Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 909 No matter how strong you are, you can't be an enemy of the true immortals in the im

Yuan City, deep inside Shengdan Pavilion, in a quiet courtyard!

This is a special alchemy place provided by Ouyang Anyan to Lin Nan. Not only can it provide various elixirs, but no matter what Lin Nan needs, Ouyang Anyan delivers them all without saying a word!

At the same time, some of Ouyang Anyan's problems had troubled him for decades or hundreds of years, but under Lin Nan's few words, he suddenly became enlightened!

In just a few days, Ouyang Anyan's alchemy skills have improved rapidly!

Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai were sitting in front of them, with a pill furnace in front of them, refining pills!

Under a towering ancient tree not far away, two little girls were swinging on a swing and singing songs leisurely!


Lin Momo sang children's songs at the top of her lungs!


Flamingo Xiaolu responded, flying in the air!

"Little Dragon Bird, why don't you sing?" Ling'er looked at the Dragon Bird Demon King beside him and asked innocently.

‘How can I, the mighty Dragon Bird Demon King, sing such a childish song with you? What a shame! ’

The Dragon Bird Demon King is about to get messy. At this moment, it has transformed into its true form, a peacock with colorful feathers and a dragon head!

"Little Dragon Que, you are not good!"

Lin Momo came over, stretched out her little hand, and patted the Dragon Bird Demon King on the head!


The Dragon Bird Demon King was about to cry and started singing at the top of his lungs!

"Chichi! Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

Dragon Bird Demon King only hopes that no one sees this scene!

Otherwise, if he, the majestic demon king, does such a thing, he will be ridiculed by his peers, and he will be directly embarrassed to death, and he will have no face to meet the fellow villagers of the Peacock Royal Family!

"Hehe, that's ridiculous! I'm giving this candy to you. This is a snack given to me by my daddy!"

Lin Momo chuckled, took out a small piece of fruit candy from her pocket, and threw it to the Dragon Bird Demon King!

The Dragon Bird Demon King opened his mouth. As soon as the fruit candy entered his throat, he trembled all over, and then a shocking light burst out from his eyes!

"Is this candy?"

The Dragon Bird Demon King was shocked!

He only felt that there was a vast and majestic power in his body, swimming through his limbs!

At this moment, Dragon Bird Demon King felt that his strength had increased by one tenth!

As the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, Lin Momo originally needed a lot of energy to fill up before she could enter a higher level of cultivation!

When Lin Momo was born, she directly absorbed the essence of the earth's nine spiritual veins, causing a terrifying vision!

However, Lin Momo didn't like to practice, so Lin Nan could only integrate a large amount of essence into candies and give them to Lin Momo as spiritual stones. Usually, the little girl only needs to eat candies to increase her cultivation level rapidly. !

Ling'er, on the other hand, had a mortal body and could not withstand a large amount of energy. Lin Nan could only transform her body so that she could have better talents!

'Oh My God! What exactly is going on? Such an important elixir is just a snack for a little girl? ’

Dragon Bird Demon King was extremely excited!

With fiery eyes, he looked into Lin Momo's pocket. He didn't know how many candies there were in Lin Momo's pocket!

‘As long as I sing, can I have candy? ’

The Dragon Bird Demon King didn't dare to attack Lin Momo, and he didn't even have a hint of disrespect!

"Chichi! Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

The Dragon Bird Demon King no longer hesitated. What shame and embarrassment?

All gone!

The Dragon Bird Demon King only hopes that if he sings hard, his little master will be happy, and then he will reward himself with a few small candies!

"Huh? Little Queque, you are very obedient. Let me give you some candy!"

Just after sitting on the swing, Lin Momo was very happy when she saw the Dragon Bird Demon King taking the initiative to sing. Although it was not very nice!

He casually grabbed two more candies from his small pocket and threw them to the Dragon Bird Demon King!


The Dragon Bird Demon King quickly opened his mouth and swallowed the two candies rewarded by Lin Momo!

As a result, the Dragon Bird Demon King sang harder and harder!

"Eh? What's wrong with that little dragon bird? Is it unusual today?"

Liu Ruqing, who was in the distance, felt a little strange when she saw this scene!

Lin Nan naturally knew why this was happening, but he was too lazy to stop it!

Lin Momo can have as many candies as she wants. As long as her daughter is happy, he doesn't mind if she gives a few to the Dragon Bird Demon King!

"Let them play, let's continue talking about alchemy!"

Lin Nan looked back at Lin Momo and Ling'er with a doting smile!

Looking away, Lin Nan continued:

"There is still half a year left. In half a year, there will be an Alchemy King Conference held in Yuancheng!"

"My request to you is very simple! Half a year later, at the Alchemy King Conference in Yuancheng, the top three must be the three of you!"

"Huh? Top three, this is too difficult!"

Liu Ruqing was suddenly discouraged!

"Teacher, is this... is it too difficult?" Leng Yan also looked embarrassed!

Lin Canghai said nothing and had no confidence in his heart. After these days, they had a comprehensive understanding of the art of alchemy!

An ordinary alchemy master would not be able to advance without two or three hundred years!

And the Alchemy King requires a lot of time and spiritual stones. It can be said bluntly that any Alchemy King is built up with countless spiritual stones and medicinal materials!

Although the three of them refined the Tianyuan Pill last time, they did it under the guidance of Lin Nan. If they were allowed to complete it independently, it would be almost impossible, it would be too difficult!


Ouyang Anyan's voice came from outside the yard!

"Senior Lin, something is wrong, something serious is going to happen!"

Along with Ouyang Anyan's voice, there were also waves of footsteps!


Everyone looked towards the door of the courtyard, and saw Ouyang Anyan rushing in panting, with a horrified expression on his face: "Senior Lin, the Holy Son of the Great Thousand Holy Land has arrived! He lives in the city lord's mansion in Yuan City!"

"Not long ago, Holy Son Daqian sent a message asking you to go to the City Lord's Mansion to meet him!"

"Daqian Holy Land?"

Leng Yan frowned and said displeasedly: "Teacher didn't provoke the Daqian Holy Land. What happened to the Daqian Holy Son?"

"Senior Lin, this time is different! Even if you are not afraid of the Taikoo Family, you cannot afford to offend the Great Thousand Holy Land!"

Ouyang Anyan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot!

Hearing this, Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai all rolled their eyes!

"How can I not afford to offend?" Lin Nan asked with a smile.

"The Long Family, Ning Family and others are no better than the Great Thousand Holy Land. They are just a family after all! But the foundation of the Great Thousand Holy Land is the hard work of countless people. Every time ten thousand years pass, there are people in the Great Thousand Holy Land. Ascend to the Immortal Realm!" Ouyang Anyan said with a solemn look on his face!

"Moreover, Daqian Holy Land still maintains its connection with the fairy world!"

"Senior Lin, no matter how strong you are, you can't be an enemy of the true immortals in the immortal world, right?"

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