s name, I immediately retreated a hundred miles! (sixth update)

Did you say so?


So shameless!

This is what everyone in the Long family thinks of the Golden Holy Dragon!

You slap one of them down, and the three remaining ancestors of our Long family cannot withstand your slap. You still ask this question, are there any that can be beaten?

A trembling voice came!

"This... this senior... our Long family... has no one left to fight..."

Blood gushed out from the Dragon Demon's mouth. He had just been slapped by the Golden Holy Dragon and almost escaped being beaten to death!

Even if he didn't die, half of his life was gone. This was still the result of the Golden Holy Dragon controlling his strength. Otherwise, he might have been turned into a fan!

"So fast? Your Long family doesn't have any ancestors? Just two of them will do!"

The golden holy dragon was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his hands, looking eager to try!

Long Fo: "..."

Dragon Ghost: "..."

Dragon Demon: "..."

The three of us were speechless for a while, but as soon as you came up, you slapped us one by one and knocked us down!

You still don’t know about feelings, we are the ancestors of the Long family?

"Ahem...Senior, we...the three of us are the ancestors of the Long family..."

The dragon demon coughed twice and replied in a very awkward manner!

Everyone was watching the expression of the Golden Holy Dragon, and they were all cautious, for fear that he would be angry and shoot the three ancestors to death!

If this is really the case, then the Long family will be completely finished!

The Long family can continue to this point only because the three ancestors, Long Buddha, Dragon Ghost, and Dragon Demon, who are comparable to the Lord of the Holy Land, are in charge. Only then can they firmly sit on the throne of the first family among the Taikoo families!

If these three ancestors all died, then the status of the Long family would definitely plummet!

"Ahem! That's it!"

The Golden Holy Dragon cleared his throat, his face condensed, and he said solemnly: "From today on, if anyone from the Long family appears in front of my master, or disturbs my master! I will visit your Long family again, and when I get there At that time, your entire Long family..."

The golden holy dragon said, raised his hand and slapped it!


The ground beneath the Long Family's ancestral land trembled violently, and a huge depth with a radius of ten miles appeared. Looking carefully, I found that there actually looked like a dragon's claw!

"This is what happens!"

After saying that, the Golden Holy Dragon turned around and left!

Everyone in the Long family lowered their heads in fear, their faces white and green. If the palm just now fell on everyone, would they still have a chance to survive?

Everyone in the Long family was filled with fear, but also more doubts!

"Just now, this middle-aged man said that Lin Nan is his master?"

Long Xi's crisp and slightly trembling voice rang in everyone's ears, pulling everyone in the Long family out of shock!

"What is the origin of this Lin Nan? Even one of his servants is so terrifying!"

Long Haoyin, the head of the Long family, looked at the direction in which the Golden Holy Dragon was leaving. After being stunned for a moment, he decisively ordered:

"Second order, anyone in the Long family who hears Lin Nan's name will immediately retreat a hundred miles! Anyone who violates this will have their cultivation level revoked and will be expelled from the Long family's ancestral home!"

The next day.

The matter of Long Xuan is still fermenting!

Within Yuan City, everyone thought that the Long family would be furious!

After all, one of the seven sons of the Long family was killed. This is like the future of the Long family having an arm cut off. It is impossible not to be angry!

However, what people didn't expect was that no news came out from the Long family, and even the disciples of the Long family in Yuancheng were all evacuated, leaving no one behind!

"Could it be that the Long family is shrinking from this?" A slightly fat male monk asked doubtfully.

"Impossible! The Long family is an ancient family. If we back down from this matter, how will we be able to gain a foothold in the future?"

An old man beside him shook his head slightly!

"Could it be that the Long family is preparing to kill Lin Nan with a thunderous strike?"

Some people also spoke, guessing what the Long family would do next!

"With the strength of the Long family, is it necessary to go to war like this to deal with a mere Lin Nan?"

A young man pursed his lips in disdain!

Lin Nan looks about the same age as an ordinary young man, or even younger. Some outsiders say he is less than 500 years old, while others say he is only 300 years old!

Moreover, almost the entire Central Continent is talking about Lin Nan, so many young people are jealous, they are all in Black Lin Nan!

"Just Lin Nan? Why don't you give it a try? Killing seventeen supreme peak experts with just a few clicks is comparable to the Lord of the Holy Land, right? Does such a big shot become a 'mere' in your eyes?" "Similarly, there were also monks who supported Lin Nan and immediately stood up to refute!

"Haha! So what if Lin Nan is stronger? Can he be the enemy of the entire world?"

"Exactly! When the Long family takes action, let alone one Lin Nan, even ten Lin Nan will definitely die without a burial place!" More young people stood up and sneered again and again!


The next piece of news that came back shocked the entire Yuan City. Even all the monks in the entire Central Continent have lost their voices!

Inside news from the Long family:

"Long Haoyin, the head of the Long family, has given an order that starting today, any member of the Long family who sees Lin Nan will immediately retreat a hundred miles!"

Deep in the Shengdan Pavilion, there is an ancient and deep villa!

"good news!"

"Good news! Senior Lin, I'm so happy! I'm so happy!"

Early in the morning of freshman year, Ouyang Anyan heard the news and hurried over to announce the good news!

I saw Ouyang Anyan was out of breath, his old face was red from holding back, and his whole body was shaking with excitement. After entering the Bieyuan, his lips were trembling slightly!

"What happy event?" Liu Ruqing asked doubtfully.

"The head of the Long family has personally ordered that any member of the Long family who hears Senior Lin's name will immediately retreat a hundred miles!" Ouyang Anyan said excitedly.

When he heard the news, he was shocked immediately!

Even after so long, Ouyang Anyan was still shocked when he said these words!

That was the Long family, the number one family among the Taikoo families!

Such a behemoth actually surrendered on his own initiative? And the head of the family gave such an order? Ouyang Anyan thought he was dreaming. After slapping himself several times, he rushed to Lin Nan to announce the good news!


Lin Nan just nodded lightly, his attitude was very calm, without any fluctuation in his tone, just like a pool of well water!

Seeing Lin Nan's performance, Ouyang Anyan opened his mouth. He felt as if Lin Nan knew all this?

"Senior Lin, I dare to ask, what method did you use? Even the Long family gave in?" Ouyang Anyan was itching and scratching his heart and lungs!

Lin Nan glanced at Ouyang Anyan lightly and said:

"Two words, fist!"

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