Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 910: Heaven does not allow it, thunder disaster comes to the world! (Third update)

"True immortal?"

Leng Yan and Lin Canghai looked at each other and then smiled!

Lin Nan is the emperor who rules the universe. Even if there is a true immortal in the Great Thousand Holy Land, there is no way he can be his opponent!

"Haha, if there is a true immortal in Daqian Holy Land who knows the identity of my teacher, I am afraid he will be scared to death!"

A cold and mysterious smile!


Ouyang Anyan was stunned for a moment, then laughed bitterly, not believing Leng Yan's words at all, shaking his head and saying: "Ms. Leng, please stop joking, this is really a big event. Please advise Senior Lin to go to the City Lord's Mansion as soon as possible." Let’s go!”

"The other party is the Holy Son of the Great Thousand Holy Land. It's not shameful for Senior Lin to lower his head!"

"Let my teacher go see him? He deserves it!" Leng Yan sneered!

Lin Canghai's face sank, he walked to the door of Bieyuan, made a gesture of invitation, and said: "Master Ouyang, please!"


Ouyang Anyan sighed and left this villa helplessly!

Even if Lin Nan didn't want to go to the City Lord's Mansion, there was nothing he could do!

After Ouyang Anyan left, Leng Yan asked: "Teacher, this Daqian Saint Son also seems to be interested in you, what should we do?"

"It's just an ant, don't pay attention! If he wants to make noise, let him call him. If he dares to come to trouble me, just kill him!"

Lin Nan said lightly.

It seems like a trivial thing to say!

"Teacher is mighty!"

Leng Yan praised sincerely!

"Leng Yan, when did you learn to flatter me?" Liu Ruqing laughed.

"Master Wife, I am telling the truth. Look at how frightened Pavilion Master Ouyang is. This person is just timid and fearful. No matter what he encounters, he always looks like the sky is falling!" Smiled coldly. respond.

Lin Nan's face remained calm as he said, "Let's continue!"

Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai, their expressions hardened, they sat down again, released the true fire in their bodies, and continued to refine elixirs under Lin Nan's guidance!

In the outside world at this time, more than half a day had passed since the Holy Son Daqian asked Lin Nan to see him!

Hundreds of thousands of monks gathered outside the city lord's palace, and everyone was waiting!

"Do you think this Lin Nan will come to see the Holy Son of Daqian?"

Someone in the crowd suddenly asked.

"It's hard to say. With the character shown by Lin Nan, he belongs to a master who is not afraid of heaven and earth. I don't think he will buy it!" Many monks shook their heads!

Soon someone in the crowd snorted coldly and said: "What nonsense Lin Nan, I think he is just a waste! Do you really dare to be an enemy of Daqian Saint Son? Daqian Saint Son asked him to come over, but he still didn't behave Come here?"

Everyone's eyes turned towards the person who spoke!

Only then did I realize that the person speaking was an old man. He was wearing a brocade robe and had a cold smile on his face!

"King Hu Dan!"

Everyone recognized this person, it was Alchemy King Hu Yanghui!

"Didn't King Hu Dan kneel down to Lin Nan last time in the Shengdan Pavilion?"

"Yes! A few days ago in Tianxingfang, King Hu Dan's disciple was also slapped to death by Lin Nan!"

"Tsk tsk! This is a blood feud! No wonder King Hu Dan is so angry. I'm afraid King Hu Dan wants Lin Nan to die directly!"

Everyone was talking in low voices.

Hearing everyone's discussion, Hu Yanghui's face became gloomy to the extreme, and he shouted: "Trash Lin Nan, don't you dare show up? Trash is trash. Relying on his own strength, he can only bully those with lower strength. , do you dare to provoke Daqian Holy Land?"

Hu Yanghui looked up to the sky and laughed!



A burst of thunder appeared in the sky above the City Lord's Mansion, and the entire void trembled slightly!

Hu Yanghui insulted the Emperor of Heaven in public, but was not tolerated by Heaven, and a thunder disaster came to the world!

A purple thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed on Hu Yanghui's body accurately. Before Hu Yanghui could react, his whole body turned into ashes and was struck to death by a bolt of lightning from the blue!


"How is this going?"

Everyone outside the city lord's mansion looked at each other in shock, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground!

"Hu... King Hu Dan was struck to death by lightning?"

Everyone was stunned and their minds were buzzing!

"This is such bad luck!"

"The sky was struck by lightning? He was struck to death!"

People had no idea that this was a thunder disaster sent by heaven, and they thought it was Hu Yanghui's bad luck!

Hu Yanghui's death caused quite a stir among the crowd, but it soon calmed down completely!


At this time, the door to the City Lord's Mansion opened!

A group of old men with astonishing momentum slowly walked out. Each one of them was frightening. They looked very ordinary, even kind-hearted, but standing there, this group of old men stood tall like Optimus Prime, standing tall on the sky and on the ground!

"So...so powerful..."

Outside the city lord's mansion, everyone was speechless!

"It is said that the Great Thousand Saint Son has thirty-six guardians, and it turns out to be true!"

"Thirty-six protectors, each one surpasses the Supreme Being?"

Everyone was trembling, looking at these thirty-six old men eagerly. Some monks with lower cultivation levels couldn't bear the pressure at all, and even knelt down on the spot with a pop!

Finally, in the eyes of everyone's expectations, the Holy Son Daqian stepped out!

He stood there and instantly became the focus of the audience!

The Great Thousand Saint Son came like a king. He was wearing a green shirt, very elegant, with a trace of calmness and calmness between his brows!

Upon seeing this, an old man immediately stepped forward and shouted:

"The leader of Tianxian Sect—Baili Tusu, please see the Holy Son!"

The sound was like thunder, shaking everyone present and making their eardrums roar!

Seeing people paying homage, other sects and forces also came out one after another, for fear of being a step too late!

Everyone wants to seize such a good opportunity to show their face in front of the Great Thousand Holy Son. If the Great Thousand Holy Son becomes the great treasure in the future, who is the Great Thousand Holy Lord, who doesn't want to fawn over him?

"The leader of Taiyi Sect—Zhenren Qianyuan meets the Holy Son!"

"The Master of the Zhuxian Sect—Luo Liehuo, pays homage to the Holy Son!"

"Shangguan Xuantian, the leader of Tianluo Sect, has met the Holy Son Daqian!"

"Kunlong, the ancestor of the Blood Sea Palace, comes to see the Holy Son!"


Suddenly, outside the entire city lord's palace, waves of sound came one after another, in an endless stream!

These people who speak, or those who are qualified to speak in front of the Great Thousand Saint Son, are almost all the leaders and ancestors of the great sects handed down from generation to generation. People with ordinary status are not qualified to introduce themselves in front of the Great Thousand Saint Son!

Almost half of the people were kneeling on the ground, paying homage to the Holy Son Daqian. The scene was very shocking!

The Holy Son of Daqian stands proudly, standing in front of you, pointing one hand towards the void:

"Flat body!"

Just one word, like an emperor!

"Thank you, Holy Son!"

The leaders of these great religions, Baili Tusu, Qianyuan Zhenren, Luo Liehuo, Shangguan Xuantian, Kunlong and others, stood up one after another under the shocked eyes of everyone!

"As expected of the Great Thousand Saint Son! He only showed his face and made hundreds of great sects bow down to him!"

Someone let out a long sigh, but there was still a look of shock in their eyes!

"Now that I think about it, how can Lin Nan be the opponent of the Daqian Saint Son!"

Everyone present nodded their heads!

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