Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 923 How is it possible! He is Lin Wudi! (Fourth update)

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Lin Wudi!


Hearing these three words, Liu Yunfeng felt as if there was magic. He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, his body was shaken, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and his scalp was numb!

"How is that possible! He is Lin Wudi!"

Liu Yunfeng was trembling all over, but there was still a sense of shock in his eyes!

Lin Wudi's name is already well-known in Central Continent, but he didn't expect that his younger brother would be killed by this person?

You know, Lin Wudi is a terrifying figure who dares to kill even the Holy Son of the Holy Land!

"Brother Emperor, could it be that you admitted your mistake?"

Liu Yunfeng asked in disbelief!

"No way!"

Di Xiao shook his head and said solemnly: "I have seen this person's image with my own eyes in my family. It is absolutely impossible to admit it! The person who passed by just now is definitely Lin Wudi's fault!"

When Lin Nan's carriage drove away, Di Xiao's face finally returned to a trace of color from paleness!

Liu Yunfeng's face changed, and he could only sigh helplessly. I'm afraid he will never be able to avenge his revenge in this life!

Niulan Village is not big, with only a few hundred households!

Wang Xuewei's home is in the south of the village. It has only three old tile-roofed houses. There is a dry well outside the house and two old locust trees stand there. It is very dilapidated!

Lin Nan swept his consciousness and discovered Wang Xuewei's parents in the house, and his heart moved slightly!

"Father, mother, I'm back!"

Wang Xuewei opened the door and walked into the yard!

"Xuewei is back!"

Wang Xuewei's mother came out. Her face was pale and her body was thin. She seemed to be dying, and she was very weak!

"who are you?"

When Wang Xuewei's mother saw Lin Nan and others, her expression suddenly changed!

"Mother, this is Brother Lin Nan, this is Sister Ruqing, these are Momo and Ling'er, they are their daughters. When I was at the market today, Liu Xiaping, the evil boy in the town, bullied me. Lin Nan Brother takes action and kills that evil man!"

Wang Xuewei explained.

He walked to his mother's side and helped her with a blushing face!

"What? You killed Liu Xiaping!"

Wang Xuewei's mother's expression changed again!

"Yes, Liu Xiaping's brother came to intercept them on the way, but they were so frightened by Brother Lin Nan that they knelt down and did not dare to cause trouble to Brother Lin Nan!" Wang Xuewei said excitedly.

"Are you... monks?"

Wang Xuewei’s mother frowned!

"Yes, Brother Lin Nan and Sister Ruqing both know the magic of the Immortal family, which is amazing!"

Wang Xuewei nodded and explained, taking out all the food she had brought back from the town, and inviting Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing and others to sit in the house while talking about what happened in the city!

Only Lin Nan had a faint smile on his lips, and a hint of ridicule flashed deep in his eyes!

However, he didn't show anything strange!

After entering the house, Lin Nan saw Wang Xuewei's father, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man, who asked Lin Nan and others to sit down!

Wang Xuewei's parents looked at each other and nodded!

"You are monks, can you accept my daughter as your disciple?" Wang Xuewei's mother suddenly said.

Hearing what her mother said, Wang Xuewei was stunned for a moment and quickly shook her head!

"Ah? Mother, I don't want to leave you. You and father are not in good health. I have to stay at home to take care of you!"

"Idiot! If you become a monk, that would be the best for your father and me. Otherwise, will you stay in this ghost place of Niulan Village for the rest of your life?" Wang Xuewei's mother cursed coldly!

Wang Xuewei's body trembled slightly, and she shrank her head in fear!

"But I don't want to leave you..."


Wang Xuewei’s father also suddenly widened his eyes!

He glanced at Lin Nan subconsciously and found that Lin Nan always had a faint smile on his face, and he couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart!

He quickly changed his words and said: "Ahem! Forget it, since my daughter doesn't want to leave home, then don't leave!"

‘It’s strange, how can parents scold their children like this? ’

Liu Ruqing's brows furrowed secretly!

"Sister Ruqing, don't you know how to treat diseases? Could you please help my mother? She often vomits blood and the doctors can't do anything. You are a monk, so you should be able to do something, right?" Wang Xuewei's eyes were full of expectation. expression!

"Okay, let me take a look!"

Liu Ruqing nodded!

Unexpectedly, Wang Xuewei's mother refused: "No, I know my disease myself, and if it can't be cured, I don't need to trouble you!"

"Mother, why? Sister Ruqing is very powerful, and Brother Lin Nan is also very powerful. They can definitely cure you!" Wang Xuewei was stunned and quickly stepped forward to persuade!

"I said no, so no!"

Wang Xuewei's mother glanced over with a cold look, which made Wang Xuewei tremble all over and dare not say another word!

"Xuewei, pay attention to your identity!"

Wang Xuewei’s father also reminded him with a cold tone!

Wang Xuewei's eyes were red and she nodded silently. She, who was cheerful and lively, suddenly became silent!

Not long after, Lin Nan and others turned around and left. Wang Xuewei saw off Lin Nan and his family, and only said goodbye reluctantly at the entrance of the village!

"Lin Nan, Xuewei's parents are very strange! How can any of my own parents talk about their children like this?"

Liu Ruqing said doubtfully.

"Of course it's strange. It's obvious that those two people are not Wang Xuewei's parents!"

Lin Nan said lightly.


Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan in surprise!

"The two people just now are at the peak of the Supreme Realm, and their bodies are not sick at all. The woman who vomited blood was probably pretending to show it to her children!" Lin Nan said slowly.


Liu Ruqing completely understood. No wonder the woman just now didn't let her help check her body. If Liu Ruqing did it, she would find that she was not sick at all!

And at this time.

In the yard of Wang Xuewei's home, the faces of her parents completely changed!

"Damn it! Why is there a monk here?"

Wang Xuewei's father cursed angrily and kept pacing on the spot!

"Huh! She's not this bitch. I originally thought that by adopting her, I could hide here for a while. Who knew that she would bring two of her back directly? What a disaster it would be if our identities were exposed!"

Wang Xuewei's mother snorted coldly, her eyes full of resentment!

"Father, mother, what are you talking about?"

Wang Xuewei looked at her parents and froze in shock!

"Who is your mother? Little bitch, you are just a baby girl that I snatched away thirteen years ago. Your biological parents were slapped to death by me a long time ago!" This woman, He laughed so hard!

The next moment, her appearance changed drastically. Her face shape, nose, eyebrows, mouth, and ears were all changing!

From a haggard patient, he turned into a woman with a cold aura and death energy all over her body!

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