Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 919 Don’t be afraid, sister is here! (sixth update)

After parting ways with Wang Xuewei, Liu Ruqing felt as if she had been given a shot of blood. She didn't want to see the lively scene. She took Lin Nan to shop around, buying here and there. In a short time, she bought a lot of things, all of which were bought by Lin Nan. Get it in your pocket!

The market was crowded with people, and because Lin Nan was so generous, he could easily find a piece of gold, which made people jealous!

About half an hour later, it was approaching noon. Everyone was hungry. Lin Nan didn't need to eat, but Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, and Ling'er started to get greedy and were ready to find a place to eat!

"Let's go, let's take Xuewei with us!"

Liu Ruqing smiled and walked towards the entrance of the town!

"Why, you are still thinking about me!" Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Hmph! What a good girl, haven't you noticed? The sweet-scented osmanthus cake and sweet dates she gave us in the morning were the only things she ate. We ate them all. What did she eat for lunch? Do you think such a poor family Will my children spend money to buy food?"

Liu Ruqing snorted!


Lin Nan touched his nose in embarrassment. He also ate a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake. He really never thought that this turned out to be Wang Xuewei's lunch!

"Let's go find her!"

"Huh, that's pretty much it!"

Liu Ruqing hummed softly, took Lin Nan's hand and walked towards the entrance of the town!

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the town, I saw a group of people blocking the place!

In the center of the crowd stood a young man in brocade robes. With a malicious look on his face, he kept scanning Wang Xuewei's body!

Behind this young man in brocade robes, there was a group of followers standing, surrounding Wang Xuewei!

"Please, let me go, my parents are still at home waiting for me to make money to buy medicine!"

Wang Xuewei said pleadingly.

She trembled and knelt on the ground, constantly begging for mercy. Tears rolled in her eyes, but she still held back and refused to let them flow out!

"Haha! Little girl, you stole my things, and now you want me to go around you? Okay! Unless you go to my house and be my personal maid, I will not pursue this matter!" Jinpao Qingnian I laughed out loud!

"But I really didn't steal anything from you!"

Wang Xuewei defended helplessly!

"Haha! Little girl, you didn't steal anything. How come our young master's jade pendant is in your hands?"

A man behind the young man in brocade robe looked up to the sky and laughed!

"Tell me, if you didn't steal anything, how could someone else get the stolen goods?"

"Why is this jade pendant in your hand?"

"Little girl, you said you're not a thief!"

The followers behind the young man in brocade robes all laughed mockingly!

When the passers-by around him saw this, they shook their heads and sighed!

"Hey, we know this girl. She comes from the village in Niulanshan. She goes to the market on the first day of the lunar month and the fifteenth day of the lunar month. She always comes to sell some groceries from home to supplement the family income. How can she be a thief!"

"That's right! On the contrary, this Liu Xiaping has a bad reputation. He has a brother who cultivates immortality and is supported by his uncle Mr. Liu. He is domineering in the town and bullies men and women. I'm afraid Liu Xiaping has taken a fancy to this little boy again. It’s a girl!”

"Oh! What a sin!"

the passers-by around said.

Liu Xiaping and others seemed not to have heard it, or even if they had heard it, they had ignored it!

With the power of their family, no one in this town dares to mess with them!

"Little girl, come here!"

Liu Xiaping stretched out a hand and was about to grab Wang Xuewei's arm. Unexpectedly, he pulled hard and a few pieces of gold in Wang Xuewei's pocket suddenly fell to the ground, which immediately attracted everyone's attention!

"Hey! Gold!"

"Did this little girl really steal something?"

After seeing the gold, the crowd couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise!

"Little girl, it seems that I really didn't accuse you wrongly!"

Liu Xiaping's eyes lit up, and he picked up a few pieces of gold on the ground, with a greedy light in his eyes!

"I...I don't know...I really don't know, how come this gold is in my pocket?"

Wang Xuewei was almost crying. She didn't know why there was gold in her pocket!

No one around believed her, because the gold fell out of Wang Xuewei's pocket!

"Hey! Don't know? In that case, let's go to court and talk about this matter!"

Liu Xiaping laughed evilly and pulled Wang Xuewei towards the Yamen in the center of the town!

"No, please let me go. Take all the gold. My parents are still at home waiting for me to buy medicine!" Wang Xuewei's pretty face was pale, but as a little girl, how could she have the strength to resist an adult? people?

She was picked up helplessly and headed towards the county government office in the town!

Wang Xuewei's heart was filled with despair!


Suddenly, Liu Xiaping screamed and grabbed Wang Xuewei's hand. There was a crunching sound. The severe pain made Liu Xiaping let go of Wang Xuewei!

At this time, Liu Ruqing ran out, protected Wang Xuewei behind her, and said, "Don't be afraid, sister is here!"

"elder sister!"

Wang Xuewei's body was trembling and she hid behind Liu Ruqing, her big eyes filled with fear!

"My hand! My hand is broken!"

Liu Xiaping screamed in pain and shouted angrily: "Beat them, beat them to death!"

"Yes! Mr. Liu!"

The group of thugs brought by Liu Xiaping all moved. Judging from their stretched out hands, they turned out to be the lowest level yellow level warriors!


Liu Ruqing snorted coldly, raised her legs and swept out. With Liu Ruqing's current cultivation level, these people were no match for her. They all flew out and lay on the ground wailing!

"You even bully a little girl, are you still human? Get out of here!" Liu Ruqing said angrily.

"Just wait for me!"

Liu Xiaping's eyes flashed with a trace of resentment, he pushed aside the crowd dejectedly, and fled in embarrassment!

"Mom is great!"

At this time, Lin Nan came over. Lin Momo's two small hands in her arms were slapping gently, applauding Liu Ruqing!

"Sister Ruqing, I really didn't steal gold or jade pendants... I'm not a thief..."

Wang Xuewei lowered her head, like a child who made a mistake!

"I know you didn't steal anything. That jade pendant was obviously framed by someone else. As for the gold, I put it in your pocket. I originally wanted you to go back and make up for the family expenses, but I didn't expect it to harm you instead!"

Liu Ruqing touched Wang Xuewei's little head and comforted her softly.


Wang Xuewei raised her head in surprise and looked at Liu Ruqing blankly, "Sister Ruqing, why are you so nice to me?"

"Haha! Silly girl, you gave us your only lunch, why should we be nicer to you? Are you hungry now? We will take you to eat!"

Liu Ruqing said with a smile.

Wang Xuewei was stunned for a moment, then shook her head violently!

"Sister Ruqing, I'm not hungry. You should leave quickly. Liu Xiaping's brother is a monk, and his uncle is an official in the town. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave in a while!"

After Wang Xuewei thought about all this, she became extremely anxious!

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