Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 922 He...who is he? (Third update)


Liu Yunfeng raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the source of the sound!

I saw.

A large group of people rushed over in a hurry. Their faces were pale, carrying Liu Xiaping's body, and they knelt on the ground in horror!

"younger brother!"

Liu Yunfeng's pupils shrank and his expression suddenly changed. He stepped in front of Liu Xiaping's body and saw that Liu Xiaping's face was full of fear and his eyes were wide open. He couldn't believe it until he died. He was actually killed!

"Who did it?"

The veins on Liu Yunfeng's forehead popped out, and he roared like a wild beast!

The relationship between him and Liu Xiaping is very good! Even if he embarks on the path of cultivation, he has never forgotten his younger brother!

Liu Yunfeng even used many elixirs to prolong the life of his younger brother, causing Liu Xiaping to live hundreds of years even though he was a mortal!

However, Liu Yunfeng did not expect that his younger brother would be killed!

"Brother Liu, a dead person cannot be resurrected, so I express my condolences! The most important thing now is to find the murderer and avenge your brother!"

Di Xiao sighed softly and said comfortingly.

"Who is it? The murderer, where is he?"

A fierce light surged in Liu Yunfeng's eyes, and the whole courtyard suddenly became filled with murderous aura. The temperature suddenly dropped below freezing point, and the ground was covered with a layer of frost!

A group of Liu Xiaping's men trembled, kowtowed in fear, and said in a trembling voice: "It's a young man. He is in a restaurant in the town. We saw him leaving the city just now, and now he seems to be heading towards Niulan Village. Got it!"

"Let's go! I want to avenge Xia Ping!"

Liu Yunfeng roared like a wild beast!

He stretched out a hand and gently touched Liu Xiaping's eyes, hoping to help his brother close his eyes, but no matter what, Liu Xiaping's eyes could not be closed. Even if he was dead, there was still fear in the depths of his eyes. meaning!

"Brother! Don't worry, I will definitely help you get revenge, and I won't let you die in peace!"

Liu Yunfeng swore immediately!

This group of thugs immediately led the way. Liu Yunfeng thought it was too much trouble. With a big move, he rolled up all these people and flew directly into the sky, flying towards the outside of the town!

Upon seeing this, Di Xiao thought about it and followed suit!

And at this time.

Lin Nan and his party had just walked out of the town, called a carriage, and headed towards Wang Xuewei's village. As agreed, Lin Nan asked the waiter at the restaurant to make a new portion of all the dishes and package them. Okay, let Wang Xuewei take it back!

Along the way, Wang Xuewei was very excited!

"Father and mother will be very happy. If mother eats such delicious food, she will get better quickly!"

"What? Your mother is sick?"

Liu Ruqing asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on. Ever since I can remember, my mother has been sick and often vomits blood. My father is also in poor health. He often looks up at the stars at night and sighs. If I ask, they never say anything! "Wang Xuewei shook her head, her face turned a little gloomy!

"Don't worry, maybe I can cure your mother's disease!" Liu Ruqing took Wang Xuewei's little hand and said with a smile.


Wang Xuewei stared at Liu Ruqing in surprise and asked excitedly: "Sister Ruqing, can you still treat diseases?"

"Of course, I am an alchemy master now. I can even refine monks' elixirs. I might also be able to cure ordinary mortals' diseases!" Liu Ruqing said proudly, raising her little face. , Qiong’s nose wrinkled!

"Even if I don't know how to treat it, there is still Lin Nan, he is the most powerful person in the world!"

"Don't you think so? Lin Nan!"

"That's right!" Lin Nan smiled lightly.


Seeing Lin Nan being so cooperative, Liu Ruqing smiled sweetly in her heart. This man was always cooperating with her and taking care of her emotions!



A piercing sound came from the sky, and the group of people led by Liu Yunfeng caught up with the carriage Lin Nan and others were riding in, and blocked the front!


Liu Yunfeng stood there, like a mountain, lying in front of him!

"This is the person, the young master was killed by this person!"

The group of thugs behind Liu Yunfeng were all red-eyed and immediately identified Lin Nan as the one who killed Liu Xiaping with a snap of his fingers!

"You were the one who killed my brother?"

Liu Yunfeng's voice was indifferent. In his heart, he had already designed a hundred ways for Lin Nan to die. Finally, he cut off Lin Nan's head and placed it in front of his brother's grave to comfort his brother's spirit in heaven!

And this time.

Emperor Xiao also arrived. He descended from the sky and stood beside Liu Yunfeng. He also wanted to see who killed Liu Yunfeng's younger brother!

However, when Di Xiao's eyes fell on Lin Nan, his whole body trembled, his mind went blank, his face turned pale, and his hands and feet couldn't help but tremble!

‘Lin Wudi! How could it be him! ’

Liu Yunfeng didn't know Lin Nan, but why didn't Di Xiao know him?

In the Imperial family, almost all the core direct descendants have seen Lin Nan's influence, and they have firmly carved this person in their minds and must not mess with him!

Unexpectedly, just a few days later, Di Xiao would meet Lin Nan?

"Brother Emperor, this is the man who killed my brother. You should watch out how I can avenge my brother!"

Liu Yunfeng roared, and just as he was about to take action, his face suddenly hurt!


There was a crisp sound, and Di Xiao took action directly and slapped Liu Yunfeng hard on the face!

Liu Yunfeng didn't expect that Di Xiao would take action against him, so he was stunned and looked at Di Xiao in shock!



There was a muffled sound, and in Liu Yunfeng's shocked eyes, Di Xiao actually knelt down?

"Brother Emperor... you... what are you doing!"

Liu Yunfeng's mouth opened wider and wider, and he was completely shocked. As far as he knew, Di Xiao had a very high status in the Di family. As a descendant of the Taigu family, he actually knelt down to a stranger?

"Shut up! Liu Yunfeng!"

Di Xiao roared, feeling extremely frightened in his heart, "If you don't want to die, kneel down!"

Liu Yunfeng felt a sense of panic, fear and shock from Di Xiao's tone. He didn't know why Di Xiao knelt down, but Liu Yunfeng also felt fear in his heart!


Liu Yunfeng also knelt down!

"Do you have anything else to do?"

Lin Nan asked calmly while sitting on the carriage.

"No...no more..."

Di Xiao quickly shook his head, knelt on the ground and moved to get out of the way!

Lin Nan's carriage continued to move forward, heading towards Niulan Village. It was not until Lin Nan's carriage disappeared from sight that Di Xiao felt as if he had collapsed, almost lying on the ground, with a strong chest. The ups and downs, the heart was pounding, and the face was even more frighteningly pale!

"Brother Emperor...what's wrong with you? He...who is he?" Liu Yunfeng's lips trembled slightly!

A trace of deep fear flashed through the depths of Di Xiao's eyes, and he uttered three words:

"Lin Wudi!"

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