Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 917 Mathematical genius, Lin Momo! (Fourth update)

However, Ouyang Anyan did not dare to neglect and hurried to greet the Holy Lord Daqian!

Holy Lord Daqian came alone, he was the only one, dressed like an ordinary middle-aged man, inconspicuous at all. Standing in the Shengdan Pavilion, no one knew him, but there was a transcendent temperament in his movements!

"Meet the Great Thousand Holy Lord!"

Ouyang Anyan knelt down and was about to pay homage, but Holy Master Daqian raised his hand and stopped him directly, saying in a deep voice: "Pavilion Master Ouyang, I left the Holy Land in secret. If the outside world knows about this, your Ouyang family will... Will completely disappear from the world!"

The face of Holy Lord Daqian is indifferent!

Although he was afraid of Lin Nan, Ouyang Anyan, a mere Ouyang Anyan, could be easily destroyed by Daqian Holy Land if he wanted to, so he didn't take it to heart at all!

"I know! I know!"

Ouyang Anyan trembled, nodded quickly, and looked around suspiciously!

"Lead the way, I want to see Senior Lin!" Holy Master Daqian said coldly.


Ouyang Anyan did not dare to neglect, and disappeared at the entrance of Shengdan Pavilion with Holy Lord Daqian!

Ouyang Anyan's strange behavior was noticed by several old men around the Shengdan Pavilion. These people were all supreme elders from other holy places. They did not dare to enter the Shengdan Pavilion and could only pay attention to the Shengdan Pavilion from the outside world. Every move of the pavilion!

"Why does this middle-aged man look so familiar?"

"I really wish I had seen it somewhere!"

These old men were secretly talking through messages!

"I think I've seen it somewhere, but I just can't remember it!"


Suddenly, one of the old men raised his head in disbelief and said in horror: "This man... this man seems to be the Holy Lord of the Great Thousand Holy Land!"

"What? Impossible!"

Someone immediately retorted, shouting that it’s impossible!

"How could someone like the Holy Lord Daqian come here?"


The other old men all nodded, but the shock in their eyes was not concealed at all!

"Ahem! Maybe I got it wrong. You're right. How could Holy Lord Daqian come here?" The old man who spoke turned pale and quickly changed his words!


However, these old men knew very well that the middle-aged man just now was not the Great Qian Holy Lord, so who was he?

However, this kind of statement is too relevant. If the Holy Lord Daqian comes here in person, and comes alone, what is he here to do? No one dares to make random guesses or talk nonsense. They can only retreat silently and go back to report!

And this time.

Ouyang Anyan has brought Holy Master Daqian to the outside of the courtyard where Lin Nan lives!

"Senior Lin, the Holy Lord Daqian is here and wants to see you!"

Ouyang Anyan shouted loudly.

Lin Nan did not appear, but Lin Canghai came out, stood there, and glanced at the Great Qian Holy Lord indifferently!

"You are the Holy Lord Daqian!"

"Who are you?" Holy Lord Daqian frowned!

"I am the servant of the person you want to see. The master is accompanying the young master and the others and has no time to see you!" Lin Canghai said calmly.

"What? How dare a servant talk to me like this!"

Holy Lord Daqian's face darkened, and he was just about to get angry!


With a sneer on his lips, Lin Canghai looked at the Holy Master Daqian calmly and said: "You can do it! The master said that he will only give you three days. This is the third day. You should be glad that you are here, otherwise If so, Daqian Holy Land will become history!”

Hearing Lin Canghai's words, Holy Lord Daqian couldn't help but tremble slightly!

He had a feeling that Lin Canghai was not joking, but serious!

"I see!"

After Daqian Holy Lord was stunned for a long time, he took a deep breath, bowed slightly to Lin Canghai, and said, "Which door should I build?"

"That one, let's repair it!"

Lin Canghai pointed to the damaged courtyard gate not far away, then turned and left without saying another word!

Ouyang Anyan on the side was so shocked that he didn't dare to take a breath, so he could only stay by his side cautiously!


Under Ouyang Anyan's disbelieving gaze, Holy Master Daqian walked over, carefully started repairing the broken door!

And at this time.

Lin Nan is imparting knowledge to two little lolita in the yard!

Today’s morning class is math!

Lin Nan was sitting under the grape trellis. There were two small desks in front of him. Lin Momo and Ling'er were sitting there upright!

"Okay, let's preview what we learned yesterday. What is 1+1=?"

Lin Nan asked with a smile.

"You two, who will answer?"

"Daddy! Me, me, me!"

Lin Momo immediately raised her little hands, with a very positive look, her big eyes were shining with eccentricity, and she looked expectant!

"Okay, you answer!" Lin Nan nodded slightly.


Lin Momo stood up and answered loudly, with confidence in her tone!


Liu Ruqing on the side staggered when she heard these words and almost spit out her breakfast!

"Lin Nan, is this what you taught?"

Liu Ruqing was confused. She was a master of mathematics and specialized in finance, but her daughter didn't know what 1+1 equals?

"Mo'er, didn't I tell you yesterday? 1+1=2. I also gave an example. You have a candy in your pocket. How many candies are you adding?" Lin Nan asked seriously. .

Lin Momo blinked her big eyes, looked at Lin Nan, and replied innocently: "0 candies!"

"Tell mom, why are there 0 candies?"

Liu Ruqing asked curiously.

"If I eat one and Ling'er eats one, won't there be no candy?"

Lin Momo said innocently.

"You...hahaha! You are really a math wizard!"

Liu Ruqing laughed and held her stomach, unable to stand Lin Momo's logic!

Lin Nan's mind was full of dark thoughts and he explained: "Mo'er, you can't calculate it like this! Ling'er, say it!"

"I think Mo'er is right. Didn't the candy disappear soon after you ate it?" Ling'er also nodded innocently.

Lin Nan looked helpless. He was almost defeated by these two little lolita. He could only continue to explain patiently: "This is a mathematical problem, and arithmetic cannot be done like this!"

"Why can't it be calculated like this? Can't you eat candies?" Lin Momo asked.

"Yes, the candies are delicious, why can't you eat them?" Ling'er also asked.

“It’s not a question of whether you can eat it or not!”

Lin Nan's head felt very big and he couldn't explain it clearly!

"What's the problem?"

The two little lolita stared at Lin Nan with their eyes wide open, looking like curious babies, waiting for his answer!

Lin Nan was completely confused and couldn't explain it!

And this time.

Lin Canghai finally rushed to the rescue and said respectfully: "Master, the Holy Lord Daqian is here!"

"Ahem! Wife, you take care of it first, I'll be back soon!"

Lin Nan coughed twice and ran away quickly, feeling a little embarrassed!

Even if he encounters a strong enemy, he will always be the one who retreats. But facing these two little lolita, Lin Nan really has no choice!

The two people in front of me are probably the only ones who can force the Emperor of Heaven to flee in embarrassment!

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