Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 916 After just one glance at Lin Nan, the golden body knelt down! (Third update)

"This is……"

Everyone in the entire hall was stunned, as if they had seen a ghost!

Those who can enter the temple of the Great Thousand Holy Land, be molded into a golden body, place the golden body and the Dharma in the temple for worship, and enjoy the incense and worship are all the ancestors of the Great Thousand Holy Land!

These people, without exception, have all ascended to the immortal world and become true immortals in the immortal world!

Now, when a golden Buddha statue opens his mouth to speak, doesn't it mean that a true immortal from the immortal world has arrived?

"Ancestor, have you...have you come to the human world?"

The Holy Lord Daqian was so shocked that his whole body trembled!

Not only him, but also the other old Holy Lords, Supreme Elders, Elders and others in the hall, their hands and feet were trembling, and they were extremely excited!


The golden body that opened its mouth snorted and said majestically: "There is a terrifying space barrier between the fairy world and the human world. Not to mention me, even the fairy king who rules a fairyland wants to come to the human world. All must use powerful magic circles!"

"Then you are..."

The Holy Lord Daqian was confused for a while!

"This is just a ray of my spiritual thoughts. How can you understand that a true immortal in the immortal world can travel across the universe with a ray of spiritual thoughts?"

This golden body said proudly!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Holy Lord Daqian nodded quickly!

"What were you discussing just now? Why are you making a noise in the temple? Don't you know that the temple is the most sacred place in the Great Thousand Holy Land, where the golden bodies of ancestors of all generations are enshrined, aren't you afraid of disturbing them?" The tone suddenly became serious!

Holy Lord Daqian felt that his whole body was filled with a terrifying pressure, and he quickly explained and told everything!


This golden body was a little surprised, but then he sneered and said: "You people are really stupid! The majestic Great Thousand Holy Land has been insulted to the head. Even the Holy Son was beheaded by others, and you still take advantage of it. Got thirty-six guardians?"

"Let you, the Holy Master, repair the door? Hahahaha!"

"Think about how courageous I was back then. I suppressed the martial arts world for a lifetime, became invincible in the world, and finally ascended to the immortal world. How come it has become like this in your generation?"

This golden body said.

Holy Lord Daqian and others looked extremely ugly!

At the same time, a feeling of humiliation and frustration arose in their hearts!

"Let me see, who is this person, Lin Wudi? Haha! In front of me, who dares to say that he is invincible, who dares to say that he is undefeated?"

The golden body sneered, his words filled with arrogance!

"As you command!"

Holy Lord Daqian raised his hand gently and offered a water-blue orb!

A light curtain lit up, and Lin Nan's appearance appeared accurately in front of everyone's eyes, just like a 3D projection!

I saw Lin Nan's shadow, standing with his hands behind his back. Although it was just a shadow, everyone present felt that this man had a majestic aura that looked down on all living beings and was invincible in the world!


"It's him!"

After seeing Lin Nan's appearance, the golden body screamed in surprise, his voice was distorted, and he was actually trembling!

When he saw Lin Nan, his golden body knelt down!

The golden body made of gold actually knelt down on the spot, made a crisp sound, and finally completely deformed!


The entire Daqian Holy Land temple fell into deathly silence!

Everyone's eyes widened and they were dumbfounded. They were more shocked than seeing a ghost, their eyeballs almost bulged out, and their jaws dropped in shock!

"Are you sure...are you sure...that this person...is the person?"

The golden body kneeling on the ground was actually trembling!

You read that right, it was really trembling and making a buzzing sound!

"You...what's wrong with you?"

The Great Thousand Sage opened his mouth. If he couldn't speak clearly, would he kneel down with his golden body? Is there anything more shocking than this?

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The golden body trembled and roared!

In the fairy world, not everyone can see the true appearance of the Emperor of Heaven!

However, last time Lin Nan made a strong move and broke through the seventy-two layers of the fairy world barrier. Through the space crack, the owner of this golden body happened to be in a corner and glanced at Lin Nan from a distance!

At this glance, he remembered Lin Nan's appearance!

Now, how could he not be surprised when he saw Lin Nan's appearance? How not to be afraid!

"You idiots... how dare you offend this man!"

"If you want to die, do you know who he is? He's-!"

This golden body was just about to speak!


A bolt of thunder descended, directly penetrated the temple of Daqian Holy Land, and landed on this golden body!


The golden body suddenly exploded and turned into debris all over the sky. The golden body made of pure gold melted into golden water and splashed everywhere. The kneeling golden body was directly annihilated by a thunderbolt in front of everyone. Lost!

"What...what's going on?"

Everyone in the Great Thousand Holy Point raised their heads in horror, looking at the endless void through the huge hole in the hall!

at the same time.

From the end of the sky, a majestic voice came, as if it had traveled through eternity and came from the end of the long river of time!

"A mere golden immortal tries to reveal the secret of heaven - die!"


Along with the sound of gasping for air, the whole world became quiet!

After a long time!

A faint voice came:

"Holy Lord, how about... why don't you go to Yuancheng and repair that door?"

same day.

Holy Lord Daqian secretly left Daqian Holy Land and rushed to Yuan City overnight. Finally, he arrived at Yuan City early the next morning!

Shengdan Pavilion.

In a luxurious room, Ouyang Anyan was sitting there, reading an ancient book on elixirs in his hand!


A servant hurried in, his face flushed and sweating profusely!

"Gegegegegegegege... Pavilion Master, Daqian Holy Master, please see Senior Lin Wudi!"


After Ouyang Anyan heard the servant's report, he was so shocked that he almost jumped up from his chair. He was stunned for a long time before asking: "Who...who is here?"

"Big, big... thousands, thousands... Holy Lord!"

The servant who reported the news turned pale with fright, almost losing his human form, and his teeth were chattering!

"Oops...Oops...Senior Lin is miserable this time..."

Ouyang Anyan paced back and forth anxiously!

"But... Pavilion Master, Daqian Holy Master came alone..."

"Alone? No one with you? Aren't you here to avenge Daqian Saint Son?" Ouyang Anyan was stunned.

"No... Holy Lord Daqian said... he came to repair the door..."

The servant stuttered and explained that he found that his teeth were out of control at all!

"Repair...repair the door?"

Ouyang Anyan was stunned on the spot, completely petrified, and his expression became very wonderful!

He never dreamed that the Great Qian Holy Lord would actually come!

Moreover, he came to build the door for Lin Nan?

What happened to this world?

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