Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 918 All you need to know is that my master is God! That’s it! (fifth update)

When Holy Lord Daqian left, the gate outside the courtyard had been repaired!

"Tsk tsk! Pavilion Master Ouyang, why do I feel that this gate is not as exquisite as it was at the beginning?"

Lin Canghai was amazed!

I never expected that the dignified Lord of the Holy Land would be able to do such a thing as repairing the gate!

"Lin...Brother Lin, are you kidding?"

Ouyang Anyan stood aside, his mouth wide open in shock, not daring to answer a word!

This is the Holy Master of the Great Thousand Holy Land, who actually came to the Holy Pill Pavilion in person just to repair the door, and then left in despair!

Ouyang Anyan witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, but he did not dare to let others see it. Everyone in the backyard of Shengdan Pavilion was taken away by Ouyang Anyan, so only Lin Canghai and Ouyang were involved in the process of repairing the gate. An Yan and the two saw it!

"Are you kidding? Are you kidding?"

Lin Canghai looked at Ouyang Anyan with a smile!

Ouyang Anyan was so frightened that he said in horror: "Brother Lin, please do not spread this matter to the outside world! When Senior Lin lived here, Daqian Holy Land did not dare to do anything. If Senior Lin left, we would Shengdan Pavilion is absolutely doomed!"

"This is the Lord of the Holy Land! He actually came here and repaired the gate. If word spreads, the outside world will definitely explode!"

"Now, it's best that only you and I have seen this matter. The worst I can do is to die and keep this secret. Otherwise, if outsiders find out, my Ouyang family will also be destroyed!"

Ouyang Anyan's face was pale and his lips were trembling!

He wasn't joking, he was serious!

If the outside world knew that Holy Master Daqian really listened to Lin Nan and repaired the door, who knows what would happen!

"Don't be afraid, Pavilion Master Ouyang. Our master is always considerate when doing things. The Great Thousand Holy Land does not dare to do anything to you, so just be at ease!" Lin Canghai grinned.


Ouyang Anyan couldn't believe it!

"Of course it is true. Since the Holy Lords of the Great Thousand Holy Land have personally come to repair the door, hehe! This means that they are afraid of my master. Otherwise, the Lord of the Holy Land would come to such a place to repair the door?" Lin Canghai Smile proudly!

"Since they are afraid of my master, they will never dare to cause trouble to your Shengdan Pavilion again!"

Seeing Lin Canghai's confidence, Ou An Anyang couldn't help but ask: "Brother Lin, who is your master?"

"You want to know?"

Lin Canghai glanced at Ouyang Anyan lightly, shook his head, and said: "I'll tell you something you don't want to hear. You don't deserve to know my master's identity. Not only are you unworthy, but even the owners of the Holy Land are not worthy of knowing my master's identity." identity of!"

"You just need to know that my master is God! That's all!"


Ouyang Anyan opened his mouth and was speechless!

In the past few days, Yuancheng has been surprisingly quiet!

Moreover, after knowing that Lin Nan was in the Shengdan Pavilion, some of the most powerful men were cautious in the Shengdan Pavilion, not daring to speak loudly, and became extremely polite!

What's more important is that Ouyang Anyan's status has also risen with the tide, and even some elders and clan uncles of the Taikoo family have taken the initiative to befriend Ouyang Anyan!

You know, if these people take one more look at Ouyang Anlan on weekdays, they will think they think highly of him!

Today, Lin Nan did not let everyone continue practicing, but took a rare day off!

Early in the morning, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, with their cute baby, went out for an outing in Yuancheng!

Yuancheng is the residence of monks, but ordinary mortal residents live just outside Yuancheng. Some poorer families simply cannot afford to live in Yuancheng where there is not much land!

Only those wealthy and distinguished families can purchase some family properties in Yuancheng. This is very similar to real estate on the earth, and Yuancheng is like a first-tier city like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen!

"Why are there so many people today?"

Liu Ruqing was walking on the path outside Yuancheng and found a large group of ordinary mortals in front of him, as if they were traveling. It was very spectacular!

"Sister, you don't know, today is the day of the temple fair, and it happens to be the first day of every month. Everyone goes out to the market. The temple fair and the market come together, so it's so lively!"

A girl of twelve or thirteen years old passed by Lin Nan and others. When she saw Liu Ruqing unaware, she stopped and explained with a smile.

This girl is dressed simply, with patches on her clothes, but her eyes are very clean and pure, and her facial features are extremely delicate. From a young age, I knew that the girl would be a beauty when she grows up!

"Going to the market? I've never been to the market before. Is it fun?"

Liu Ruqing's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked eager to try on her clothes!

Lin Momo and Ling'er also looked interested!


The girl chuckled and said: "Sister, you must be from the city. The clothes you wear are so gorgeous. Is this silk? No wonder you don't know how to go to the market. I just go to the market today to help my family sell things. You If you want to go and play, I’ll take you with me!”

"Really? That's great!"

Liu Ruqing jumped up and down excitedly, completely ignoring her appearance. She took the girl's hand and walked forward, leaving Lin Nan alone with a big cute baby in one hand and following behind!

Through communication on the road, Liu Ruqing learned that the girl's name was Wang Xuewei, and her home was thirty miles away from Yuancheng, in a village called Niulan Village!

"Sister Ruqing, my father named me after a rooster and asked the village private school teacher to help me get it!"

Wang Xuewei raised her little face with a proud look on her face, and her smile was very pure!

"Haha! Xuewei, this is a good name, very poetic!"

Liu Ruqing patted Wang Xuewei's little head.

The two had a very happy conversation along the way. While resting on the road, Wang Xuewei also took out the snacks she had prepared, a few pieces of osmanthus cake and some sweet dates, and distributed them to Lin Momo and Ling'er!

The two little lolita were very happy. After a while, the elder sister was in front of her and the elder sister was behind her. The atmosphere was very harmonious!

"Lin Nan, could she be created by your enemies again?"

Liu Ruqing asked softly.

"Don't worry, she is just an ordinary person, there is nothing wrong with her!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly.

Liu Ruqing felt relieved and became closer to Wang Xuewei. After resting, everyone continued on the road. It was almost noon when everyone arrived at the market!

This was not a very big town. Lin Nan scanned his consciousness and found that most of the people in this town were mortals, with only a few monks!

In the town, there is still the existence of the government, which maintains order in the town!

The largest street in the town is crowded with people, shouting and selling everywhere, and it is very lively!

"Sister Ruqing, I'm setting up a stall here, so I won't take you shopping!"

Wang Xuewei stuck out her tongue.

She came to the market today, not to play, but to bring a sack of live animals, which were all handicrafts at home, to sell some to supplement the family income!

"OK, all right!"

Liu Ruqing smiled softly and threw a few pieces of gold into Wang Xuewei's pocket without leaving any trace, hoping to help this girl!

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